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ok i need to get this off my chest since I have only spoken of these two events to only a handful of people close to me. I would like to get your feedback on these issues on what you think about them, why i had them, or will they happen to me again. ok the first time i had a "preminition" was a while ago. I was staying in a town about an hour away from my hometown because that is where my mom lived since my parents were divorced. well i had a dream that my aunt was in the hospital and that she was not doing to well and ended up dying. When I woke up i ran downstairs and started asking my mom and stepdad about my aunt if she was ok and making sure she did not die, they reassured me she was ok and once they did she walked in the front door. she had a wierd odor about her and i later found out that it was an infection she had. she died about a week later in my grandparents house where my stepdad and her parents tried and failed performing cpr on her(they all work in the rescue service with police and fire departments and emt's). this was a wierd occurance for me as a young teenager. the second hit very close to home as well. I was friends with him since middle school and knew him well through basketball, school, and church and not to mention he lived a block away from me. well we were on a church ski trip to montana to go to big sky and red lodge. one of the nights i had a terrible nightmare about him shooting himself at his home. when i woke up i was in a dead sweat again and extremely worried about this because i immediately remembered my dream about my aunt and i knew he was struggling with depression so i decided on the bus on the way up to the hill to talk to him about this. i told him it was important and i was worried about him and told him about my story about my aunt and then about the dream and about his depression. he laughed it off and said he wouldnt ever do that to himself. that was sophmore year. the fall of senior year he shot himself in his basement. this has all been very hard to deal with especially with knowing it was going to happen in a wierd way along with other close deaths and suicides( none others i have seen coming in advance like that of my aunt and close friend) please respond with your thoughts and feelings, thank you
try breaking it up a bit, I was about to just close the window as soon as I saw that giant block of text, then I saw you asked people to "please someone respond"
k if you are interested to read this and respond, i saw in advance the death of my aunt and a close friend, my aunt a week in advance, and my friend two years in advance, not so much in a symbolic sense but in detail enough so to make me scared the first time and terrified the second time please read my first post and respond i know its long but it must be read to understand where im coming from
Hello, I took the liberty of reading post, I hope y'don't mind. Two things struck me. You alluded in your description of your sophomore friend's case you knew he was depressed, seriously enough to take your dream of him committing suicide perfectly seriously - do you not think that perception of him at the time of having the dream may have had some influence on the course it took?

Equally, with regards to your aunt - was her health, prior to her unfortunate demise, something of a recurrent issue in her life to your knowledge?
Well, I've read up on remote viewing. I think that may be what this is.
dejavu' happens to me all the time and I have had dreams as well that
has come true. It is frightening to have premonitions believe me.
I have seen the EXACT thing in a dream and then seen it ACTUALLY happened.
I always thought I was a bit odd because of it but then I found out that
everyone has a unique talent but some know how to access it and others do not. I do not. It could be that some people are just more "in tune" to spirituality and have a "door" more open than others.
The scary thing is when you "sense" something, go with your first gut
instinct. It is the correct one I think.
remote viewers "know" things. its not a dream or a feeling as much as it
is that "you just know" (once a real estate agent showed me a house and
I could smell death) I was freaked by that "smell" and told my husband.
2 weeks later I read the agents obit.
don't dwell on it though. let it come naturally.
my aunt was obese and her death had to do with that, she was only 27. my friend the reason i took that dream so seriously was due to the fact that was the whole scenario with my aunt and that she died only a week after i had my dream, and well i can see how my perception of my friend at the time would have a hand in my dream, but how come it was so real and then it happened idk im not sure how to respond, ill try not to dwell on it though
I also think that you loved these people and it is hard dealing with a loss.
Now you may have a special gift to reflect on his/her life and that honor brings refuge. Know in your heart that you let these people know that you
cared for them. In their deaths, you are a beacon of light in rememberence of them and that makes you special.
thank you, but its not like i just knew, i knew because its what i saw and it was like it was real life and it was all before my eyes but you guys have all been really kind and helpful im just trying to understand why i had these or what they were or why i had them i dont understand that part of it i guess
diabetk said:
im just trying to understand why i had these or what they were or why i had them i dont understand that part of it i guess

I doubt that anyone really does understand the what or why of precog.
Just accept it as a gift of truth before the fact.
we are talkin preminitions.....well my 'OBE' involved it, and it was/is So powerful, personal, and mind zapping, and intriguing i find i cannot even discuss it........just to say. sceptics who dispute such as this are like blind bats witout radar
we are talkin preminitions.

Slacked-jaws are a bitch, aren't they?
diabetk said:
my aunt was obese and her death had to do with that, she was only 27. my friend the reason i took that dream so seriously was due to the fact that was the whole scenario with my aunt and that she died only a week after i had my dream, and well i can see how my perception of my friend at the time would have a hand in my dream, but how come it was so real and then it happened idk im not sure how to respond, ill try not to dwell on it though

Hello again, sorry for the delay in responding, been of the away.

Firstly, sorry for your loss here.

As to premonitions. Fundamentally speaking, the whole human brain is wired up as what y'could describe as an Anticipation Machine - we perceive bits of an incomplete whole and immediately the brain wants to sort out what the missing bit is. Equally, no matter how unobservant we may personally believe ourselves to be, we're actually incredibly observant, far, far more than we ever give ourselves actual credit for.

We're forever taking in bits and pieces of information based wholly on what we observe - some of it we register consciously, most slips by but still we retain the observation and mull it over on the quiet.

Now, in your dream of your aunt, you dreamt she passed away in hospital. However, that wasn't what happened, so other than anticipating your aunts ill health, which you did do remarkably astutely, your dream as you dreamt it didn't come true. It made you aware of your aunts underlying ill heath and for the first time, probably because of the dream, you were able to consciously recognise something amiss with her but only because you'd been absorbing little bits and pieces of information regarding her over time and finally put them together as a conscious recognition of the facts.

The facts being her health was not good, underlying problems associated with her condition lead to her unfortunate demise.

In no way could you have changed the outcome of your seeing her prior to what happened to her. If you're thinking perhaps you could have done something to warn her, in all probability it's doubtful you could. She couldn't have not known her health was not good the last time you saw her. Her not doing something about that, or putting off taking some course of action which may have made a difference, really was you're aunts responsibility.

Equally, your sophomore friend. Depression is an illness, you're not guilty here of foreseeing his death and doing nothing to change it, you're just guilty of recognising he had a problem and probably knowing him well enough to conceive that, if push came to shove and some way out was required on the part of your friend, the manner in which he took would most likely be the way things would play out.

You're a bright, observant, caring person. You obviously have very good instincts when it comes to dealing with people. These are qualities to be applauded and admired, but never feel responsible for other peoples actions or the out come of consequences that happen to other people just because you, at some point prior, can imagine the outcome happening.

Being bright and caring isn't a problem, don't let it become one.

Hope some of that was of some use. My regards, and once more, my condolences.


duendy? don't.
thank you so much for your response and time,it helps to put things in a better perspective for me and thats all i can say is thank you, it does mean a lot to me
:) ... As long as your okay, that's all that matters, and my pleasure to have been of some help. You do have some pretty nifty abilities there, ones to be admired. It's not always going to be bad stuff you'll be picking up on, a hell of a lot of what you will pick up on is really the very best stuff in life, the sort of stuff that makes life the sweet thing it actually is, not the worst.

Dream well.

A ;)
diabetk said:
she had a wierd odor about her and i later found out that it was an infection she had.

ahhh, the smell of sepsis. i'm not being callous, i promise - i'm an emt and that's one of the delightful array of odors you learn to identify on the road.

i empathize with your losses, i truly do. i have also had "prophetic" dreams, not quite to the extent of yours, though. take it as a blessing, dear, and use them to try and change what may happen if you can. i fear that your aunt was too badly off if she already smelled septic - however, your young friend could have been helped. i'm not blaming you; indeed, that is furthest from my point. what i am saying is that now you can learn from this, and use it. please just mull this over.
candy said:
I doubt that anyone really does understand the what or why of precog.
Just accept it as a gift of truth before the fact.

The "what" and "why" are clear with a bit of psychological and anthropological analyses.

People believe in all sorts of shit. Magical thinking has been a part of probably every culture in the world since the time of Homo sapiens -some 150,000 to 250,000 years. Perhaps longer if earlier hominids had the same predispositions to believe.

This was probably an evolutionary advantage to the Neolithic man, who believed that by using rituals he could make food grow or that by worshiping a particular deity as a group, they could make things happen (the group comes together and unites with a common purpose). The magical thinking that convinces a Neolithic forager that a lightning strike is a sign that the gods are displeased will cause him to leave his foraging and return home to ask forgiveness: the result is he is out of the open area and probably protected.

But today's magical thinking just gets in the way of our own intelligence. We start thinking we have special "gifts" that are never able to be observed in a controlled environment. This "special gift" is just a compensation in many cases for a low self-image or a lack of confidence in real abilities or potential. Often, these kinds of magical thinking simply obstruct the believer from actually educating his/herself or taking any risk for self-improvement because they already have it in their mind that they are "special" or "gifted."

But none can ever produce these "gifts" on demand. They remember only the "hits" and the "misses" in their "gift" are completely ignored if noticed at all.

Its poppycock, but they believe it. Belief is hard-wired and it takes a bit of conditioning and critical thought to overcome it and awaken your true intellect.

But, hey. If it works for you, knock yourself out. But don't expect to go into a science forum or announce publically that you are "special" and not get a ton of shit for it.
um thanks for the reply but why dont you reread what i typed....i never once said that i was "special" i searched out a forum that would best suit my needs...this brought me here to sciforums and then i searched what area i should post in then started my own just asking for responses not an argument, so far there has only been a few and luckily they posted only one or two things directed obnoxiously towards me then started their own thread(also my guess is that i probably spelt obnoxiously wrong and now this its going to cause another tower of babel) thanks to everyone ;)