I'm not. The Australian woman could have been an Arabic one brought up in Australia and I would have felt the same dismay. The practice has been going on uninterrupted since the time of the Pharoahs and is so deeply ingrained that any sign of poverty brings a
resurgence due to superstition and peer pressure. The idea that even without the cultural fixation, women would consider it acceptable is enough to make me weep.
yeah, I can understand that. Self-hatred and perversity are pretty universal and some just need to hear of a new form to be attracted to it. And by perversity I am not judging sexual desires, but rather taking perversity's meaning of 'twisted'. Contorted from its healthy form. Like the perverse pleasure, for example, in being contrary even if it hurts primarily yourself. I have been known to be like this, though in vastly milder forms, thank God.
In some way I think it is important to see how we have the patterns ourselves, in our self relations, in our relations to those close to us, in our relations to the opposite sex, etc. I am not thinking just of female genital mutilation, but with that also.
When I mention this I am not suggesting that all similar patterns have the same level of abuse. I do think that there is a connection. I think we have become so fixated on Newtonian forms of causal interaction that we miss out on approaches to healing things that are more subtle, but perhaps even more direct. I think future scientists will laugh at the limitations we have placed on causation.
And in any case it can't hurt. If men, for example, could look into the ways they fear women's sexuality and potential desire to get satisfaction somewhere else or be critical of the man's performance, that could be one step. I mean really look deeply at that. Feel into it. Even the nice 'non-sexist guys' in fact sometimes most of all those guys, need to look at that. And this is present all over the West and East. Women can look at the ways in which they feel it is wrong to seek pleasure to and to consider sex something for them and not simply for the man or for the production of children. I am sure there are more patterns at work in there that are shared to some degree all over the world.
I think a great deal of self-honesty and exploration - yes, that can be an appropriate double entendre - can make changes in ways that cannot be calculated by Newtonian cause effect models.
I am not saying that we shouldn't go directly at the cases of worst abuse. We should, taking into account all the problematic cultural and cross cultural issues. I do think it is incomplete if we don't look for the same patterns in ourselves and find a way to shift them. If nothing else this will give us a peek at how tricky it is to change these things and how ineffective repression is.
One scientific axiom is
it is best to assume disconnection between things and events unless it can be proven otherwise - IOW disconnection is primary.
I think this axiom will get challenged more and more
as twentieth century science has already shown.