Pope Benedict: Other Christians Not True Churches

It is obviously an understudied conclusion to say that Jesus was not is God and try to use scripture to back your conclusion, because scripture speaks otherwise

Exact same sentiment straight back at you. I wont go through all the details here because it is off topic, but we can debate it somewhere else if you're upto it.
I disagree. God is the great I Am. He always was and always will be. satan was one of his angels until he fell from grace. He's been tempting man ever since Adam and Eve.
well it seem with gods blessing.
so we can assume from your replies that god cant beat satan else why hasn't god distroyed him, like he destroyed all the aledgedly evil people in the flood.
or is it satan is doing what god wishes him to do because god likes him.
you seem to have all the answers, can you explain that conundrum. thank you.
Wait a second Sandy... if God created Satan, why can't he just get rid of him? Right now. This very instant. Thus getting rid of all of this "the devil is tempting you" bullshit so more people can go to Heaven? And why did Jesus need to die on a cross to "defeat Satan" (who apparently hasn't been "defeated" since he still "exists") when God could have just... *poof*... destroyed him?
No. HE doesn't torture. YOU get a choice. Spend eternity in Heaven with your Heavenly Father or frying in Hell with your demonic father. :eek:

It really is that simple. Who is your spiritual Father? God or satan? There is no in-between. You're either a child of God or a child of the devil. You get to choose.:)
M*W: Just curious, Sandy, what is your IQ?
satan's goal is to have you believe there is no devil. Then you can blame God for all your problems. :rolleyes:
M*W: If there was a god, how could satan have this kind of manipulation over a human being that this god would have created? This is obviously a mythological joke.
I disagree. God is the great I Am. He always was and always will be. satan was one of his angels until he fell from grace. He's been tempting man ever since Adam and Eve.:(

I need God because he is my spiritual Father. I need his wisdom, guidance, grace, love, and affection.:worship:

Maybe your life is perfect without Him. Mine is almost perfect because of Him.;)
M*W: You're delusional.
I disagree. God is the great I Am. He always was and always will be. satan was one of his angels until he fell from grace. He's been tempting man ever since Adam and Eve.:(

I need God because he is my spiritual Father. I need his wisdom, guidance, grace, love, and affection.:worship:

Maybe your life is perfect without Him. Mine is almost perfect because of Him.;)
M*W: Sandy, do you know why this god you believe in is NOT the "I Am?" I'll tell you why. This story was to have taken place during the great phenomenal Exodus which never occurred when Moses went upon the mountain to talk to god=the sun (i.e. on the mountaintop) when god was supposed to have said "I am the I Am." This never happened!! It was a mythological story! There was NO Exodus. Moses didn't go upon a mountain and talk to god. It's not unusual in the heat of the desert that a bush would ignite under the heat of the sun. I've seen this happen myself on a very hot Southern summer day when the grass ignites and forest fires begin. It's a NATURAL occurance. No gods needed. No ancient prophets needed... just the heat of the sun, that's all.

Sandy, your knowledge concerns me. You seem to be trapped in a lie that you believe! Myth is fun to read, but it's not true... it's fiction.
So, one could say the same of your endless identification of biblical myths with astrology and sun worshipping.
M*W: Sure, it's all myth. I don't proclaim it to be a modern science. It's just ancient myth. I don't believe in it, but ancients humans did.
Exact same sentiment straight back at you. I wont go through all the details here because it is off topic, but we can debate it somewhere else if you're upto it.

Was just pointing out other scriptures that you may have overlooked in drawing your conclusion, though I will allow your conclusion to be thus. First off for debate purposes, it would seem like one would first have to agree on the bible as foundational truth, I don't think I can get you to swallow that worm, so how can you argue that which you aren't in connection with?
Who cares what the pope says? And, furthermore, it does not make much logical sense for you to quote the pope, who declares himself the vicar of Christ, which is the equivalence of Christ on earth, and use his rhetoric to attack true Christians who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. If you want to use the pope to attack indwelt Christians, then please believe wholeheartedly in what he says first because your words mean nothing when you use something you do not believe/have the heart for to attack someone else merely for the sake of attacking them. I answer only to my Lord Jesus Christ because through His death He spilled sinless blood onto the earth, bridging the gap and tearing the curtain that separates heaven and earth. As such through the indwelt of the Holy Spirit, God is living within each and every regenerate Christian. Thus, no one needs a pope or priest or any other intermediary to go to God. Christians go straight to God themselves. He is my Father. Amen. :worship:
I thought that statement is just exaggeration made by media. :confused:

Anyway, I don't listen what pope says since 1054. ;)
it would seem like one would first have to agree on the bible as foundational truth, I don't think I can get you to swallow that worm, so how can you argue that which you aren't in connection with?

I see we now have our own thread for this. I would however like to point out that for the sake of debate I will accept the bible as authority and truth.