Prison sentences for first offenses are pointless

Since when did you become the authority on morality? As far as I can tell, you don't even have a proper ethic worked out, other than what your daddy taught you.

The consensus is the moral authority. In most nations prostitution is frowned upon, thus it should be outlawed.
Abortion is legal.
Homosexuality is legal.
Consensus agrees.

Does that make it moral?

Legalities aren't always based on consensus, besides morality is a difficult issue and really is subjective

Whoever is in power is the moral authority really
Legalities aren't always based on consensus, besides morality is a difficult issue and really is subjective

Whoever is in power is the moral authority really

So then those things are still moral, since they're both majority held beliefs (homosexuals shouldn't be executed; abortions should be legal), as well as those who hold power also hold those beliefs (senate, house & judiciary).
So then those things are still moral, since they're both majority held beliefs (homosexuals shouldn't be executed; abortions should be legal), as well as those who hold power also hold those beliefs (senate, house & judiciary).

They're moral to those specific people; regardless, believing that homosexuals shoudln't be executed doesn't mean you think that it is wright. McCain doesn't believe gays should be executed but he is opposed to gay what are you getting at?

Abortions are also only legal because of the "technicalities" of the law

As I said legalities aren't based on consensus in this country.
McCain doesn't believe gays should be executed but he is opposed to gay what are you getting at?

What am I getting at? That in this country, virtually all your prescriptions for what is moral, based on your own definition of what is moral, are immoral.

You hold neither a majority opinion, nor any position of power.
What am I getting at? That in this country, virtually all your prescriptions for what is moral, based on your own definition of what is moral, are immoral.


Go poll the American public and ask them if they are pro life or pro choice, pro or anti gay marriage, and if they like prostitution

I think, in many areas, I am well in the majority, and in others, in a significant part.

You hold neither a majority opinion, nor any position of power.
I do hold a majority position; Texas is pro-life; in Texas marriage is legally defined as between man and woman; in Texas prostitution is outlawed.
If you polled most texans I think they would agree middle eastern types like you should be shot, or at least taken back to mexico (even though that isn't where middle eastern people are actually from, majority vote rules and all middle eastern people would be dumped in mexico).

Go poll the American public and ask them if they are pro life or pro choice, pro or anti gay marriage, and if they like prostitution

How many believe that people should be executed for any of those "transgressions"? And being against gay marriage is not the same as making faggotry punishable by death.

I do hold a majority position; Texas is pro-life; in Texas marriage is legally defined as between man and woman; in Texas prostitution is outlawed.

Texas is not a country. It's not a majority, either.
If you polled most texans I think they would agree middle eastern types like you should be shot, or at least taken back to mexico (even though that isn't where middle eastern people are actually from, majority vote rules and all middle eastern people would be dumped in mexico).

I know that's what I would answer, and I'm not even Texan.
Very few.
Prostitution is often used to fund drug habits or is part of a broader sex trafficking problem. Plus, many of these women are forced to do what they do by violent men and poverty.
If prostitution was made legal we would inadvertantly be condoning all of this; this would give brothel owners loopholes through which they could evade the law.

sorry, i used to work with prositutes and they all loved what they were doing, they were in a safe enviroment, and one of them even said they do it because they like the control over men and women,

and before anyone asks, i took appointments for the girls, and they loved what they did, none of them had drug problems and none of them were forced to do it.

each to they're own i say!