
Yes, it does. It establishes goals; politicans are corrupt because they lack accountability and because we allow them to be
Sure, as a goal. That means you admit that it is not so now. So that means you would not want current politicians and government officials to have your private information. First clean up government, then we can talk about privacy.

instead of limiting power, we need to limit who gets into power
Who is we?

For police, mostly. I love police; I always feel secure when one is near, and I look almost equal upon them.
Sure. If they are good politicians, there's no problem.
Corruption is a problem that needs to be eliminated.
But it hasn't been. So privacy is very important. And many police have been corrupt and abused power. And many private industries have and still use police and government officials to get information on people. So our privacy is still important. When government is good, then come talk to us about privacy. Until then you are trying to tear the skin of the vulnerable before you have made those with power responsible.
privacy, is somting we all deserve, yes deserve, and why should that be taken away from me?

persoanlly i think CCTV are a crock of shit, even when they catch a crime on them they can find (and often do) the people not guilty,

i have a right to walk down the road and not be hassled about where i live
The people need to stop being lazy; question everything!

Always question people in authority

Then we won't be ignorant of corruption; freedom of press should always be protected even in a totalitarian state. That way government has to address the issue, not sweep it under the rug.
Like I said, you are living in a fantasy world. I agree completely that people should stop being lazy and question authority, but I also know enough about human nature to realize that people just aren't willing to do that. You might not like it that the vast majority of people are too lazy and stupid to keep their government in check, but that doesn't change reality.

As long as we're imagining a fantasy world where human nature is different, why don't we just imagine that people stop committing crimes or fighting wars? Then we wouldn't even need the police or military!

We need strict limitations on government power because it's fundamentally impossible for government to not become corrupt, or to make most citizens care enough to pay close attention and stop the corruption.

George Washington very accurately said that government is like fire; at best it's a dangerous servant, and it can destroy you if it gets out of control. Government, like fire, can be very useful - but we also need to keep government contained, just like we need to keep our fire carefully contained in our fireplaces and barbeques. Your ideas about government are similar to suggesting that we should give all children a flaming torch, because fire is useful and therefor more fire is good. Yeah, fire is useful, but children aren't competent to handle a flaming torch. Similarly, our population simply isn't competent to handle the sort of government that you desire. It's dangerous enough letting children play around a fireplace, but if you're going to do it then you should make damn sure that the fire stays in the fireplace. Just like we need to make sure that our government stays under control.
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And honestly what is so wrong with ID cards?

Everything. ID cards allow for faceless institutions and organizations to track your every movement, and to have access to all of your personal information whenever they see fit. ID cards are the final step before the widespread introduction of microchip implants in children, which is an absolutely horrifying thought. Every move you make on Earth will be tracked, and your "chip" will be required for every act of like - even for buying bread from a store. If you, in any way, anger the authorities (who are, in all likelihood, corrupt), they turn off your chip. When that happens, you can't buy anything, you're not allowed to step into most buildings, etc. Your life will be on that chip, and those who control it won't have your interests and liberties at heart.

Of course, all of these dangerous ideas will be introduced to us as protection from "terrorism". What a joke.

Everything. ID cards allow for faceless institutions and organizations to track your every movement, and to have access to all of your personal information whenever they see fit. ID cards are the final step before the widespread introduction of microchip implants in children, which is an absolutely horrifying thought.

You are forgetting that in Norsefire's fantasy world the government is never corrupt, and the population is vigilantly watching for signs of corruption. That means the government is your friend, and there shouldn't be any problem with the government having absolute power.

It all makes sense, if you can delude yourself into believing that human nature is something other than what it is.
Everything. ID cards allow for faceless institutions and organizations to track your every movement, and to have access to all of your personal information whenever they see fit.
It is an important step in better security

ID cards are the final step before the widespread introduction of microchip implants in children, which is an absolutely horrifying thought. Every move you make on Earth will be tracked, and your "chip" will be required for every act of like - even for buying bread from a store.[/QUOTE] That's an excellent idea; it ensures that everyone using the services is qualified, and brings order to chaos.

If you, in any way, anger the authorities (who are, in all likelihood, corrupt), they turn off your chip. When that happens, you can't buy anything, you're not allowed to step into most buildings, etc. Your life will be on that chip, and those who control it won't have your interests and liberties at heart.

Exactly! Your privelages are on that chip; we can root out criminals and illegals using such a chip, if we make it necessary to have one to use the services.

It's a smart deal.