Praying is an insult to God

Ahh. I thought so:

The Bible itself makes no statement about Earth's age, but various religionists have tried to infer the age from biblical narratives. The most famous and influential attempt was made more than three centuries ago by the Irish churchman James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, who summed the lifespans of the patriarchs listed in the Book of Genesis, refined that sum by making some theological assumptions, and deduced that the biblical god had created Earth on 23 October in the year 4004 BC. This result, which Ussher promulgated in 1650, has been printed as a margin-note in many editions of the Bible and has acquired the force of scripture among many fundamentalists.

superluminal: How do you know the bible is the truth?
M*W: He doesn't. He's just replaying those old tapes inside his head from his religious brainwashing.
superluminal said:
I thought that saint someone-or-other tallied up a whole shitload of references to the ages of various prophets and tons of begot's and begat's throughout the old testament to come up with that 6000 year number?

Maybe, but that's not to say that Adam was the first man created, or that Genesis was an initial creation and not a re-creation. Eternity is a long frickin' time to be encompassed historically in one Book, even if it is the Bible. The Bible says very little about what went on before Genesis, and very little about what will happen after Revelations. Makes sense. We know what we need to know for now.
Yes. Eternity is a very, very long time.

The Bible says very little about what went on before Genesis

This is also true. However, the common conception of "In the beginning..." means just that. Thinking any other way in a biblical context leads to all sorts of random speculation. Makes dialogue a bit difficult.
(Q) said:
The bible states the Earth is about 6000 years old, do you believe that too?

Where in the Bible have you read that?

Search the verse in the Bible stating that a day in the Lord is a thousand years to men. So perhaps, this earth is 6,000 years old God`s calculation, but scientific findings differs I have heard, 5,000,000,000 years old or 7,000,000,000 years old.
superluminal said:
I know. I just figured I'd see how creative he could get with his squirming. Not very.
Sorry lum but I`m not creative. I`m just biblical.
Where in the Bible have you read that?

Your the second theist who has asked that question, don't you people read the bible? - Genesis, chapter 5.

Again, do you believe the Earth is only 6000 years old according to the bible? Or, have you looked at the evidence, which determines the Earth to be about 4.5 billion years old?
superluminal said:
Yes. Eternity is a very, very long time.

This is also true. However, the common conception of "In the beginning..." means just that. Thinking any other way in a biblical context leads to all sorts of random speculation. Makes dialogue a bit difficult.

The beginning of what? All time? No. I think it's the beginning of a "generation". As in a generation of technology, a generation of humanity.
Well then, you have a different interpretation of genesis than the mainstream christian and bible scholars. Most of them relate genesis to the beginning of all things. Christian "scientists" even try to relate it to the big bang in an attempt to reconcile the bible accounts with actual science.
superluminal said:
Well then, you have a different interpretation of genesis than the mainstream christian and bible scholars. Most of them relate genesis to the beginning of all things. Christian "scientists" even try to relate it to the big bang in an attempt to reconcile the bible accounts with actual science.

lol...are you surprised? The Bible says that being born again is like getting a new pair of eyes, and it's true...I feel that. It just changes your perception about everything. It's because what God has shown me and taught me, I could have never anticipated, or intellectualized on my own. My old paradigms were all up in the way.

I'm just guessing about Genesis...I don't really know how to reconcile this perceived discrepancy, but I do know that the discrepancy lies within our perceptions. Really, there is reconciliation, we just don't understand how...we can't see it.

I think that most people, including Christian scholars and scientists, are unfortunately more concerned with being right, than they are with the truth.
Pi-Sudoku said:
If there is a god (which i doubt) he would be saddened to see his people kneeling down and worshiping him. If he put all that effort into something he would want it to do something usefull. If you spent all your life making a robot which spent all it's time kneeling down and chanting rubish you would be quite dissapointed. You would be much more pleased with somehing usefull like a toaster, therefore toasters are more usefull that religious people (maybee)
Actually, we don't have to pray that much, God knows beforehand what we need. But praying is mentally good and enables you to come in touch with your feelings (in order to express them in the prayer) and thus cleanses you because the prayer itself often gives a sense of understanding of your problems and sometimes even gives a way to get out of the problem. Prayer is also useful in extreme situations (when lost in the woods or when held captive) since you can "talk" to God (which is greater than you) and express your situation to Him. Sorting things out and coming in touch with your feelings is also a kind of prayer. The heart speaks to God without words.

Prayer is much more important to Christians - and other religions - than you seem to realize. Jesus said that whatever we ask for in His name we shall recieve. There are conditions of course, we shouldn't use this to test God and we have to believe in Him - to name a few.
I rejected the idea of god as soon as I heard about it (I was 3)

So now i have just evolved it into a hate for religion in general, I blame it for everything bad in the world.
Odin'Izm said:
ISo now i have just evolved it into a hate for religion in general, I blame it for everything bad in the world.

I totaly agree with you, i hate religion

it is a waste of time effort and money, in provoces racism and fascism, wars have started because of it and it is just bad bad bad