Pope meets with victims of clery Sexual Abuse

You're on a roll today. Good topics of discussion. :)

I don't think its enough to meet the victims or pay compensation. The priests who did these illicit acts should be excommunicated and handed over to the authorities.

Agreed !
(Wow ! A compliment from you to Shorty :D)
The real problem is that the priests are now amongst others with children who don't even know those priests are pedophiles. The Vatican never discloses that information about their priests to anyone but the Vatican itself! What a fucked up religion and how anyone can still stand by it and uphold it is beyond belief!! :mad:
To be fair, those acts have nothing to do with the religion itself.

But the religion is hiding the pedophiles and the religion isn't telling anyone where they are to help protect the children in the parish. Any sex offender must register with the area they reside in if they are convivted of such a crime why not the same with this religion?
Yea, but individuals are, or the organization if you will is, hiding the pedophiles not the religion.
It is the religion that pays the priests, gives them jobs and takes care of them. So that means the religion is the thing responsible for what their employees do just as in the real world where laws protect individuals from pedophiles but the Vatican doesn't.:mad:
LOL you are still confusing two things.

1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.
the practice of religious beliefs;

From your quote, where does it say that pedophilia is a thing to do? I always thought it was against your Gods will to do this. Teaching that something is wrong then turning around and allowing it to happen seem to be teaching a hypocritical point of view on your own Bible.
From your quote, where does it say that pedophilia is a thing to do? I always thought it was against your Gods will to do this. Teaching that something is wrong then turning around and allowing it to happen seem to be teaching a hypocritical point of view on your own Bible.

That's exactly what I mean. Pedophilia is not a part of their religion.
You're on a roll today. Good topics of discussion. :)

I don't think its enough to meet the victims or pay compensation. The priests who did these illicit acts should be excommunicated and handed over to the authorities.
It may be self evident to you because of social mores in your society. Does not mean that everyone has the same social mores.

You are just a pedantic foreigner. And by the way, many of the victims of these priests, in part because they were children, did not know that the sexual abuse was wrong until later, often when they were adults. How many young girls, SAM, do you think who are given away in marriage to adult males will not realize that they are being abused until later?

I feel like I will actually lose my respect for you over this issue.
You are just a pedantic foreigner. And by the way, many of the victims of these priests, in part because they were children, did not know that the sexual abuse was wrong until later, often when they were adults. How many young girls, SAM, do you think who are given away in marriage to adult males will not realize that they are being abused until later?

I feel like I will actually lose my respect for you over this issue.

Well I have personal experience in this regard. Both my grandmothers married very young and were "given away" to their husbands, who were older. Neither of them saw anything abusive or unusual about it, but considered the practice ideal. With the result that their daughters married very early. However, my mother had a liberal father (even though he married a 12 year old), who worked for the then British occupiers and was exposed to different ideas. With the result that none of her children married until well after they finished college.

So the idea that the girls recognise any abuse is your projection. Its entirely a social concept.
Well I have personal experience in this regard. Both my grandmothers married very young and were "given away" to their husbands, who were older. One had 13 children the other had 3. Neither of them saw anything abusive or unusual about it, but considered the practice ideal. With the result that their daughters married very early. However, my mother had a liberal father (even though he married a 12 year old) and was exposed to different ideas. With the result that none of her children married until well after they finished college.

So the idea that the girls recognise any abuse is your projection. Its entirely a social concept.
Most slaves took slavery as natural. Say, around the Mediteranean.
Most women took the lack of a vote as natural, at least in my country. And then, slowly, they did not.
Most people take all kinds of injustice and abuse as natural. Until they don't.

I know plenty of people in my country who were beaten as children - I do not mean spanked, I mean wrong end of the belt or beaten up like in a bar fight, but by their fathers - who think this made them better able to deal with society.

I will still be critical of the practice. Especially practices aimed at children.

Female Sexual Mutilation is often performed by women on their children, in other words, it is performed by people who themselves went through it. I think it is sexist, horrible abuse of children, girls. Nevertheless. Despite what they come to think when they are adults, later, what many people come to think who are abused and live in a culture or subculture where that abuse is justified by those in power and seen as the norm.

I am glad for your female relatives that they thrived. I am sure it is possible. I think in general it is abusive.
Female Sexual Mutilation is often performed by women on their children, in other words, it is performed by people who themselves went through it. I think it is sexist, horrible abuse of children, girls. Nevertheless. Despite what they come to think when they are adults, later, what many people come to think who are abused and live in a culture or subculture where that abuse is justified by those in power and seen as the norm. .

Thats an excellent example. FSM has been hard to wipe out inspite of laws, inspite of awareness campaigns. I have heard British born women and Australian women who have married Egyptians protesting in FAVOR of it. To me thats ludicrous, they don't even have the excuse for culture and tradition except by adoption. But again, the approach to FSM is the single most important thing that stands in the way of its elimination. You are a barbaric abusive mother!!!!!!!! somehow does not appear to have a prophylactic effect on the practice.
Then why don't they get rid of the priests that are doing it then? :shrug:

Because they are being assholes ?
You can blame the people that adhere the religion but, since the religion does not advocate their behavior, you can't blame the religion.