Prayer in Schools


Valued Senior Member
What are your feelings about it? Do believe that open prayer in schools should be allowed or banned?

Personally, I feel that it should be restricted because schools are places for education, not religious expression. If you want to express your religion, feel free to do it at home or church, not at school.

And I know, I know. So many people are going to call me some anti-religion atheist or some crap like that.


So please, save both of us the time and refrain from attempting to insult me.
I disagree with it.
Prayer in schools may counter the beliefs of those that either do not believe in God or do not believe in the god the person leading the prayer endorses. Those are significant points that encroach upon the beliefs of others by their mere presence and in America there is a strict division of church and state that prevents the favoring of one religion over others to gain ascendance.

Religous indviduals have often proven ill tempered and misguided in their view of church and state and to exclusive teachings. If society is to progress in an orderly manner this must remain a constant.

I personly was silently offended of others praying before myself. I knew that was not the intent but I also could not consciously participate.
Allowed. Schools started going downhill after prayer/God were taken out. They have never recovered.
Sure, allow it. Pray to a different deity every day of the year. It will expand their knowledge of the world's many religions. Odin is a personal favorite, start with him.

Odin, far-wanderer, grant me wisdom,
Courage, and victory.
Friend Thor, grant me your strength.
And both be with me.
When I was six there was a teacher who'd make us stand up beside our desks and pray a holy mary. I would just stand there.
It should depend on the school, should not be mandatory and should not be during class time. Let students and teachers take care of it during their free periods if they want to.
Nah, God stopped rewarding the schools with intelligence once schools stopped prayer. No such thing as intelligence without God.
Thats equivalent to saying those with religious faith are more intelligent than those without.

"downhill" is not targeted to mean lower intelligence...morality is at stake here. Morality in public schools is so low that "children" there now-days shoot each other...
"downhill" is not targeted to mean lower intelligence...morality is at stake here. Morality in public schools is so low that "children" there now-days shoot each other...

The fac that school violence is rising has little to do with morality in school systems. Rather, it has MUCH more to do with morality OUTSIDE of school systems and at home.
The fac that school violence is rising has little to do with morality in school systems. Rather, it has MUCH more to do with morality OUTSIDE of school systems and at home.

:bugeye: your kidding me, right? schools have got to do almost everything with how kids behave. Schools are meant to teach kids how to live in life in harmony with society by educating them math, science, literature, sports, history and ethics!

I was though ethics when I was in school, were you?
No I am not joking. It is the PARENTS of those children who teach and ultimately determine how thier children behave. Yes schools teach important topics such as those you've listed. But that has little to do with social interaction. Morality is FIRST taught by the parents, and it starts from the day we are born.

Parents do show ethics...but most children try to copy someone else and usually its the kids around them and how they act and not their parents.
Parents do show ethics...but most children try to copy someone else and usually its the kids around them and how they act and not their parents.

True, but where does it start? The parents. If one child is not taught the social norms of acceptable behavior properly from birth then that will carry with that child to the schools, where other children will view that child and take after him. So, in this argument, we are both correct.
If anything draqon, teaching morality isn't equivalent to prayer. No reason why ethics can't be taught independent of any religion.