Pope Benedict: Other Christians Not True Churches


Valued Senior Member

Christ 'established here on earth' only one church," the document said. The other communities "cannot be called 'churches' in the proper sense" because they do not have apostolic succession - the ability to trace their bishops back to Christ's original apostles!

So if you're not Catholic. You're going to HELL:bugeye: And this is comming from the Demon that presided over the Catholic church molestation cases. He was the Demon that recommended that the Bishops be re-assinged. Instead of prosecuted.


Just wow, Just wow. In a Galaxy that's over 50 billion light years long. We have this pompass bacterial spore, claiming that "he" holds the keys to the Universe. You Christians, Muslims, ect. Are going to go down in History as a sick & twisted cult.
Thats not all...he has refered to the Protestant church as an instrument of the antichrist.

When I first read that on his website before he became pope I kept having to read it over and over, because I couldnt believe such a thing could be posted on an official vatican release.

Of course, Luther used the same poetic phrase to describe the vatican of his day.
Thats not all...he has refered to the Protestant church as an instrument of the antichrist.

When I first read that on his website before he became pope I kept having to read it over and over, because I couldnt believe such a thing could be posted on an official vatican release.

Of course, Luther used the same poetic phrase to describe the vatican of his day.
M*W: I'm still in a state of shock that you're not christian. I was a bit shocked by BXVI's proclamation that any churches other than catholic are not salvific. Even when I was a catholic, we had more enlightened priests that claimed all christian sects were truly christian. This latest statement by the pope makes me even happier that I'm now an atheist! I don't like him. I don't get good vibes from him. I toyed with guilt after meeting JPII and then embracing atheism. I thought he was a good man, but BXVI was JPII's choice for the next pope. Makes me wonder. If I weren't already an atheist, I believe BXVI would have pushed me over the hump.
I was a bit shocked by BXVI's proclamation that any churches other than catholic are not salvific. Even when I was a catholic, we had more enlightened priests that claimed all christian sects were truly christian. This latest statement by the pope makes me even happier that I'm now an atheist! I don't like him. I don't get good vibes from him.

Try reading Paul Williams excellent book 'The Vatican Exposed' if you really want to know what these guys are up to, behind those massive pillars.

You'll love the historical prologue where Constantine meets the Bishop of Rome, who is somewhat befuddled by the emporer's frequent allusions confusing Christ with Sol!


"There is no disputing the fact that the Vatican, by which I mean the clerical bureaucracy which controls and leads the Roman Catholic Church, is a very powerful and secretive organization. There is also little disputing the fact that great power and great secrecy typically help an organization to become corrupt. Has the same occurred with the Vatican?

Put this way, it seems unreasonable to think that somehow the Vatican has managed to escape the sorts of corruption that have afflicted every other human enterprise through history, especially considering just how long the Vatican has had in order to succumb to the temptations of greed and power. On the other hand, it's not enough to simply suggest that the Vatican is susceptible to corruption - can a case be made that it *has succumbed to corruption?

That's what Paul L. Williams tries to do in his recent book The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder, and the Mafia. Williams, who holds a doctorate in philosophy and a masters of divinity in church history from Drew University and who has taught religion and philosophy at the University of Scranton and Wilkes University, argues that the seeds of corruption were planted very early on when Constantine made Christianity the state religion, thus linking the Catholic Church with political power. This was a difficult time for Pope Miltiades, but he managed to cope well enough:

Miltiades was befuddled. What was transpiring before him was too bizarre to be true! Two worlds had collided. The world of Caesar with its riches and power, its pomp and splendor, was a world to be shunned. The world of Christ was a world of poverty and service, of persecution and self-denial.

Militades died in a regal bed, surrounded by attendants. The old bishop was succeeded by Sylvester, who reigned for nearly twenty-two years. During this time the pope came to wield secular power.

And so began a long, gradual slide away from principles of self-denial and towards the greed for power and money that accompany any sort of corruption. Today the extent of the Vatican's holdings are unknown, but a major shift occurred in 1929 when Pope Pius XI signed the Lateran Treaty with Mussolini - an act which did a lot to help Mussolini solidify his own power in Italy. At the time the Vatican was destitute, lacking sufficient funding to maintain its buildings or get the rats out of the walls. Currently, conservative estimates put the gold reserves of the Vatican above those of some industrialized countries, and its real-estate holdings larger than the land area of some nations.

A deal with Mussolini was a deal with terror and fascism, but it wasn't all that different than the deal with Constantine - it's a pattern that the Vatican has not shied away from even today. The quest for financial power led to heavy investments in fascist Italy (effectively ending ancient bans on usury), a concordat with Nazi Germany that ended Catholic political organizations in exchange for the Nazis collecting massive amounts of taxes which flowed to the Vatican, not to mention deals with fascist Croats and Mafia hoodlums.

Today, the bulk of the financial power of the Vatican (not to mention its corruption) seems to lie in the Instituto per le Opere di Religione, commonly known as the Vatican Bank:

Despite its claims otherwise, the Vatican Bank is not a branch of the State of Vatican City. It exists as an entity unto itself without corporate or ecclesiastical ties to any other agency within the Holy See. It is under the direct supervision of the pope. He is the one and only stockholder. He owns it; he controls it.

Unlike any other financial institution, the Vatican Bank is audited by neither internal nor outside agencies. Its worth remains a matter of conjecture, even for members of the College of Cardinals. There is not a scrap of its papers among all of the other bureaucracies of the Roman Church - not even ecclesiastical financial agencies - that attests to its assets or accounts. In 1996 Cardinal Edmund Szoka, the internal auditor of the Holy See, told investigators that he has no authority over the Vatican Bank and has no knowledge of its operations.

Much of Williams' book involves an investigation of the activities of the Vatican Bank and those who have represented it in the name of the pope. Murder, mobsters, fraud...the title of the book may be rather lurid, but if only a portion of what Williams writes is true, then the title is also quite accurate and fair."

Christ 'established here on earth' only one church," the document said. The other communities "cannot be called 'churches' in the proper sense" because they do not have apostolic succession - the ability to trace their bishops back to Christ's original apostles!

So if you're not Catholic. You're going to HELL:bugeye: And this is comming from the Demon that presided over the Catholic church molestation cases. He was the Demon that recommended that the Bishops be re-assinged. Instead of prosecuted.


Just wow, Just wow. In a Galaxy that's over 50 billion light years long. We have this pompass bacterial spore, claiming that "he" holds the keys to the Universe. You Christians, Muslims, ect. Are going to go down in History as a sick & twisted cult.

LOL so satans little puppet declares me a heretic. What an honour. :)

We will see when the Messiah Jesus returns who the spiritual filth is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Wow that must be a slap in the face for many of those that follow jesus and god whatever that isn't catholic. Teh funny...
he may have said that because a decent number of protestant groups claim catholic are not chriastians
Well, some Catholics believe it. :confused:

Mel Gibson has come under fire for being hard on Jews in his film “The Passion of the Christ” — but apparently, he feels that Protestants are also doomed to damnation. In fact, it looks like Gibson, a conservative Catholic, believes that his Episcopalian wife could be going to hell.

Gibson was interviewed by the Herald Sun in Australia, and the reporter asked the star if Protestants are denied eternal salvation. “There is no salvation for those outside the Church,” Gibson replied. “I believe it.”

He elaborated: “Put it this way. My wife is a saint. She’s a much better person than I am. Honestly. She’s, like, Episcopalian, Church of England. She prays, she believes in God, she knows Jesus, she believes in that stuff. And it’s just not fair if she doesn’t make it, she’s better than I am. But that is a pronouncement from the chair. I go with it.”
Look, he's just old. And old people are crabby. Give him a cup of tea and a biscuit and ask him about the war. You'll see the difference.
I have several comments for the Pope starting with:

-I don't need any intermediaries between me and Jesus.

-I have never found the words 'pope' or 'Catholic' in the Bible.

-It's the kind of thinking that led to the Inquisition, for which the previous pope recently apologized.

-I'm very disturbed by such exclusionary rhetoric.

- And what happened to the 'Can't we all get along' movement?

I don't care what Popo says. I don't answer to him. No one should.
-I have never found the words 'pope' or 'Catholic' in the Bible.

You never find the word trinity in the bible either, so then.. wouldn't your own argument stop you from believing in it?
He's only destroying his own credibility and such declarations only work on people who already think this way.
I don't know if the word trinity is in the Bible or not. And I'm too tired to go look it up. Even if the word "trinity" is not in the Bible, the concept of the three-in-one, the triune God, is.

The term "Godhead," referring to the three-in-one, can be found in Acts 17:29and Colossians 2:9. The doctrine of the Godhead can be summed up in the literal Hebrew translation of one verse. Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our Gods (plural) is Jehovah a unity."

The concept of the Godhead (Trinity) is evident in scripture as early as the first chapter of the book of Genesis.
Even the Old Testament makes definite reference both to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

There are three individual Persons in the Godhead, there is still only one God.

-I'm very disturbed by such exclusionary rhetoric.


So am I!
But...isn't this what most Christians do anyways??
I see it every sunday on TV...Joyce Meyers, Franklin Graham,Donnie Swaggert, Jack Van Impe,etc,etc,etc.
Follow their narrow path to God or incinerate!:rolleyes:
There's another Swaggert? How bleah is that? :rolleyes:

At any rate I'm totally not surprised by this. Religion has always struck me as exclusionary and discriminatory. I am so not worried by any posturing mouthpiece. Until he becomes a military power of course.
I don't know if the word trinity is in the Bible or not. And I'm too tired to go look it up. Even if the word "trinity" is not in the Bible, the concept of the three-in-one, the triune God, is.

The term "Godhead," referring to the three-in-one, can be found in Acts 17:29and Colossians 2:9. The doctrine of the Godhead can be summed up in the literal Hebrew translation of one verse. Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our Gods (plural) is Jehovah a unity."

The concept of the Godhead (Trinity) is evident in scripture as early as the first chapter of the book of Genesis.
Even the Old Testament makes definite reference both to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

There are three individual Persons in the Godhead, there is still only one God.

M*W: The word "trinity" is not found anywhere in the bible. The divinity of Jesus came about when the trinity concept became an issue for the early church fathers to discuss in the late 300s CE, many decades following the Council of Nicaea. Jesus was not considered as divine in his own time (hypothetically assuming that he existed).

Let's face it. If Jesus was god, he would have been god eternally, and not just established around 400 CE.

Fiction. All fiction.
Does it really matter? I don't know of any Catholics that even listen to the Pope. I mean, are they supposed to use birth control?? I can't keep up, their rules change so often.
So am I!
But...isn't this what most Christians do anyways?? I see it every sunday on TV...Joyce Meyers, Franklin Graham,Donnie Swaggert, Jack Van Impe, etc,etc,etc. Follow their narrow path to God or incinerate!:rolleyes:
M*W: I'll tell you who I like to watch these days. It's Rod Parsley. He gets to preaching and starts to sweat profusely. He carries a black hankerchief to wipe his face. He's an ex-wrestler. I noticed the other day he was wearing a T-shirt under a long-sleeved shirt, and a black or charcoal grey wool jacket with white lining. Yes, I said white lining. It stuck out like a sore thumb. Then this idiot had on leather pants. They could have been vinyl. I don't know. In other words, he was purposefully contributing to heating up his body so he could sweat. His congregation believes that when he sweats, he is talking with the Holy Spirit! Another member on this forum (Bells) clarified many months ago that they also turn up the heat to give the illusion of being present in the Holy Spirit! What fraud! Then, there is the music. The organist plays a chord on cue when Reverend Parsley preaches. I've seen him have speakers on his show that literally hypnotized the congregation! That's scary. And, yes, these frauds are christians. I used to watch Jimmy Swaggert just to watch him cry. Now Rod Parsley sweats. No wonder his faithful pass out when they turn up the heat. This is the greatest show on earth, if you ask me.
The divinity of Jesus came about when the trinity concept became an issue for the early church fathers to discuss in the late 300s CE, many decades following the Council of Nicaea.
No, the Jesus figure is treated as human AND divine throughout the new testament.

As divine perhaps most of all in Paul's letters, and least of all in Mark.
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