Praying is an insult to God

(Q) said:
That's the way the Bible says to pray

Don't you just love it when theists are selective as to what they follow in the bible, especially when it suites or doesn't suite their worship du jour?

Would you care to enlighten me as to what I do and don't "follow"? Or are you just talking out of your ass again?
SL, Do you see this? Do you read this crap? And you people dare to complain about not getting "proof" of God? You wonder why it is that you don't know Him or have a relationship with Him. Listen to yourselves...feel your own sentiment...examine your own intentions regarding Him. You are to blame...not me, not God, not anyone else...only you. It's all up to you guys, and it's extremely obvious what you want...or rather, what you don't want.

Not sure what you're saying. I just want physical, objective proof of god so I can start worshiping knowing I don't have a problem with my neurochemical functions. That's all. You keep insisting that personal revelation is the only way to know god. That is simply an unacceptable position to take knowing what we know today about the vagaries of brain dysfunction.

My intentions are utterly simple.
superluminal said:

Not sure what you're saying. I just want physical, objective proof of god so I can start worshiping knowing I don't have a problem with my neurochemical functions. That's all. You keep insisting that personal revelation is the only way to know god. That is simply an unacceptable position to take knowing what we know today about the vagaries of brain dysfunction.

My intentions are utterly simple.

You are lying. You know as well as I do that you want no such thing. " I can start worshipping"...yea, you're a riot. I'm sure you can hardly

Why do you say I'm lying? How do you know my intentions any more than we know the truth of your internal god revelation? Are you a hypocrite? You can assess my internal world of mental constructions?

I already know you believe in god because you told me so. Are you lying? I tell you what I want in order to believe, and you call me a liar.

Not very nice.

I think you are terrified.
I'm not terrified, but may have been out of line.

I have to go to work...I'll explain why I said that later.

Btw, terrified of what?

Ok, I'm back. Now then, the reason I called you a liar is because, based upon what you have said out here, and to me, it seems that you already have your mind made up about God. You call yourself an atheist, and call those who believe in God either stupid or delusional. And according to your statements, if there is a God, he's a sadistic bastard. It's pretty clear, even to us stupid and delusional types that you're definitely not a seeker.

And that's why you don't know Him...because this is the law...

Seek and you shall find...knock and the door will be opened. You have to actively seek and actively knock. Now, using your "critical thinking", certainly you must realize that you're not going to seek or pursue something that you already don't believe exists. That would be crazy.

Now here's the part where you atheists think that you're clever, but alas no. In that you place all kinds of ridiculous conditions on what kind of proof you're willing to accept. Conditions which deny you proof...which is just fine with you...since you don't really want to know in the first place. So you say, "if God is real, then I want a lock of His hair, or His balls on a silver platter', or whatever. Like I said before, you are looking for flesh to prove the existence of a spirit, and it's not going to happen....spirits don't have flesh. You also want to place the burden of proof on other people, who are believers, instead of on God Himself. Even though I keep telling you over and over and over that I can't give you physical proof of a spiritual interaction or occurence. You tell me SL, what kind of physical proof would you expect to observe from a spirit to spirit telepathic communication exactly? A lock of spirit hair? And you call me crazy? Yea, I tell you about my spiritual experiences honestly, and that's exactly what you do. So you require a form of proof that you know you're not going to get, from an entity that you know you're not going to get it from, and then you say "See? No proof, no God."

If you are sincerely seeking the truth about God, you will not place any conditions on it, or on Him. You would be willing to accept the truth, no matter what it is, and regardless of presentation "media". As long as at the end of the day, you have the proof that you were seeking, what would it matter? You're saying to me that you fear doubting your own mental health if you were to have a spiritual interaction, but if there is doubt, then there is no proof. And God never, ever wastes His time...the omnipotence thing you know. So certainly you could assume that if God is who He says He is, then He could "handle" proving Himself to you beyond any and all doubt. If He couldn't do that, then He wouldn't be much of a God anyway right? This is what He's done for me. He did it for me because I asked Him to. Well, actually, I demanded it. lol.

I'm sorry that I called you a liar. I shouldn't have done that.
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(Q) said:
Our Lager,
Which art in barrels
Hallowed be thy drink
I will get drunk
At home as in the tavern
Give us this day our foamy head
And forgive us for our spillages
As we forgive those who spill against us
And lead us not to incarceration
But deliver us from hangovers
For thine is the the beer
The Bitter and the Lager
Forever, and ever
That roffles my waffles. Hi-frick-fuckin-larious!
Lori_7 said:
Yea, well if we didn't have freewill, then I'm sure you guys would be pissed off about being a puppet too. Blame what you don't even believe in...that makes long as it takes the responsibility off of you right?
Without freewill, they wouldn't be able to complain. :bugeye:
Pi-Sudoku said:
If there is a god (which i doubt) he would be saddened to see his people kneeling down and worshiping him. If he put all that effort into something he would want it to do something usefull. If you spent all your life making a robot which spent all it's time kneeling down and chanting rubish you would be quite dissapointed. You would be much more pleased with somehing usefull like a toaster, therefore toasters are more usefull that religious people (maybee)
You doubt because you don`t feel God`s presence. He dwells in the heavens and in Holiness he resides. So it`s natural that you doubt. Take for instance you are an adopted child. One day you`re old enough to seek for your true parents. But you were not able to find them. Does it mean you have no parents? Or does it mean you`re parents were long dead? Well of course that`s just a simple human illustration. But how about trees and other beings which can exist beyond our life span?

Do evaporation of water and raining mean nothing? God is a Spirit. By the way, to worship God is not wrong. Praying to him is supplication by way of communication. And worshipping Him by way of kneeling is highest respect to Him.
And according to your statements, if there is a God, he's a sadistic bastard.

No, he's a sadistic bastard based on the statements in scriptures.

It's pretty clear, even to us stupid and delusional types that you're definitely not a seeker.

A seeker of what? Fanatasy?

Seek and you shall find...knock and the door will be opened. You have to actively seek and actively knock.

For the millionth time, that does not work... unless you have bipolar disorder, right lori?

Now, using your "critical thinking", certainly you must realize that you're not going to seek or pursue something that you already don't believe exists.

No, it is because no one, especially you, cannot tell us where or how to "seek" outside of our imaginations. You are the one providing the evidence of non-existence.

spirits don't have flesh.

Tell us then, what are spirits made of?

And you call me crazy?

No, your doctor did, remember?

This is what He's done for me. He did it for me because I asked Him to. Well, actually, I demanded it.

So have we, yet nothing.
You doubt because you don`t feel God`s presence.

What exactly does one feel?

He dwells in the heavens and in Holiness he resides. So it`s natural that you doubt.

I doubt because no one can tell me where heaven is, can you?

But how about trees and other beings which can exist beyond our life span?

What about them?

Do evaporation of water and raining mean nothing?

It's a natural cycle, what of it?

By the way, to worship God is not wrong.

To not worship is also not wrong, right?

And worshipping Him by way of kneeling is highest respect to Him.

How do you know that?
(Q) said:
You doubt because you don`t feel God`s presence.

What exactly does one feel? It`s up to you if you feel you have God or none.

He dwells in the heavens and in Holiness he resides. So it`s natural that you doubt.

I doubt because no one can tell me where heaven is, can you? The Bible can tell you. Or maybe, myths of man may tell you.

But how about trees and other beings which can exist beyond our life span?

What about them? Think why some of our neighbouring living beings exist beyond human life span.

Do evaporation of water and raining mean nothing?

It's a natural cycle, what of it? Natural cycle but God`s act. Nature acts by the dictates of God. Remember TSUNAMI?

By the way, to worship God is not wrong.

To not worship is also not wrong, right? Whatever you are please do so but remember the song "I BELIEVE." Only the people whom God has delight He accepted as worthy worshippers.

And worshipping Him by way of kneeling is highest respect to Him.

How do you know that?
The Bible says so.
The Bible states all truths. It not only declares the words of God but it also declares the words of men, the words of satan, and the words of other creatures. Don`t close your mind my friend, investigate not only the christians` side but also all the prevailing knowledge at this time: may it be paganism, atheism, agnosticism, personalism, buddhism, etc. but don`t forget christianism.
The bible states the Earth is about 6000 years old, do you believe that too?
enton said:
The Bible says so.
So you're going to believe a book written by drunk shepards goatherds, fishermen, and hermits. Most of whom were probably high, drunk, and insane at the time.

(Q) said:
OT - Genesis - chapter 5.

That is not what it says explicitly. You would have to make at least a few unfounded assumptions in order to interpret the scripture that you've referenced in this way. Which I'm sure that a lot of people do make those assumptions. But that doesn't mean that they're correct.
I thought that saint someone-or-other tallied up a whole shitload of references to the ages of various prophets and tons of begot's and begat's throughout the old testament to come up with that 6000 year number?