
Why are people so stubborn about "privacy", when they are in a public place? !

Please post your photo, preferably a passport or driver's liscence with your home address and phone number
and anything else that will help know that Norsefire
is this person.

You show us the way - remove your own privacy here in front of us.
Please post your photo, preferably a passport or driver's liscence with your home address and phone number
and anything else that will help know that Norsefire
is this person.

You show us the way - remove your own privacy here in front of us.

Please post your photo, preferably a passport or driver's liscence with your home address and phone number
and anything else that will help know that Norsefire
is this person.

You show us the way - remove your own privacy here in front of us.

Excellent. Now my plan for altering history can begin.

Technically, this forum is a private place, despite the internet being a public place.

either way, bravo.
Norsefire, your problem is that you seem to live in a fantasy world where government is responsible and trustworthy.

If all this data that you want to collect was actually going to be put to good use fighting crime, I probably wouldn't particularly care. The problem is that I have exactly ZERO faith that government would use the information responsibly. It will start out as a fight against crime, but it will very quickly degenerate into the government keeping track of who joins the "wrong" political parties, who reads the "wrong" sort of books, etc. Those people will quickly find themselves singled out for government harassment/jail/whatever.

Besides, even if it is from the government, the government is your friend and is there to protect you. And if it does become corrupt, we can always ensure measures to safeguard against that.
Are you f*cking kidding me? The government is my friend and here to protect me? What country do you live in? As for safeguarding against government corruption, people are too stupid and lazy to do that. Sorry, but that's just how people are. YOU might care enough to closely monitor the government for signs of corruption, but you'll never be able to get anyone to stop watching TV and drinking beer long enough for you to explain the problem to them.
Wow, is this Utopia you live in a real place or your personal dream? The government, any government is not your friend. They are self serving and could care less about you or anyone else. Leaders only give the people enough to keep them happy and stupified in order to stay in power, unless they go the other way and use intimidation and savagery. There is only one thing a government protects, itself. As for safeguarding against a corrupt government, it's more often than not easier said than done. Never trust a polotitian, elected or otherwise.
They shouldn't be; they should be serving the needs of the people

You might say "but they don't", but they should be. And there are those dedicated to doing this. It's just that the wrong kinds of people get into power.

Just. NO!.

People commit suicide sometimes if their privacy is invaded and they themselves are exposed to the known world. It's a psychological protective barrier. A 13 year old boy committed suicide, when someone else's diary was published in a newspaper.
Only the government would have this info

Seriously. Stop being an idealistic twat, and learn that no one can be trusted with the power that your speaking about. You should:
I believe government can be the greatest ally or worst enemy of the people.

1) Go talk to the survivors of Fascism in Chile, If there are any in the US
2) Go talk to a politician, see how they twist their words.
3) Stop thinking about fascism.
"Fascism" makes sense to me...

Oh god, you really have no idea do you? In the situation you describe 100% of our lives would be recorded, mainly becuase that is where the line would be drawn. The people in power would stay in power indefinately becuase they would paint their opposition to be the grossest of malcontents through creative editing. Not to mention that progress would be slowed to a crawl as anything not seen to conform would be repressed. Ths means no change, ever. Society in stagnation out of fear. Why, becuase as much as we would like to believe we are individulaist, mankind is a pack animal. We follow the mores of the alphas, we might ask a few questions and resist a bit, but only when we feel we have the room to.
If we have the right people in charge what is the problem? Collectivism is a good thing.
Please post your photo, preferably a passport or driver's liscence with your home address and phone number
and anything else that will help know that Norsefire
is this person.

You show us the way - remove your own privacy here in front of us.
The government is free to know all of that, all they need to do is ask

Not you
Norsefire, your problem is that you seem to live in a fantasy world where government is responsible and trustworthy.
It should be and I personally believe it can be done.

If all this data that you want to collect was actually going to be put to good use fighting crime, I probably wouldn't particularly care. The problem is that I have exactly ZERO faith that government would use the information responsibly. It will start out as a fight against crime, but it will very quickly degenerate into the government keeping track of who joins the "wrong" political parties, who reads the "wrong" sort of books, etc. Those people will quickly find themselves singled out for government harassment/jail/whatever.
Not under the US constitution

Are you f*cking kidding me? The government is my friend and here to protect me? What country do you live in? As for safeguarding against government corruption, people are too stupid and lazy to do that. Sorry, but that's just how people are. YOU might care enough to closely monitor the government for signs of corruption, but you'll never be able to get anyone to stop watching TV and drinking beer long enough for you to explain the problem to them.
The people need to stop being lazy; question everything!

Always question people in authority

Then we won't be ignorant of corruption; freedom of press should always be protected even in a totalitarian state. That way government has to address the issue, not sweep it under the rug.

I believe in government power being used to benefit the people.
"I'm from the Norsefire government and here to help"

How many of you would trust that ?

I'd trust that, coming from myself; I'd also trust it if you were the head of state

I sincerely care about helping people
The government is free to know all of that, all they need to do is ask

Not you
You clearly do not know history if you think I am more of a problem than the government. And I am a civil servant by the way, ie. work for the government. You can pm me so no one in the private sector sees.
SA if your serious what kind of public servant?

Ie are you a departmental worker or a front line worker like a health care worker?
You clearly do not know history if you think I am more of a problem than the government. And I am a civil servant by the way, ie. work for the government. You can pm me so no one in the private sector sees.

I mean the hardline police and politicians, not just any "state employee". I trust them more.

Politicians are usually pigs, I know, but the government SHOULD be trustworthy.
Should means nothing.
YOu have now qualified your position on privacy so that it does not include 'state employees'.

(actually I find what you wrote rather confusing. It's ok for police and politicians but politicians are usually pigs. I don't get this.

And you do realize that politicians can easily go put pressure on police or anyone else who you think it is ok to know all about you? Yes?

You do realize that if the police can know who Norsefire really is than politicians can get access to that information, along with anyone with enough money private or public.

It is obvious that you have something to hide since you will not reveal who you are.
SA if your serious what kind of public servant?

Ie are you a departmental worker or a front line worker like a health care worker?
I was just being annoying, sorry to mislead you. But I got a clarification from Norsefire from my dress-up.
Should means nothing.
Yes, it does. It establishes goals; politicans are corrupt because they lack accountability and because we allow them to be

instead of limiting power, we need to limit who gets into power

(actually I find what you wrote rather confusing. It's ok for police and politicians but politicians are usually pigs. I don't get this.
For police, mostly. I love police; I always feel secure when one is near, and I look almost equal upon them.
And you do realize that politicians can easily go put pressure on police or anyone else who you think it is ok to know all about you? Yes?
Sure. If they are good politicians, there's no problem.
You do realize that if the police can know who Norsefire really is than politicians can get access to that information, along with anyone with enough money private or public.
Corruption is a problem that needs to be eliminated.

It is obvious that you have something to hide since you will not reveal who you are.
To the government I would not to just anyone

I'm sure you feel the same way
see my problem when people say "how would you react if someone from the goverment came and said "im here to help"" is that it would depend on what they were there for or what they wanted

For instance i always do surveys for the health department, CSIRO and ABS ect because i know that infomation will be used in a positive way to benift me

If it was a doctor and i was sick why would i turn them away?
same with a firefighter, ambo, police officer

I have even had reason to call my local member over various things and found there office to be very helpful

Same with the council and the department of housing when we had problems with the nabors across the road

So in general yes i trust goverment agencies and public sector workers but i dont really trust pollies and i DEFINITLY dont trust the private sector
Asguard you seem very pro-statist, pro-big government

That isn't a bad thing

I believe in powerful governments with good people in charge
actually your wrong, weak or strong has nothing to do with what im talking about

Yes i belive the goverment should have acess to good scientific data in order to forumlate policy, thats not about control over the people

Further more i belive in goverment as service provider, ie they provide the services and then YOU chose wether you wish access or not

I DONT agree with goverment as moral regulator which is where you and i strongly disagree, laws should be kept to a min with only those things which directly harm people who dont concent made illegal
oh and on big v small goverment

"its not the size that counts its how you use it":p
Only the government would have this info

If we have the right people in charge what is the problem? Collectivism is a good thing.

The people need to stop being lazy; question everything!

Always question people in authority

Then we won't be ignorant of corruption; freedom of press should always be protected even in a totalitarian state. That way government has to address the issue, not sweep it under the rug.

I believe in government power being used to benefit the people.

I'd trust that, coming from myself; I'd also trust it if you were the head of state

I sincerely care about helping people

Look, You seem like a decent person (I almost said kid), I'm willing here to give you a benefit of a doubt, despite you overlooking one flaw.

The chances of finding the one right guy are next to nil.
People are a product of their society and often the negative aspects have more influence
People don't change, You can't train a leader, you can give someone the tools to be a leader, but if they're uncoordinated, they won't be any better.

Freedom of the press doesn't work in a Totalitarian government. Any institution will seek to ensure it's survival, So, If something uncovered by the press threatens its survival, or the people in it, Then they will use whatever power to save themselves.

I believe government can be the greatest ally or worst enemy of the people.

"Fascism" makes sense to me...

The government are meant to be representitives of the people, You get what your society is. People are good at rationalising, and the public has even rationalized bribery.

Fascism tried and failed. Too much power.

Have you been in a leadership position ?, Not some pansy school group, but one with serious authority over a group of people ?, When you're in there for a long amount of time, It becomes hard not to abuse your power.