Post a new slang word/phrase

I suck at spelling . . . . In other words I know I can't spell . . . .
Have you tried composing your posts in MS Word, or whatever word processor you have? The automatic spell checker will kick in. (Assuming you have it turned on, and shame on you, of all people, if you don't!) Then you can just copy and paste the whole thing into the message window here.

A spell checker is a very powerful tool for folks like you. It instantly flags words that are misspelled and shows you the various words that you might have intended to type. By repetition and reinforcement, it helps you remember the correct spellings.

No, it doesn't read minds so it can't figure out that you meant to write "scent" instead of "sent," but it will catch 95% of your errors. And as you learn more you'll start catching the other 5% yourself.

Some internet browsers have a built-in spell checker.
One I heard on the net last night, cannot remember where:

Getting one's bowels in an uproar. It means to get over-emotional.

Magol Mouth. That is the new words of the day. It means you spread rumors . Watch for it to come to your city soon . Or be the first to use it and look like you are the hip one on top of the scene
I had forgotten this thread!
@ Fraggle:
When geeks marry, their geekitude doesn't seem to just double, it cubes-at the very least.
In the case of really hardcore geeks there may be exponents involved.

If a female or nelly gay man is being pissy-in a bad mood and taking it out on others-you might say "Man, who lit the fuse on HER tampon?"

Another saying around here, about the effectiveness of wishing for things: "Sh*t in one hand, wish in the other, and see which one fills up first."

Somebody who is really incompetent/dumb: "Couldn't find his butthole with two hands and a flashlight."

"Linear waterfowl disorder:" ducks are not in a row
"ducks are not in a row:" really disorganized

To "crawfish" or "crawdad" on something: to take back something they said or retract a position(a crawdad can retreat backwards really fast and only move forward slowly.)

A guy who's far more self-important than warranted: "All hat, no cattle."

"Big hat:" rich and politically connected (In Texas, that always goes together, usually with a helping of crazy on the side.)

Spange: panhandle (ask for spare change)

(for those not from the US)
Haul ass: go fast...there's a Your momma joke that goes: "Your momma's so fat, if she hauled ass, she'd have to make two trips!"

"Po'boy/Submarine/Growler/Torta": refers to roughly the same kind of sandwich on a long bun-it just depends on where your buying it from...and I don't remember what the Vietnamese call their version of the same thing.

If I think of any more good ones, I'll post 'em.

Oh, edited to add-for me and a lot of people-when they get ticked off, Jesus's middle initial is H.
'Somebody who is really incompetent/dumb: "Couldn't find his butthole with two hands and a flashlight."' I love that one.
One term used to describe a women whose hips are of 'excessive measure' is 'more than an axe handle and a half'.

As the standard full size axe handle is 36 inches, this gives one the impression that the desirable female form has considerable 'latitude', depending on the preference of the observer. :D

A full sized axe has a handle length of around 36" or just under a metre. If you hold one in the store (with the blade edge up) and lower the head to the floor, the head should hit the floor well in front of your feet. If you hold such an axe properly, it can never hit your feet or body if you miss what you are chopping. Because of it's length it doesn't need a particularly heavy head, but is hard to use until you learn accuracy with such a long handle. This type of axe is the only type swung in an arc to chop or split wood.
"Po'boy/Submarine/Growler/Torta": refers to roughly the same kind of sandwich on a long bun-it just depends on where your buying it from...and I don't remember what the Vietnamese call their version of the same thing.
Banh Mi... Now I'm hungry, I may have to hit the Pho King Way for lunch.
Banh Mi... Now I'm hungry, I may have to hit the Pho King Way for lunch.

You think your fantasy is more interesting than reality?

When I was living in the Hell's Kitchen district of NYC, there was a Chinese restaurant called "New Food King", which had recently changed its name from, get this: "Foo King".
"Po'boy/Submarine/Growler/Torta": refers to roughly the same kind of sandwich on a long bun-it just depends on where your buying it from.
To make a torta, first you hollow out the two halves of the roll a little, to make room for more filling. In addition, a torta (at least an authentic one in Mexico or Aztlán) is usually filled with chopped-up cooked meat in a sauce, rather than cold cuts. That's why it's hollowed out, so the bread closes tight and doesn't let the sauce leak out.
No problem. I couldn't believe it when someone told me... Then I saw the place.

Those who don't know the proper pronunciation of Pho don't get the joke.

Well thought out? :eek:

I view this thread as another bit of administrivia.

Rettam = anti-matter.

Precycling = Throwing out perfectly good stuff.
This isn't new but it drives me bananas.

"Epic fail"

An adolescent phrase that no one over the age of 16 should be uttering.