
im confused by what you mean tho

your saying that its ok to have an abortion if a womens worried about her figure

i responded to that

the rest of that post was for xev
I don't recall I've said it was ok to do an abortion. As a matter of fact, I am against abortion. I was just giving you examples from what some women bring up as an excuse to get an abortion or to not go through a pregnancy. And yes, there are certainly women who do not want to lose their figures and because of that one, stupid reason, they don't get pregnant or are having an abortion.

I think an abortion is only ok if there are major complications expected during pregnancy. A very good reason it has to be though. Again, that is only my opinion.

I think it's never easy, raising a child, whether you have to do it alone or with both, mother and father...
My opinion is that an abortion should require a court order and that it can only be obtained if its a rape case or if the womans life is at risk

other than that there are 100's of couples who can't have children and would LOVE to adoped one
abortion should require a court order and that it can only be obtained if its a rape case or if the womans life is at risk

That should take care of the so called getting pregnant by accident? I think a woman who's consistently not wanting to be pregnant and gets pregnant by accident, still will have an abortion anyhow. It's only taken into illegality again then. I do not think this a good thing, 'cause then you get all the fucked up doctors who only do abortions for a high price and who don't do their jobs good.

There are up and down sides to every subject. What about getting pregnant like some godbelievers do. Having babies like rabbits. Sometimes 12 - 16 or so. That's not normal is it? Poor woman who has to carry out all these pregnancies/delivering babies and has to look after the younger children while being pregnant all the time. The Arabs are good in it too, in getting babies like rabbits I mean.

I agree with you that a lot of couples without children would love to adopt one. Then again, a lot of those couples have rules and demands on what kind of child they want. Like it's a children store or so.

It doesn't work out all that well in practice. Intentions are good, as it concerns humans, there's always something going another way than expected...
*stRgrl*, very sorry to hear about that guy. People should take responsibility for their actions.

That's really all there is to it for me. If two people are involved (as in sex), two people are responsible for the consequences.
I should also add that I am reasonably certain I will not know exactly how I feel about pregnancy and abortion until/unless I am personally involved in that situation.
Originally posted by Asguard
Ok people

i was reading one of those crapy womens mags (ok i was REALLLLLLLLLLLLY bord)

It had a servey in it that said less than 10% of women would ask the fathers opinion before deciding to abort or adopt out their child

Now womens groups have been complaning for YEARS that guys get a girl pregnant then don't surport the mother or his child

i think guys like this are ASSHOLES but what do people think about this servey?

I mean if women are asking guys to pay for there child shouldn't they at least ask his OPINION before killing the child? and if they are chosing to give the child up for adoption then the father might want to look after it. Whats better? the biological father or a total stranger?

I think, it really depends on the situation as each case is unique. If the child is going to come into the world with no support, no prosepcts no money, then save it from its destiny. It need two loving parents who are capable of supporting it. Otherwise if one of the parents is prepaed to support it properly then there is no problems.... as far as aborting without consulteing the father, unless the father is violent and dangerous to the welfare of the mum and baby, then the father has every right to have a say. But again, it is all very subject to its own circumstance......
your killing an inocent life because you don't feel like losing your figure??????????????????

strange, i expected a coment like that from xev but i thought YOU had more heart

I'm confuuuuuused.....what does my figure have to do with anything?

Are you suggesting that I am the Elizabeth Bathony of Sciforums? :p

and YES xev there are more single mothers, i said i know a lot of single FATHERS

You miss my point. My point is that males are much less likely to attempt to raise a child.

And you've not answered my question - do you really think there is no difference between that mass of cells and a child?
Banshee...that hurt...

Me?? Are you doubting that I am a guy???? Awwwkk!!!! *Zero bangs head on floor*

Ahem, yes I am indeed a guy.
Originally posted by Asguard
My opinion is that an abortion should require a court order and that it can only be obtained if its a rape case or if the womans life is at risk

other than that there are 100's of couples who can't have children and would LOVE to adoped one

But asguard, it is not like there arnt plenty of children to adopt. If the child is brought into the world unwanted, what point is there of having the child at all? If simply the parents do not want the child, because they are financially unstable, or the baby would be in a threatening environment isnt that solid enough reason for not having the child. You will never know what you loose by not having the baby. That can be a good and a bad thing, but if you bring the baby into the world with the odds againts it, it is not fair on the child, the family or the government who have to end up supporting it. I realise that gives wealthier family's better prospects of ahving children, but really its the welfare of the children you need to be concerned about. I dont mind if you bring a child into the world loving it and being prepared for it, but if you bring it into the world with no want for it, it would be better off not being had at all. THats sounds harsh, but isnt it reasonable?
Originally posted by Zero
Me?? Are you doubting that I am a guy???? Awwwkk!!!! *Zero bangs head on floor*

Ahem, yes I am indeed a guy.

Hahaha, c'mon, pick up your head from the floor. :bugeye: It was not the intention to hurt your feelings in any way. I take your word for it! I was just wondering. ;)

And wandering offtopic, so I leave...(still laughing :D )

BTW, if we are gonna talk adoption here, I have some things to say too. There are people who take a child for adoption and then if the child is not exactly what they want him/her to be, they get rid of the child just as easy again.

Want an example of it..?
Originally posted by Banshee

Hahaha, c'mon, pick up your head from the floor. :bugeye: It was not the intention to hurt your feelings in any way. I take your word for it! I was just wondering. ;)

And wandering offtopic, so I leave...(still laughing :D )

BTW, if we are gonna talk adoption here, I have some things to say too. There are people who take a child for adoption and then if the child is not exactly what they want him/her to be, they get rid of the child just as easy again.

Want an example of it..?

I would not be suprised Banshee, every single case is so different. It is hard to apply one rule i.e. No abortion, across the board. People have the power to create life, this isnt a reason to say we should have to power to destroy it, but knowing what life is, be able to make the decision whether to begin it or not!
Originally posted by Agent@5
I would not be suprised Banshee, every single case is so different. It is hard to apply one rule i.e. No abortion, across the board. People have the power to create life, this isnt a reason to say we should have to power to destroy it, but knowing what life is, be able to make the decision whether to begin it or not!

Yes! I agree with that. :) Good points you make. :) Especially the last sentence:"but knowing what life is, be able to make the decision whether to begin it or not!

It's a case/decision from as well men and women together...
has anyone ever heard of a father forcing (by law) a mother to give birth?(just curiouse)

we need to channel our energy into quality trustworthy
contraception in a form that parents may force thier children to have and that all children must have "by law" up to a certain age and then all parents must be schooled and finacialy supported .
banshee... no wonder there seems to be more unpredjudice people from your home country if they raise thier children in a caring supported enviroment :D

you sound like you would be a good mothers-teacher! :D .
me...? you ask...? .. my childhood...?
i am an exception to the rule
but luckly i was born insane so i can deal with this crazzy world on a level playing feild :D

until children are looked after better than money and jewels we can only hope that by mear chance most will be educated and cared for and provided with a loving home.

peace and light
Originally posted by Ripleofdeath
until children are looked after better than money and jewels we can only hope that by mear chance most will be educated and cared for and provided with a loving home.

Now, that is very well spoken Ripleofdeath. :) Stay your beautiful self. If you call yourself "insane", then I can only hope there will be more like you walking down on Earth...;)
whether biological kid or adopted, if you have that special really doesn't matter who made the kid. It is THE kid, and the kid the mother will cherish. The mother and the kid both made efforts to establish the bond, and therefore they belong to each other as a family. That is why I do not like the see some guy or girl using legal force to 'take back' their biological kid away from a foster parent. It's just taking a kid away from parents who put a lot of effort and love into the kid.

I am a Christian girl. I belive that abortion is wrong, NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!!!!!! My cousin was raped when she was 16. All of her friends and part of her family was pressing her towards abortion. They told her that she is too young to have a baby and that it wasn't her fault. No, it wasn't her fault at all!! She could have listened to them and killed the most precious thing that has ever happened to her, but she chose to listen to God. Now I am happy to say that my baby cousin is going to turn 4 in April. He is a true blessing.
Hi! My name is Johnny and the giant floating head of Mohammed Ali in the sky (though, he sometimes prefers to be called Cassius - or CC) says that walking out my front door with my left foot first is wrong, just like abortion, so I don't do it. I don't know what I'd do without my giant floating head of Mohammed Ali! Jeez, I'd have to think for myself!

Note: I, of course, also believe in the giant floating head of Mohammed so much that I find it a good idea to enforce my religious beliefs on everyone else, despite that they may not share my religion - for example, I believe abortion should be illegal because Cassius says it's wrong. Yes, yes, I know it's technically against the law to enforce religious beliefs on people - but dang it, Cassius really thinks it's wrong!!!
Wow... how helpful and on-topic. An excellent post pointing out how those that are pro-abortion often are completely unable to empathize with the other side. Thank you very much Tyler.

And about the actual topic... Either the father's opinion should be equally important as that of the mother's, or the father should have no say, and no responsibility. The former is a bit preferable, but fairly unlikely. Choosing one or the other is the only fair way to go about it...