
diabetk said:
um thanks for the reply but why dont you reread what i typed....i never once said that i was "special"

Though unintentional, it is clearly implied. Yours is a typical problem of many teens and adolescents (admittedly, I'm guessing here) who are looking for a self-identity and positive affirmation. They choose all sorts of subculture nonsense: goth, the "craft," wicca, music-based subculture, etc., etc. Thinking you have "preminitions" is nothing new.

Go to a library and borrow the book, Why People Believe in Wierd Things, by Michael Shermer. Read that and get back to us.
According to his profile he is 19. Although the 'so insecure' thing seems to undermine his maturity somewhat.
Precog works, but I do not know why or how. If someone is consistently correct, consider it as a blessing. Use the information to your advantage and it works...that is your actions make it come true.
That would be like flipping a coin and saying it was heads everytime because you never notice the tails.
SkinWalker said:
Though unintentional, it is clearly implied. Yours is a typical problem of many teens and adolescents (admittedly, I'm guessing here) who are looking for a self-identity and positive affirmation. They choose all sorts of subculture nonsense: goth, the "craft," wicca, music-based subculture, etc., etc. Thinking you have "preminitions" is nothing new.

Go to a library and borrow the book, Why People Believe in Wierd Things, by Michael Shermer. Read that and get back to us.
Skinwalker......i am curious. Do you believe mental illness in a biological disease?
i'll try again:
Skinwalker....I am curious. Do you believe that mental illness is a biological disease?
SkinWalker said:
The "what" and "why" are clear with a bit of psychological and anthropological analyses.

People believe in all sorts of shit. Magical thinking has been a part of probably every culture in the world since the time of Homo sapiens -some 150,000 to 250,000 years. Perhaps longer if earlier hominids had the same predispositions to believe.

This was probably an evolutionary advantage to the Neolithic man, who believed that by using rituals he could make food grow or that by worshiping a particular deity as a group, they could make things happen (the group comes together and unites with a common purpose). The magical thinking that convinces a Neolithic forager that a lightning strike is a sign that the gods are displeased will cause him to leave his foraging and return home to ask forgiveness: the result is he is out of the open area and probably protected.

But today's magical thinking just gets in the way of our own intelligence. We start thinking we have special "gifts" that are never able to be observed in a controlled environment. This "special gift" is just a compensation in many cases for a low self-image or a lack of confidence in real abilities or potential. Often, these kinds of magical thinking simply obstruct the believer from actually educating his/herself or taking any risk for self-improvement because they already have it in their mind that they are "special" or "gifted."

"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why"
Albert Einstien
It seems the father of relativity used intuition instead of letting it get in the way of his intelligence which is the whole point.

But none can ever produce these "gifts" on demand. They remember only the "hits" and the "misses" in their "gift" are completely ignored if noticed at all.

Medical intuitives like Myss ans Schulz do produce on demand and have been confirmed by medical tests. Edgar Cayce helped a lot of people with his "readings". The prophecies of Helena Blavatsky became reality after her death; that is pretty had to fake. The truth is that science usually plays catch-up with the pre-cogs.

Its poppycock, but they believe it. Belief is hard-wired and it takes a bit of conditioning and critical thought to overcome it and awaken your true intellect.

The whole point is to get intuition and logic functioning together to produce truely creative ideas. Personally I am more comfortable with Jung's Collective Unconscious than the concept of Akashic Records but that is a very different debate.

But, hey. If it works for you, knock yourself out. But don't expect to go into a science forum or announce publically that you are "special" and not get a ton of shit for it

The thing is that intuition is not "special" just about everybody has some level of intuition. A very few maybe superstars of some aspect of intuition like seeing auric fields to diagnose illness while another may have great pre-cog. For some it may only be a sense that a seemly harmless person is in fact very dangerous.
Communist Hamster said:
Please explain to me how mental illness is not a biological disease.
it is not based on proper medical science which can diagnose biological disease, and is verifiable throughout the world where medical science is the method of diagnosis

rather, what has happened is that behaviour deemed unacceptable for whatever reason, is not really understood and is diagnosed as disease. But these phony diagnoses are subjective, and thus the phony 'diseases' accumulate accumulating vast evergowing profits for the pharmaceutic industry who are the main patronizer of bio-psychiatry
ok, i dont have any misses in my past occurances and my (hits) that you speak of i am not proud of......i did not come onto this forum to brag about my (hits) sorry for my language but how fucking proud would you be that you dreamt about your aunt dying and she did a week later, then a few years down the road one of your good friends shoots himself in his basement, just as you dreamt only a few years earlier and talked to him about....also i never NEVER once said this happened to me on demand. and about believing in this stuff i dont, i am a christian but i do i guess believe them only these two dreams or whatever comes after them because they have both come true, i am not some teenager sitting in my dark gothic basement with all my drug addict friends and such with a wegge board or however u spell it, also i agree with duendy that mental illness IS NOT a biological disease....but diabetis is
For those of you with precognative powers--you may enhance them by keeping a log of all dreams and/or orther intuitive visions/thoughts.
Be sure to note the date. Leave room for later notations if/when the event occurs. Every time you score one your mind will be encouraged to do even better.
duendy said:
it is not based on proper medical science which can diagnose biological disease, and is verifiable throughout the world where medical science is the method of diagnosis

rather, what has happened is that behaviour deemed unacceptable for whatever reason, is not really understood and is diagnosed as disease. But these phony diagnoses are subjective, and thus the phony 'diseases' accumulate accumulating vast evergowing profits for the pharmaceutic industry who are the main patronizer of bio-psychiatry

Very well, Duendy, let's bring all this down to your level then.

What do say is wrong with people you call "crazy?" It it just all in YOUR imagination - and that of the drug companies?
I have these dreams that come true. Its been happening for several years. They occur no less than every two months or more often. I call the moments when I actually live them, dream video. I doesn't matter how often it occurs, its always the wierdest feeling. I'm there, and its like watching a video. Its not something I like talking about. So I'm searching the net to see what I can find. Most recently it happened yesterday. I was a passenger in a car. I told the driver to slow down. It happens when I travel out of town too. It happened the other day in my office as well. I'm in my office, one person enters, then another, start dream video...

The wierdest part is that when I have the dreams, I often tell myself, that will never happen. The dreams are sometimes situations that don't fit my normal routines. Like me being the passenger above. I am normally the driver 99% of the time.
Strange settings too... like me giving a speech at a specific conference at a hotel. At the time of the dream, no speeches or conferences planned. So I write the dream off... at least until it occurs.

When the dream video starts, its always the most erie feeling. My stomach turns. Now a days, I prepare myself and just let it play back, looking for what is different from the dream, or what details I can't match.

So far, I consider myself lucky. I sometimes have violent dreams. I have never had a violent Deja Vu or dream video experience. How would you feel... You're traveling, you're in your hotel, start dream video... The TV news is on, and you somehow know the what the news anchor is going to say... You notice the two double beds and your bags on the side next to the wall... You also have extra bags with your baggage from some shopping that you've done... You're in the middle of getting dressed and the morning sun is coming in the window... You normally travel alone, but this time oddly, your girlfriend is with you, and she comes out of the bathroom... She asks you a question and starts an odd conversation, just like the dream... You look at the door and expect a knock... knock, knock, knock... In your mind you can't see beyond opening the door, your mind is blocked... Your preview of the dream video doesn't go past te door...Towels...

Nearly all of the dreams involve a decison or turning point where events could completely just take off, where the dream ends. If this is going to keep happening to me... I want to be able to get past these points and know/predict what is happening in the moment. Should I really open the door? Is there a traffic accident about to happen?

Somebody say something.
say something?...well in seeing your post i noticed also, i will answer both......IF you were to say to most shrinksover their years as self-appointed BIO-shrinks, they would class you as suffering from some form of mental illness. why? cause of teir materialistic bias is why

i respect your experiences. cant tell you what they mean, but no way am i gonna suggest you are biologically ill and need 'medication'

pople show many forms of behaviours from harmless to harmful. what shrinkiatrydoes is puh its pseduoscience at u in order to control any experiences that contradict or threaten its monopoly of what reality 'must' be it is, a continuing ly VERY VERY viscious one. tho they conveniently see no harm in THAT.....chaaaaar (sucks teeth)
I consider myself normal. I grew up attending church, got good grades in school, went to college, made mom and dad proud. When this all started to happen, I thought it was odd, didn't make a big deal out of it. It was a novelty.

This... whatever it is... really doesn't suit my lifestyle either.

This whole phenom falls on the fringes of every field of study that I know. However, I can't help think that every person that has made a significant contribution to society was somehow uniquely odd. I have met some brilliant people, with multiple degrees and top of their fields, who couldn't tie their shoe laces. Their minds are like calculators but not very physically coordinated.

I had to study really hard to learn. But what I'm good at is putting two and two together. Meaning taking one technology and seeing its application in other areas or combining with other technology. I've worked in nuclear, environmental, industrial, and ocean settings. So when this became a repeat phenom, I began to slowly notice, always thinking it was just a coincidence.

I don't keep a log. I'm not going to start a log. I spend a good deal of time reflecting on my dreams and disecting them. Pointing out reasons why they would not come true.

For example: The situation refered to in my original message about being in my office... I dreamt about that situation a one to two months ago... and barely knew the people that walked into my office. I discounted the dream because I thought there would never be a need for them to be in my office... and the office in my dream didn't look like my office at all. Well since then, unexpectedly, I am now their boss and have a new office.

That's just it. If the dreams were routine events I'd say that somehow I am unconciously making associations in my mind. But the dreams events which in reality are unexpected and outside of the norm. They just don't fit but somehow manifest themselves in reality. And believe me, I am always looking for ways to understand this by science... I just can't find the science. I'm physically active... No medical or mental abnomalities... Perfectly normal life.

So... Now I'm looking at the fringes of science, the paranormal, to try and understand what Science does not yet understand... My first thought is that, I can't be the only one...
how do you feel when you get reactions from people suggesting its your fantasy, or you are mentally ill, or you dont understand your own experience and they do etc etc?