I did? Well my mistake then.
I was stating that I may be wrong - and that you may be right - if you were using the context provided in those 3 Links.
I feel that your motives are simply to disagree and argue.
In that case, I can honestly say that you are wrong about my "motives".
Maybe what? I honestly don't know what you mean.
Explained above.
My motives are to learn more about science from some of the amazingly smart and knowledge people here, share the small amount of knowledge that I have on the subject and expose the pseudoscience that some people try to pass as science.
Sounds good.
F=ma is not applicable here since electomagnetic waves do not have mass.
Jury is still out on that one. Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and a photon does appear to have a "mass" of sorts. Maybe momentum?
See this Link : http://www.weburbia.com/physics/photon_mass.html
Obviously the direction changes.
Yes, but does a change in direction demand a corresponding change in velocity/speed?
I don't know what a retro-reflector is so I cannot comment other than to say that F=ma is not applicable to light.
A retro-reflector reflects incoming light back to the source of the light, regardless of the angle of incidence.
Sadly your decision not to learn any science here is your own choice.
I am completely open to and able to "learn any science" from SciForums - it's just that so far I have yet to come across any real science being taught on this Forum. Do not misunderstand me, please! There are a some knowledgeable Posters on this Forum and I have heard that some amazingly smart and knowledgeable people Post herein.
However, the loudest and most prolific Posters on this Forum - do not to me appear to be the amazingly smart and knowledge people - of which you seem to speak.
Any amazingly smart and knowledgeable person knows not to let their Ego corrupt any discussion - let alone any teaching or learning of knowledge.
BTW, I love learning. As I have stated in numerous Posts, the more I learn, the more I realize how so much more there is to learn!
To me learning is not copying/pasting Links to knowledgeable sources though.
The actual learning of any subject is not achieved until full comprehension and understanding of that subject is completed. There are Posters on this Forum who cannot describe - in their own words - the simplest scientific concepts.
Amazing - we agree on something!
Maybe. I have no problem with that.