

Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Ok people

i was reading one of those crapy womens mags (ok i was REALLLLLLLLLLLLY bord)

It had a servey in it that said less than 10% of women would ask the fathers opinion before deciding to abort or adopt out their child

Now womens groups have been complaning for YEARS that guys get a girl pregnant then don't surport the mother or his child

i think guys like this are ASSHOLES but what do people think about this servey?

I mean if women are asking guys to pay for there child shouldn't they at least ask his OPINION before killing the child? and if they are chosing to give the child up for adoption then the father might want to look after it. Whats better? the biological father or a total stranger?
The outcome of the survey is no surprise. But it is annoying!

Women (I am speaking in general terms now, don't feel personally offended if n/a) should stop and have a look at how they've become with their feminism.
I often wonder what motives other than egotistical feminists have for their actions.
Don't get me wrong: I'm for equal rights all the way. emancipation is a very good thing.
an implication of this:
The father is as important as the mother in a pregnancy.
For this reason guys turning their backs on their pregnant girlfriends are **sholes.
For the same reason girls not talking it through with the guys are bitches.
Failing to see this puts you in the unemancipated group!

edit: changed a word that fitted better to my taste. no big deal
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I agree with both of you that a woman should get the fathers advise before aborting or adopting out. But I would like to offer a bit of insight from a womans point of view. Most women who abort, do so because they are not in a serious relationship with the guy, and it was a complete accident. Alot of guys would get mad if you werent in a committed relationship and you came along and said "Hey Im pregnant!" - they wouldnt like it at all. They would most likely be mad at the woman for letting herself become pregnant. (how a guy can think that is a wonder to me). But that is the mentality alot of women hold. I was deathly afraid to tell my daughters father that I was pregnant, but I did so because I thought he would want a say so. Well he did, and he said to get an abortion - no ifs, ands, or buts about it. When I said no, well, I still havent heard a word from him 5 years later. So if I were ever to become pregnant again, and I wasnt serious with the guy, I would most likely not tell him I was having an abortion. Only because of my past experiences. Men can be very cruel when it comes to things like that. Most men will say it is the womans responsibility when it comes to child bearing. That is why alot of women are afraid to tell.
Also, there is a sense of failing, if the preganancy was a mistake. They dont want to upset the man, they dont want to argue about it, they dont want the man to leave them because of it. They just want it all to go away.
These are just a few examples why a woman wouldnt tell. But there are creeps for women too. Maybe they were cheating and got pregnant from someone else. Maybe there just hoes:) Who knows, but not all women are bad because they dont tell the father.
Adoption is a totally different subject, to which I have to experience in. Sorry.

Take care:)
Yes, i am afraid you're right Star. I feel somewhat embarrased for my gender, even though I would never react in a shitty way like that. But I've seen it happen. :(
In dutch we have a word that perfectly describes males like that "hufter" the sound of it really fits the meaning.

What is a mystery to me is, why do so many women feel mainly attracted to the "hufters"? It has puzzled me ver since I saw the 'players' get to use most of the girls... is there a blind spot or something?
i know if i got a girl pregnant (in a serious relationship or not) i wouldn't want her to abort the baby and if she didn't want it i would take the child in an INSTANT

I really can't understand guys who wouldn't want there own child
There are women too, who don't want their own child. Now that is something I do not understand.

Maybe men can be hufters, yes, women can play their fair share in this, though. I knew a woman who was fooling around with everything which had a penis. During the years, she got pregnant three times. All three times she aborted the babies. Just like that. No talking to her would help. It was really ridiculous.

Then there are women who do not want to have a baby with that particular man, if that man is not a to friendly person for instance. If these women do not make enough money to take care of themselves and their baby, they will take the easy way out and have an abortion.

Adoption has become a whole new "world", with the coming of the kind of fast food windows in Germany in which women can leave their baby, after it's been born. They can go to the hospital and place the baby in such a window in front of the hospital. After a certain period of time (a few minutes I think it was), a bell rings and the people from the hospital come to pick up the newborn. So the mother gets a chance to reconsider whether she really wants this. It's done to prevent women from killing their newborns, right after it's been born. The rates of dead baby bodies, found back in the garbage cans, have brought the people in Germany to this experiment.

(now I don't know if I told it in the right words. I did the best I could, though. Merlijn, do you have something to add to it? it was a little while back I read about this )

I should chose to give the baby to the father if I was in that situation. While this is not the case and I never ever would give up my own child, I cannot speak about this really well. I can't imagine giving my child away, even if it is to the father...
Hm. True, I wouldn't want my girlfriend to abort without at least telling me about it.

But there is the physical pain and labor involved in pregnancy. Not to mention the handicaps in physical activity while the woman is pregnant. She might not want to go through that. The thing about men is that we don't go through that. We just watch her pain and try our best to help her out (or maybe some people don't). Watching the pain and inconvenience is not the same as experiencing it.

But a lot of men do pay for their wife/girlfriend. A pregnancy might take its extra toll on the guy by requiring him to work harder to get more money. So we're not exactly just standing by.;)

Any thoughts?
The father is as important as the mother in a pregnancy.


The father is the one who is parasitized (for lack of a better word) for nine months?
The father is the one who risks death?*
The father is the one who endures the pain of childbirth?

I don't mean to be mean, but that's kinda funny.

In spite of what doctrinare feminists would have us believe, the father is not as important as the mother. That is not the way humans evolved. Seahorses are like that, but not primates.

As such, I think it's up to the woman in question. And indeed, if her mind is made up either way, there's no real point in asking her partner.

Which leads us to another question:

If the male does not wish for the foetus to be brought to term, and offers to pay for an abortion, and the female insists on carrying the foetus to term -

Is he liable for child support?

I note that you're still referring to a lifeless mass of cells as a child, Asguard? ;)

*Admittedly rare in the developed world, but diseases such as eclampsia do claim lives
Originally posted by Zero
But a lot of men do pay for their wife/girlfriend. A pregnancy might take its extra toll on the guy by requiring him to work harder to get more money. So we're not exactly just standing by. ;)

You are talking united states. I can imagine men are running a lot harder in the US, because of the financial aspects. In the Netherlands it is pretty good doable to have a pregnancy and raise a baby on your own, without interference of any man, if you chose to do so.

The physical pain is just a minor inconvenience. As are the handicaps. At least, that's the way I see it. It doesn't last forever, there is an end to it. Sure, moments of despair and being fed up with the whole pregnancy are always there I guess. It's just how you look at it though. In the way of: "OMFG, I have nine, hideous months ahead of me" or "Hey, it's only nine months, it will pass."

Case of how you view life and your optimism or depressimism (is that a word in English? depressimism? it doesn't sound right)

It can be very nasty on some women who are real sick and feeling real terrible. I think in those cases, nine months seem forever...

actully banshee you would have a VERY hard time keeping ME away from MY child

the first thing i would do if i found out a girl was carrying my child and was telling me she wanted nothing to do with me is go to court to get joint coustady and as legaly the mother and father are equal id get it to

Xev 9 months is still NOTHING compared to 40 years or whatever, the primary carer puts WAY more into a child than the biological mother

as to calling it a child you still haven't given me a reason NOT to so it IS a child
Xev 9 months is still NOTHING compared to 40 years or whatever, the primary carer puts WAY more into a child than the biological mother

Yes, but how often is the father the primary caregiver?

Seems that in this rush to have everybody be legally equal we've forgotten the fact that humans are not in fact equal.

as to calling it a child you still haven't given me a reason NOT to so it IS a child

Other than the fact that a foetus is not alive and does not think or possess a human mind. ;)
Originally posted by Zero
minor inconvenience???? I thought it would hurt more than that...

Yes it does hurt. More than you'll ever know. Haha, it strikes me immediately that you cannot know 'cause you are a man. ;)

Originally posted by Asguard
actully banshee you would have a VERY hard time keeping ME away from MY child

No, no, no, you take my words wrong or I didn't say it right. :) I am just saying that it is easier to do, if a woman should take that choice in the Netherlands. By all means, I am for the idea to let a father be a part of a childs life. In any case, in any way. If the father is a good person is another story. I think the child has a right on both father and mother.

I'm sorry if I said it wrong...
if the mother is giving the child up or thinking of aborting it then the father is WAY more likly to be the one who wants to care for it

sorry but your wrong, i know heeps of single fathers


you can't

there is no difference before birth to after
"if the mother is giving the child up or thinking of aborting it then the father is WAY more likly to be the one who wants to care for it"

What makes you say that?

"sorry but your wrong, i know heeps of single fathers"

More single fathers than single mothers? Really? In the US;
Percentage of all households run by single moms:

Percentage of all households run by single dads:

Interesting. source

Seems to be the same for Oz, where single mothers are the fastest growing demographic re: parenthood.

So I'm right. Males are less likely to stick around to raise their children.

"there is no difference before birth to after"

There's no difference between this and a baby?


I'll decimate your arguments later, must be going now. ;)
Sorry to interrupt the conversation, I have a question for Zero. :)

Are you a man Zero? I wonder, it's easy to play a part on a message board. Do you want to tell, I am curious. :)

Originally posted by Asguard
if the mother is giving the child up or thinking of aborting it then the father is WAY more likly to be the one who wants to care for it

If the mother is thinking of abortion, you can jump high and low, you cannot do a thing about it. It's the body of the woman, if she really doesn't want the baby, she can easily do an abortion. I am sorry to say so, this is a fact. It can happen while you are at your work or whatever.

What if she does not want to carry the baby for 9 months? What if the troubles are to much on her? What if she's worrying about her figure?

I agree with you though, the father should have a chance to raise the child, if the mother is not willing to do so. Anyways, I think it's not much of a choice you have here...
sorry its not HER body

if i said inorder for you to stay beautiful you had to kill 5 inocent children you wouldn't do it (well i HOPE you wouldn't)

your killing an inocent life because you don't feel like losing your figure??????????????????

strange, i expected a coment like that from xev but i thought YOU had more heart

and YES xev there are more single mothers, i said i know a lot of single FATHERS

and they have a lot harder time B\W

antidescrimation laws and stuff protect single mothers and alow them to work during school hrs and the like, none of that seems to protect single fathers
My goodness Asguard! Are you having your period or something like that? Or are you willingly not listening to what I say?

It are examples "silly" man, it's not how I am...:confused:
BTW, how do you know single fathers are having a much more hard time than single mothers? Have you ever been in that position?

I have! You want some stories on it? To feed your anger or whatever mood you're in...
actully i have friends who are both single mothers AND single fathers and the goverment makes it WAY easier for a single mother (NOT saying its easy for them because its NOT, its very difficult) than for a single father