Pornogrophy: Good or Bad?

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pornogrophy: Good or Bad?

Originally posted by Joeman

there are plenty of people here who spell worse than I do but why do some people pick on me? I feel flattered people are paying a lot of attention to my posts.

If you are going to pick on my spelling, you better make sure your own English perfect from now on because you can expect some kind of retaliation if you don't.

Thats right, fight for your rights. You deserve em.
~The_Chosen~ ...

"Having sex with a real women is totally different."

What a revolutionary concept! Please cite sources.

"IMO, you don't need porno once you have a women,
unless you are like Goofyfish, where it benefits both."

Aren't you going a bit overboard with that comment?

What Goofy posted was: "The Fish and Mrs. Fish have been married
for 20 years, and we are very close. We watch adult films together,
and are suffering from no mental traumas."

My first experience with XXX flicks was with my wife while eating stew.
We both broke up so badly that it was impossible to finish until the flick
had ended. Both of us, after that experience, agreed that reading decent
porn was far superior.

Take care :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pornogrophy: Good or Bad?

Originally posted by Joeman
I feel flattered people are paying a lot of attention to my posts.

hahahaha. I personally didn't notice that...but good noticing Increan.

My stance on porno is that it has its positive and negative. But most of the time people use it in a destructive way, or they rely on it too much that it poison's their mind, or corrupts them on how they react and think. As long as people don't lose sight of what they have in the beginning, it's perfectly fine. It's basically a moral argument, as long as one's morals do not get twisted over porn, porn is absolutely fine. In cases such as Fish, yes that's good, as long as it doesn't twist their mind and narrow their view on the world that sex is all they need etc. Anyways children get exposed to porn too easily and at a very young age, that they have sex at a very young age which is not good. I myself have lost it at 14, and when I look back, it's kinda of disgusting because when I view children, they look too young to be exposed to those things too quickly, and most of the time pron corrupts the mind. People should do it when the time is right and when they are mature.
Porn is great... I love porn. Look at it all the time. Just got done looking as a matter of fact... and instead of masterbating tonight, I'm going to wake up my wife for a little love.

Somebody please tell me who is getting hurt here. I have sex with my wife with or without porn.. it is always pleasing for both of us. Sometimes we watch it together but sometimes I watch it myself. Where is the victim?

I've been looking at porn for over 15 years.... I still LOVE sex with the average woman.

Learn to enjoy life.... Christ, people can be uptight.
Yep, once you find a source of the good stuff, plaster yourself to it because you probably won't find anything like it again.
Chosen One:

"Any women with me needs no vibrator anyway, if they feel that urge I will satisfy it with whatever means, she must return the favor though, IMO oral sex works all the time."

After all that has been said, this is the paragraph I feel like replying to. You said she has to return the favor, as if you place conditions on what you'll do for her based on what you'll get in return.

Also, what if you're away on business for a week, and she uses the vibrator while she's thinking about you?

Just a couple of thoughts.

Personally, I'm not completely sure how I feel about everything concerning this, but there are some things I know. I know that for me, there is nothing more erotic than making love to someone you truly care about, and when you're in love with someone, they become the sexiest person in the world anyway.

That's what people should want. I also know that now I am older, I find hardcore pornography empty and unfullfilling (it always was, but I've learned to see through the illusion), but if I happen to be watching an erotic scene in a movie involving two people who are in love, it turns every part of me on, the important thing being my heart. It doesn't make me feel like having sex. It makes me feel like being in love, and there aren't many things more pure and fulfilling than that. In this respect, anything that makes you want to love a woman, rather than just have sex with one, is probably a good thing. That can different for different people.

In a relationship, it's all about sharing or giving, honesty, respect, and being to committed to each other. Most of the things discussed in this thread are just symptoms of the lack of one or more of those essential things.

Anyway, as I said, I don't have this all figured out. I just felt like adding something here :)
Originally posted by Rav
After all that has been said, this is the paragraph I feel like replying to. You said she has to return the favor, as if you place conditions on what you'll do for her based on what you'll get in return.

"Love" is more about giving than taking. If all a woman would do is take from you, lose her.

Also, what if you're away on business for a week, and she uses the vibrator while she's thinking about you?

I'd tell her to suppress her urges and let them build up. ;)

In a relationship, it's all about sharing or giving, honesty, respect, and being to committed to each other. Most of the things discussed in this thread are just symptoms of the lack of one or more of those essential things.

Anyway, as I said, I don't have this all figured out. I just felt like adding something here :)

I argee with everything you have said. I am against hardcore porn, the meaningless crap.

Other than that, sensuality in movies is perfectly fine.
"Love" is more about giving than taking. If all a woman would do is take from you, lose her.

I don't disagree with that of course. I was reacting to the manner in which you said what you said. It seemed to me that what you'd get in return was at the forefront of your mind when talking about what you were willing to give.

If you mean that you'd never do something like that unless the goodwill was reciprocated on a case by case basis, then I'd take issue with it. If you mean that overall both people should give equally to a relationship, then of course I agree with you. Again, I just felt that the way you said it might have been reflective of a certain attitude you may or may not have had. If I'm wrong, then all is well :)

I'd tell her to suppress her urges and let them build up.

Do you feel that satisfying those urges while thinking about the very person you love (in thier absence) is wrong?
"I'd tell her to suppress her urges and let them build up."

Why? You have an intense desire to control your woman's sex, eh?
Hmmm, a debate between a man intimidated by his girl's vibrater and men with nothing better to do than to debate pr0n.

Thanks guys, I needed to be reminded of why humanity is doomed.
Hmmm, a debate between a man intimidated by his girl's vibrater and men with nothing better to do than to debate pr0n.

Thanks guys, I needed to be reminded of why humanity is doomed.

Never let the truth get in the way of a witty and humorous remark huh? It might have been funny, but it certainly wasn't intelligent.
if you think a woman is thinking only of you when she's using her vibrator, Rav, you're in for a rather nasty surprise someday.

then again, perhaps it's best you never ask her that question.
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