ok, PORN
whats it mean?
whose got the habit? just read tis today: 'IT'S PORN TILL DAWN: Dear Mirror, My boyfriend of two years prefers watching porn and masturbating by himself than coming to bed and having sex with me.
I have no problem with his masturbating but I hate going to bed alone every night. I've told himit's stupid for us both to masturbate in separate rooms instead of having real sex togther.
On several mornings I've found him still downstairs on the sofa watching porn. I want to talk to him about it but he just gets angry."
that letter's to an agony aunt at here www.mirror.co.uk
how would YOU answer that
funnily enuf, i once met this woman who confided in me tat she had becme SO incensed wit a almost identical problem as reported above, that she took an AXE to her partner's computer...!
whats it mean?
whose got the habit? just read tis today: 'IT'S PORN TILL DAWN: Dear Mirror, My boyfriend of two years prefers watching porn and masturbating by himself than coming to bed and having sex with me.
I have no problem with his masturbating but I hate going to bed alone every night. I've told himit's stupid for us both to masturbate in separate rooms instead of having real sex togther.
On several mornings I've found him still downstairs on the sofa watching porn. I want to talk to him about it but he just gets angry."
that letter's to an agony aunt at here www.mirror.co.uk
how would YOU answer that
funnily enuf, i once met this woman who confided in me tat she had becme SO incensed wit a almost identical problem as reported above, that she took an AXE to her partner's computer...!