Pride is a sin, and God is full of it!

offer a suggestion that a god who maintains a world with strict laws is not perfect and I can happily submit it

Simply done...

A 'perfect' entity would lack nothing and therefore would not have any needs or wants and as such would not go about creating vastly inferior creatures to serve and worship it.
Simply done...

A 'perfect' entity would lack nothing and therefore would not have any needs or wants and as such would not go about creating vastly inferior creatures to serve and worship it.
number two

(all we need now is an argument that an infallible god would not have recourse to providing irregularities within nature - like rain for eg - and we will have a complete picture)
He meant the unreasonable type.

Definitions of pride:

* a feeling of self-respect and personal worth
GOOD* satisfaction with your (or another's) achievements; "he takes pride in his son's success"
* the trait of being spurred on by a dislike of falling below your standards
* a group of lions
BAAAAAAAD* unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins)
* be proud of; "He prides himself on making it into law school"
number two

(all we need now is an argument that an infallible god would not have recourse to providing irregularities within nature - like rain for eg - and we will have a complete picture)

Unsurprisngly enough your post is irrelevant to what I said. What I mentioned was that a 'perfect' entity would never create anything to worship it because it has no need to, no wants.. because it lacks nothing. It would be content in it's own realm of nothingness. The minute it creates, it's not perfect.. it is a being that succumbs to emotional needs.
Unsurprisngly enough your post is irrelevant to what I said. What I mentioned was that a 'perfect' entity would never create anything to worship it because it has no need to, no wants.. because it lacks nothing. It would be content in it's own realm of nothingness. The minute it creates, it's not perfect.. it is a being that succumbs to emotional needs.
assuming you are willing to progress with the notion that god could theoretically exist, why would god be residing in nothingness?
assuming you are willing to progress with the notion that god could theoretically exist, why would god be residing in nothingness?

Alas this isn't relevant. Here it is again:

An entity that is perfect would lack nothing and as such would have no wants or needs. It would not, by the very fact of its perfection, create other beings to serve and worship it.
Alas this isn't relevant. Here it is again:

An entity that is perfect would lack nothing and as such would have no wants or needs. It would not, by the very fact of its perfection, create other beings to serve and worship it.

I'll answer this one... It would create beings to worship it because it is self centered, insecure, and full of pride. But since the deity was created by men with all those qualities, why would that be surprising? :cool:
Alas this isn't relevant. Here it is again:

An entity that is perfect would lack nothing and as such would have no wants or needs. It would not, by the very fact of its perfection, create other beings to serve and worship it.
hence two suggestions
  1. god is not existing in a state of nothingness (ie god has eternal contingent potencies, of which the living entity is one)
  2. god does not benefit from our service - rather we do
pride isn't a sin and god isn't prideful. When they talk about pride (a family of lions) they are talking about lions and when they talk about lions, they are talking about Leo, the astrological sign. Its part of the allegory..DUH!!!!

I can't believe you all can't see it!?
He isn't really being prideful. Could you also not use the KJV? It's confusing, I barely get what's being said.
Perfect? Why does the world have hideous birth defects, hideous diseases and hideous people?

Because it is not perfect. Of course.

It was once Good but when mankind joined satan in rebellion it was sabotaged. One day the Good World will be renewed. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well it certainly makes you immune to these arguments doesn't it?! :)

All your arguments have got nothing to do with the existence or otherwise of God. All they reveal is your hate for His will.

The argument: "I do not like God therefore God does not exist" has no bearing on the matter.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Moderator's Note: I've deleted nearly a page full of posts that were off-topic or flaming. Please do not flame or respond to flames. If I've given you a warning, consider it official
hence two suggestions
god is not existing in a state of nothingness (ie god has eternal contingent potencies, of which the living entity is one)
god does not benefit from our service - rather we do

1) Whether god lives in nothingness or in a three bedroom town house isn't really the issue other than to state a perfect being that lacks nothing would be content without the need to create anything.

2) Whether you benefit from bowing to sky fairies or not is not the issue. That you were created is.
1) Whether god lives in nothingness or in a three bedroom town house isn't really the issue other than to state a perfect being that lacks nothing would be content without the need to create anything.
a contingent eternal potency wouldn't be a creation

2) Whether you benefit from bowing to sky fairies or not is not the issue. That you were created is.

ditto above
a contingent eternal potency wouldn't be a creation

I see. Well, maybe not.. So you're saying we weren't created but that... we're god? we're like gods leg or something, something that exists regardless to him?
[*]god does not benefit from our service - rather we do

Whats the point ? Why create beings so that they can benefit from serving their creator ? A non-existing being has no need to worship.. why don't just leave it that way ?

Edit: It's like creating a problem to be able to solve it.. lol :shrug: