
"Wow... how helpful and on-topic. An excellent post pointing out how those that are pro-abortion often are completely unable to empathize with the other side. Thank you very much Tyler."

I have a serious problem with people who want abortion to be illegal because it is "wrong" in the bible (or any other religious text). I'm strongly for the right to be religious, but am strongly against people who wish to base laws on their religion. That is called forcing one's religion on others. And that seems just a tad bit bad to me. Perhaps you differ in views on this - in which case feel free to argue that forcing one's religion on society is good!
So, if someone came to the conclusion that abortion was wrong through personal thought and was not influence by religion, you would have no problem with them wanting to "force" their beliefs on the rest of the population?

Frankly, beliefs are forced on us all the time, that we may or may not agree with. I don't see how it is relevant if the belief was derived from religion or otherwise.
Actually, I don't believe laws should be based on right/wrong - but that's a whole nother story.

Religious doctrine implies zero to minimal thought. It means that a person has seen a set of rules and follows them. What you've described ("someone came to the conclusion that abortion was wrong through personal thought") implies that they thought it out and came to some sort of logical conclusion. I believe it's in society's best interest to have the people think for themselves and go about with coming to logical conclusions rather than follow a pre-existant doctrine. Had the latter been all we do - well, society would still be one backwards place.

Sue me - I prefer thinking to blindly following. And yes, I do realize that all of us even while thinking on our own have been largely influenced by outside forces - but that's better than being outright controlled.
actully this thread was about wether its right to make laws which say the guy MUST pay (not a bad thing) but has no legal rights

all responcabilitys and no rights

is this just? (that was the question)
No, if the male leaves, the female will simply have to wait untill she is picked up by another male who will kill the old males children to ensure only his genes will be passed on,
simple, makes sense
....... oh wait thats lions, aaaaah I don't know, I don't really understand humans.
xev you DO realise this is an ethical debate section

the asumption would be that anyone who posts in the thread cares enough to post there opinion
Facts about Emma Grace

Some issues that seem somehow relevant, which arose during the nine months prior to my daughter's arrival:

- I was not consulted re: "To keep or not to keep" until after Tigger "decided" to keep the child. This is, for a period, a reversible decision, but that's beside the point.

- Tigger calculated the pregnancy and lied about her immediate medical condition.

- Absolutely none of the parenting democracy was democratic. Tigger said, "You name her." I said, "Grace Katherine" and Tigger replied by handing me a baby-name book. I made a list. None of the names on the list made it. In the end, we settled for a "compromise" in Emma Grace de Cleyre. Turns out the "if we don't find anything better" compromise was what Tigger wanted all along. She named my daughter after the baby on Friends.

- I found out that I was to be a father while on a planned eight-week withdrawal from the world; I had quit my job and intended to do something about it in a couple of months, as I had survival money. I've never been back to work since.

- We live in a very nice house which is a gift from Tigger's parents in lieu of an apology for their crappy parenting. Seriously--this is their big offering of amends and Tigger doesn't get it.

- As a result, I live in a nice house that I don't pay for, do not work a standard 5x8 week, and get the better role of raising my daughter.

Sure, I'm pissed that all of the decisions I was supposed to be in on were sort of taken away from me, but why bother? I'm in paradise.

I realize this does little to help the issues of the topic, but I figured it was a chance for me to actually gloat (mark your calendars, I usually strive for subtlety).

And it's two cents' worth on decisions, responsibilities, and general respect.

(Emma calls ....)

Tiassa :cool: