Praise your dog

Growing up, we had a couple labs and an Irish setter. Unfortunately, they were all hit by cars at one point in their life, which caused us brothers a lot of grief.

Now, we've got a shih-tsu and a schnauzer-mix. The mix is rabunctious and loves playing fetch. The little one barks at him and tries to hang from his ear as he carries the ball back to us. She also likes to bark at any resemblance of an animal on television (cartoon or real) and sits on her hind legs like a prairie dog while watching tv. The mix used to never watch tv, but sit and watch us as we watched tv; now, he's started to barking irregularly at the animals on tv when the little shih-tsu pipes up.

It's funny that the shih-tsu loves adults of all kinds and is constantly trying to lick their chin or nose, but is deathly afraid of kids (and we've had her since she was a wee-one). Once, she jumped off our ottoman onto our schnauzer's back (I think she meant to do this, she definitely saw him standing there), but became enraged that he let her do that to him apparently. He always takes her wrestling around good-naturedly, though. He's also exceptionally protective of the little one while out on walks.
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I am not sure that counts as praising your dog.... :shrug:

Also I don't think the 2 threads completely overlaps.

i wasnt praising the dog.

but now the threads are merged i will say, atleast it looked well fed, and errm it certainly wasnt a size 0, and i blaim the owner not the dog :) is that nice enough? or should i bend the truth also.

Here are my two fur turds.

Kingston is a 4 year old male blue Doberman. I got him from a rescue a year and a half ago. He looks mean but he's a big baby.
Marley is my 17 month old female Boxer. She is a coiled spring. Boundless energy. She is like a 53 lb teddy bear, although she was only about 6 months old in this pic.


I can praise them, if for nothing else, for the fact that they keep me sane. No human on this planet can match their loyalty and devotion.
Yeah, one good thing is when you have a dog, that going home you will always have a warm (and wet) welcome! :)
So, maybe someone can answer this:
Why do small dogs need sweaters, but cats of a similar size can sleep outside in cold weather comfortably?
dogs dont need sweaters, but women like to dress them up because they think it looks .......cute,

you wont find men making there dogs wear stupid little sweaters. i think its silly, and if men do then they are most likely gay.

Fish do not sleep. The reason why terrestrial animals sleep is because their metabolism is coordinated with the Earth's diurnal cycles of night and day (circadian rhythm), although not all terrestrial animals sleep either. Worms don't sleep. Insects' activity are not diurnal, but are coordinated and controlled by other environmental factors. I'm still trying to figure out how that guy in Vietnam has survived for thirty years without ever sleeping at all, and is perfectly happy and healthy.
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There was an interesting 2 parts documentary on PBS tonight, next part is next Sunday.

The rise of the dog: how dogs evolved from wolves...
my mate

My dog ( border terrier ) past away today 28th march 2008. He was a grand old age of 16 years old, it has left us devastated although we new it was coming. The border terrier is a fine proud breed good working or family pet great with children loyal and obedient. The face of an otter the heart of a lion, thats the border !! will be sadly missed by all, but now his pain has gone forever safe journey mate. :(
I love my dog. His name is Tobias or Tobi and he's a lab and some other stuff (big stuff). The vet said part giraffe cuz he used to have a little head and long neck, but he's grown into himself now. He was 144lbs in September, but he slipped a disk in his back the day before Christmas so he was going paralyzed and the vet said it would be best to put him to sleep, but he gave him steriods to see if those worked and they did. He can walk and run and almost jump (but he's too heavy) the steriods caused him to gain a lot of weight though he's like almost 200llbs now but I love him so much he's the best dog I've ever had. not to mention the biggest
My dog ( border terrier ) past away today 28th march 2008. He was a grand old age of 16 years old, it has left us devastated although we new it was coming. The border terrier is a fine proud breed good working or family pet great with children loyal and obedient. The face of an otter the heart of a lion, thats the border !! will be sadly missed by all, but now his pain has gone forever safe journey mate. :(

Sorry to hear that....
I love my Dog.
He's a Doby. You know, Hitler youth with erect ears and sharp fangs.
I love the way he approaches little kiddies with his erect ears pointed back, in that cute " do I kill now master, or wait for zee Kommand?"
I luff zee vay he disables zee whole zircus by goink shtraight for zee juggler!
Zist guy ( Volfgank) ist made in mein ferry own imich...Ja, ja..

Kill, volfie, kill.
Ein luffink mein dogck!