Pope meets with victims of clery Sexual Abuse


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Pope Benedict XVI prayed with tearful victims of clergy sex abuse in a chapel Thursday.

Benedict and Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley met with a group of five or six clergy sex abuse victims for about 25 minutes, offering them encouragement and hope.

Reaching out to victims
Well over 4,000 priests have been accused of molesting minors in the U.S. since 1950. The church has paid out more than $2 billion, much of it in just the last six years, after the case of a serial molester in Boston gained national attention and inspired many victims to step forward.

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What are your thoughts? A little too late for apoligies I would say. Those kids are screwed up for the rest of their lives now.
It is just one big coverup.
Yeah, just make sure the pope isn't alone with them. That is all.
You're on a roll today. Good topics of discussion. :)

I don't think its enough to meet the victims or pay compensation. The priests who did these illicit acts should be excommunicated and handed over to the authorities.
You're on a roll today. Good topics of discussion. :)

I don't think its enough to meet the victims or pay compensation. The priests who did these illicit acts should be excommunicated and handed over to the authorities.

I vote for castration!
Why didn't he put the priests in jail instead of paying off the victims? Why did he allow the priests to be moved to other parishs witout telling those people there what the priests had done? This is nothing more than a SHAM! Those priests should be in jail and serving at least 25 years to life but no, they are freely working with children once again perhaps raping them as the Pope speaks! :mad::mad::(
Because the pope is the GD sock puppet of Satan! and he along with all the other catholic hierarchy don't want people to know that they secretly worship Satan, so therefore didn't want to bring any negative publicity to the catholic church. Evil fucks!
What the hell encouragement and hope can you offer the victims or parents, when they know the priest that committed the act is still running around free. So what they moved him to a different town like cosmic said, to rape again. How much money is enough compensation to a family that has to live with a child that was molested by someone they put their faith in and trusted. I would say there is no $$ amount that is going to erase it from the childs mind and let them lead a normal life.
What the hell encouragement and hope can you offer the victims or parents, when they know the priest that committed the act is still running around free. So what they moved him to a different town like cosmic said, to rape again. How much money is enough compensation to a family that has to live with a child that was molested by someone they put their faith in and trusted. I would say there is no $$ amount that is going to erase it from the childs mind and let them lead a normal life.

The only way the child would ever feel "safe" would be to know the priest was locked up for life!
The only way the child would ever feel "safe" would be to know the priest was locked up for life!

If I was the parent I probably wouldn't be able to let it go either. I would probably spend my life in a rage that the bastard got away with it.
Seems to me like the Church is silencing its victims with handsome cheques. Personally, I don't really know of any viable solution which could observably improve the mindset of those who have been abused. Encouragement and prayer? Talk is cheap.
This says it all doesn't it. There is actually a group that get together called the:

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests :mad:
I have an idea! Mark 10:21

21J esus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor...

How bout the catholic church sells the billions of dollars worth of priceless art and gold in the Vatican and donates the money to abuse victims and abuse prevention programs across the planet!!!
i think all this sends a bigger message...that organized religious institutions and all of the rules and regulations and rituals that go with them are a fucking farse and people should clue the fuck up. the problem is, these pedophiles get more attention than jesus himself.
Money is not justice. The rapists should be incarcerated.

unfortunately rape has a statute of limitations on it. If its 10 yrs and they rape a 3 yr old, he has til he's 13 to say something. About all you can do after that is file a lawsuit.
I don't know what the time limit is on a conspiracy though.

And didn't a lot of these cases happen under Pope John Paul II's term?
I vote for castration!

i dont think that should ever be a form of punishment, i mean yes these kids are fucked up for the rest of they're lives and these men should be punished, but cutting of ones balls what would that acheive?
i dont think that should ever be a form of punishment, i mean yes these kids are fucked up for the rest of they're lives and these men should be punished, but cutting of ones balls what would that acheive?

It would be one hell of a deterrent for other peds