Pope Benedict attacks UK Equality Bill

Peeps, it's not about the law stating the RCC must employ a certain number of homosexuals, transexuals, atheists, etc.
I'm not a lawyer so I can only speak in laymans terms here. As it stands the law in the UK is slightly ambiguous, insofar as religious organizations are trying to ask for some form of wording in the latest legislation that means they can refuse employment or association with people who are homosexual, transexual, and so on. The RCC tried this with adoption, claiming they couldn't consider same sex couples as adoptive parents due to their religious beliefs. The equality bill would take away this grey area and religious groups could potentially be prosecuted if found guilty of discrimination.

You must prove that an individual is not capable of doing a job, not just make up an arbitrary reason not to employ them.

In the case of PETA employing a whaler, apart from being a daft idea, I fully expect them to employ someone that eats meat or wears fur so long as the person in question could carry out their given tasks to a satisfactory standard (cleaning the office toilet, book keeping, etc). Please, no more red herrings.
What does?

If established religious groups are free by law to discriminate against people they don't like then it would open up the floodgates.

A company could decide it only wants to employ Jedi's, so prove you love Star Wars or clean out your desk Mr Smith. :rolleyes:
From the BBC News website:

The Pope has urged Catholic bishops in England and Wales to fight the UK's Equality Bill with "missionary zeal".

Pope Benedict XVI said the legislation "violates natural law".


Seems the old goat is more worried about gay priests than he his about kiddy fiddler priests.
Way to go Vatican, one more nail in the Catholic coffin.

I don't even pay attention to those old goats anymore.

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. by Mahatma Gandhi.