premarital sex a sin?

Do as you are told God Boy or burn in hell for eternity, and give to the colection plate cause if you don't then the church might not be the ritchest organisation on earth and the pope won't get to sit in an all gold diamond encrusted chair, oh by the way you can do what ever you like as long as you ask for forgiveness before you die so ignore the rules and get busy Yeah!
Sin merely means to disobey a rule defined by a theistic religion. The action may or may not coincide with rational moral issues. E.g. murder is usually considered a sin by many religions and coincides with secular poor morality.

Within Christian mythology pre-marital sex is categorized as a sin. Outside of such puritanical outdated institutions, sex, before, inside, or outside of marriage is a natural, healthy activity of normal consenting adults.
Hey Cris. How's going? Long time no see.... ;)
I remember my first post and you were the first to reply. You already had a few thousands of posts....

Things changed.......... :D

Yaba Daba :m:
The spouse that left, that pursued the divorce, is doing the wrong thing if it was a catholic marriage and he/she had a full understanding of marriage.
Lawdog, to me, if the spouse fully confident the marriage(both non-catholic or catholic) was invalid and could latter be anulled, then divorce would be OK. But if the marriage ends up not anulled but legally divorced, then the marriage exists.

“ Your explanation of the "calendar method" doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Why would anyone use it at all, unless for the very purpose of preventing a pregnancy?
Well, preventing pregancy isn't wrong. What's wrong, I think, is when people take an act, who's nature among others is procreation, and then alter its nature. In natural planing, among God's purposes to the act, procreation remains but with reduced chance. With artificial birth control, however, owing to human failure, procreation may happen, but the human intent is cto forcibly alter its nature. Likewise, if a couple is infertile, their chance of procreation is almost 0--less than that of artificial birth control--but because they're not forcibly removing the nature of the act, they're not commiting sin.
there you go weed eater guy heres a prime example of why pratice makes perfect
roman said:
I imagine you'd be the type to like it. But I might be wrong
(waters a girl by the way.)
water said:
You think wrong.
if the guy or guys she has been with had, had more experience, she would like it.
geeser said:
there you go weed eater guy heres a prime example of why pratice makes perfect
(waters a girl by the way.)

if the guy or guys she has been with had, had more experience, she would like it.

Roman was talking about the film Amelie.
as the thread is about premarital sex, an easy mistake to make, but then practice must of made it perfect for you, good.
weed_eater_guy said:
I'm a christian, love god with all my heart, and regard Jesus as the ultimate role model. But I also tend to be a realist,...
Thanx for that. <wipes eyes>
You must live a very 'conflicted' life. Only 'solution' that I can think of that is not hypocricy is to 'dump' one of your 'beliefs', either the Xtian 'belief', or the 'belief' that you are a 'realist'. Conflict gone. Poof!
weed_eater_guy said:
I'm a christian, love god with all my heart, and regard Jesus as the ultimate role model. But I also tend to be a realist

That's like helping Habitat For Humanity build a home, only to shoot people from its roof.

Quote w:
"Do you think "god" "made" us?
Do you believe in "god"?"

* Define your concept of god. Then I can answer this.
stretched said:
Quote w:
"Do you think "god" "made" us?
Do you believe in "god"?"

* Define your concept of god. Then I can answer this.

Why *my* concept of god?
Answer for yours.
Quote w:
"Why *my* concept of god?
Answer for yours."

* `K. Do I think god made us?
I entertain the thought that the "universe", and by default ourselves, may be a manifestation of "a" consciousness. I cannot by the Biblical or religious definition of "god", call this consciousness "god".

* Do I believe in "god"?
I believe there is a higher/superior/ineffable consciousness than what I myself percieve. This consciousness my be within or without my consciousness. By the same definition as above I cannot call this god.

* Your turn.

* `K. Do I think god made us?
I entertain the thought that the "universe", and by default ourselves, may be a manifestation of "a" consciousness. I cannot by the Biblical or religious definition of "god", call this consciousness "god".

* Do I believe in "god"?
I believe there is a higher/superior/ineffable consciousness than what I myself percieve. This consciousness my be within or without my consciousness. By the same definition as above I cannot call this god.

I'm afraid I can't relate here. I never really understood this thing called "consciousness".

I think that our comprehension and analysis of that which we explore is too great for our current limited vocabulary. The words we use are bound to miss that which we are trying to name.

My understanding of God is intuitive. I have tried, in the past, to make definitions, but it turned out they are always insufficient. So, for the time being, I will refrain from doing this any further.

It is amazing how we can communicate at all.

* * *


She's a flake.

What is a "flake", if this is said about a person?
