Practical Reasons for Religious Tolerance

"Je was also Abbasid i.e. Arab, not Turkish, so not Ottoman, based in Samara, ie in Iraq."

Crap! its almost two and I have to go out tomorrow!! I mean, today!

:zzz: Gnite/
SAM said:
What do you think? He didn't believe the Qur'an was divine and separated church from state. First guy in history to do so, I believe
Besides the Chinese ones, and a few others.

Except that he didn't, of course, according to your link - he ruthlessly enforced his idea of orthodox Islam, persecuted rival religions, spent lavishly on Church-related infrastructure of his preferred sect, and so forth: that is the opposite of separating church from state.
Voltaire leaves us with the quote “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to create Him”.
We did.
Atheism is gearing up for War, and they no longer have a problem with that kind of thing… now that they are a part of it.
I'm atheist and I am not gearing up for war. If anything I'm worried about when some religious wing-nut creates a deadly virus and attempts to fulfill God's plan by wiping out 80% of humanity.

I think we should have religion. People do need it. I'm just in favor of deciding what that religion teaches it's members. It doesn't matter to me if it's a God or Alien, I'm more concerned with the ideas of Hell, Unbelievers and why it sometimes OK to murder other human beings (almost always these are "unbelievers" of one form or another).

Neo-modern Buddhism seems to filling the gaps correctly,

Anyway, as society becomes more secure people naturally tend towards atheism. We see it in countries as diverse as Europe to Japan (the covers SAM's whole East vs West way of thinking thing). So, for now we need to support positive theisms and decry the negative ones that teach justifications for murdering other people.
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