Prayer in Schools

Well I was baptised catholic. I went to church when I was a little kid. I stopped going and never went back. I do not go to church now, we do not talk about religion in our house. I do not beleive in the whole thing.

Ah...this is what I thought. Not many people realise the over-reaching power the catholic church has.

You are indeed baptised catholic.

It is, however, not a genetic or hereditary trait. Now that you're an adult and profess to be not religious, you should no longer say you're catholic. And since Enmos asked, the question is not if baptism is's if the person baptised chooses to continue identifying themselves as the religion their parents had him/her baptised in.

You and many others however appear to accept the baptismal mark as irreversable even if you no longer hold the tenets of the religion to be believable. A baptism is wholly ceremonial, and completely irrelevant to your identity if you no longer subscribe to the originating theism.
I initially sent this thread to the cesspool after closing it, but was appealed to by several members to reopen it for three reasons:

1) the topic is genuinely important and interesting
2) the critique that Tiassa provided, while mis-characterized by at least two other members, was itself an opinion that may have actually been accurate because of the third reason
3) Christian provocateurs have used their self-righteous indignation and "how dare you question/criticize my superstition" stand before in the past in order to hijack/derail actual discussions into flame-wars in hope that the thread will be closed

Having said that, I want to make it clear that I reviewed Tiassa's post, to which Sandy appeared affronted by, and I found it to be a critique and a speculation and definitely *not* slanderous. This is an excerpt of the PM I sent to sandy:
if you dare to be vocal about beliefs that others find completely wacky, hypocritical, and "idiotic," then you must be willing to accept that others are going to critique you. Indeed, by making your positions, beliefs, and superstitions so public on a science forum, you thereby give tacit approval and invite such a critique.

This thread is now reopened. Off-topic posts and flames will be deleted. Without warning or explanation.

If you are not willing to be scrutinized for your beliefs, then you might consider *not* posting them on a science forum, even *in* the religion section.
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