Practical Reasons for Religious Tolerance

Actually a tug of war for power between a Caliph and the religious scholars in the Ottoman Empire. They both wanted political control and the ulema lost. After that religious institutions were all separated from civic ones.

So ulema is also ulema. What's Caliph?
So ulema is also ulema. What's Caliph?

Yallah bint, aren't you Turkiye? Khalifa

Here is the champion, sounds like an atheist to me:
Al-Mutawakkil was unlike his brother and father in that he was not known for having a thirst for knowledge, but he had an eye for magnificence and a hunger to build:D

During his reign, the influence of the Muˤtaziliyya was reversed and questions about over the divinity of the Qur'an were ended. This resulted from the caliph's personal devotion to studying as-Sunna.

What do you think? He didn't believe the Qur'an was divine and separated church from state. First guy in history to do so, I believe
What does 'Yallah bint' mean?

Yallah is like Hola! Its just a general call. bint means daughter, but also used for girl. I would have said Yallah Ya Sheikha [fem. for Sheikh] but you're younger than me. Its what I was called in KSA. :p

Yes, I am in Türkiye, but I don't get what you mean. Hahaha.

Do you mean Halife? :confused:

Whats the head of the Caliphate or Khalifah known as in Turkish?
So, I could call you 'Yallah Ya Sheikha'. Coool, I love foreign languages.

Nah they used to make fun of me because I bossed them around. Sheikha means female chief/ :p

The correct term would be Sayyadati, which is a polite word for friend who is a woman [literally My Lady, Sayyadati-Gamilah is "My Fair Lady" in Egyptian Arabic, in Saudi dialect it will be Sayyadati-Jamila]

And we're going off topic, I'm supposed to be fighting with you. :p
Yep, Caliph is Halife. I didn't know that. :eek:

Thats interesting, there is no Kha- sound in Caliph in Turkish.
Nah they used to make fun of me because I bossed them around. Sheikha means female chief/ :p

The correct term would be Sayyadati, which is a polite word for friend who is a woman [literally My Lady, Sayyadati-Gamilah is "My Fair Lady" in Egyptian Arabic, in Saudi dialect it will be Sayyadati-Jamila]

And we're going off topic, I'm supposed to be fighting with you. :p

Thats interesting, there is no Kaaf sound in Caliph in Turkish.

Oh, from the expression in your previous post, I thought it is something you say to the older women.

Fight with me baby, fight with me! :p
Yeah what do you know about Al-Mutawakkil? Was he an atheist? Why did he really separate religion from state? Was he just a secular guy who wanted to be tolerant to other minorities?
Ok his name is "Mütevekkil Alā Allāh Cafer bin el-Mutasim". Sounds like a bad one. Says he's been killed by Turkish soldiers.
Well he was the first guy to separate church and state, that may have done it.
It says nothing related to that. He sounds as a bad one seriously. I mean nothing on him seperating the state and religion. In my country it wasn't really seperated till Atatürk, so I don't know.
Very few information. Apparently he was bad to Jews and Christians.

Thats weird.

So he was intolerant to minorities and he thought the Qur'an was not divine. Je was also Abbasid i.e. Arab, not Turkish, so not Ottoman, based in Samara, ie in Iraq.

Will have to find more info on his beliefs I guess.
It says, he became sünni after being a halife. 847. Oppressed anyone who is not muslim and sünni. Demolished all synogagues and churches. Put the clothing law back for christians and jews. That's all. And that he was unsuccessful in the foreign policy.

Sam, I am off to sleep. See and fight you later. :wave: