Pope Benedict attacks UK Equality Bill


Master Queef
Valued Senior Member
From the BBC News website:

The Pope has urged Catholic bishops in England and Wales to fight the UK's Equality Bill with "missionary zeal".

Pope Benedict XVI said the legislation "violates natural law".


Seems the old goat is more worried about gay priests than he his about kiddy fiddler priests.
Way to go Vatican, one more nail in the Catholic coffin.

So when is it okay to discriminate?

An 'adult' can work in a bar, while a 16 year old can't... Why?

Then you have minimum wage laws..... There are people out there who don't have the 'skills' or education to give them a competitive job... There are jobless people in the world... Maybe they would rather work $5/hr and get $50 a day so at least they can eat well, but no the government forces that the employer pay $8/hr so the employer doesn't hire because he can't afford $8 but if it was $5 he may have hired 1 or 2 people. In other words a portion of the workforce is eliminated due to these laws- isn't that discrimination against people who don't have a problem working for less pay?

So if someone wants to open a massage center in India for women- where women are more shy and would not go to a massage if it were a man because of various social and cultural traditions of modesty.... The government is going to force them to hire a man even though the facility demands a non-men workforce?

What about the story where a government worker was fired because he was married to a porn-star? What do you call that?

At UW (University of Washington) there is a study center called I.C.E- you have to be a minority to get in it and these people are given Old Exam answers that professors post online (general classes)- but the professor doesn't give class the answers- but I.C.E center gets a copy of the answers and anyone who attends this place has access to those Exam answers- what the hell is this?

Are elementary schools hiring Pornstars and Alcoholics?

In other words only the government can decide to exclude people because they can 'judge' what can be excluded... Having pornstars and alchoholics at schools will have a 'bad influence' on children? But the Church can't say that having homosexuals will have bad influence on their congregations.

I think this is crossing the line, but I also think this is debatable. Just my opinion.

Peace be unto you ;)
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It's a call that the government must make, otherwise why not be allowed not to employ someone because they are a Catholic?
Catholics it seems like to have a set of rules just for them, "Do as I say, not as I do".
It's a call that the government must make, otherwise why not be allowed not to employ someone because they are a Catholic?
Catholics it seems like to have a set of rules just for them, "Do as I say, not as I do".

That is why you have to draw a line somewhere...

There is also a situation opposite to what you said.

Government is there to secure you.... Why don't they quarantine you in your house? Because if you walk outside you may step on a thorn.:shrug:

This is just government getting more and more authoritative

Peace be unto you ;)
It sounds like the law would force churches to hire gays and transexuals. While I'm all for the rights of GLBT people in secular society, churches are not secular, and should be allowed to hire whomever they wish. The church's position on gays is open to debate, but who am I to dictate to them what they should believe?
At UW (University of Washington) there is a study center called I.C.E- you have to be a minority to get in it and these people are given Old Exam answers that professors post online (general classes)- but the professor doesn't give class the answers- but I.C.E center gets a copy of the answers and anyone who attends this place has access to those Exam answers- what the hell is this?

It's a righty myth

There isnt anything associated with washington university with the acronym ICE that comes close to your description
It's a righty myth

There isnt anything associated with washington university with the acronym ICE that comes close to your description

Have you ever been there? I'm student there.. Although I'm also not finding it online on UW website, perhaps I'll go there and get their information and then post it here?

And do you think they are going to put 'old exam answers' as part of their 'Features' or something? I know because I'm part of minority (from Pakistan)- me and my sister went there for Chemistry exam answers.... And there is no reason for me to make this up, knowing that there are other examples of exclusivity to minority groups. Some scholarships are based on minority status I'm sure you know about those?

Peace be unto you ;)
Here you go found it.. Yes I got the Acronym wrong-- student just say Icy (I thought it was ICE but its IC (literally).

Here is their website:


Its only for 'OMA/D' students who are minority- this place has answers for old exams for many general classes like chemistry, organic chemistry.. If you have friends at the University of Washington you should tell them- its really helpful.. Hopefully he's part of the minority- or get him to make a friend who is minority and can get in and make copies of the exams- its great~!

You know one of the organic chemistry exams was identical to a past exam- my professor was lazy or something- Great for me though...

Peace be unto you ;)
Have you ever been there? I'm student there.. Although I'm also not finding it online on UW website, perhaps I'll go there and get their information and then post it here?

And do you think they are going to put 'old exam answers' as part of their 'Features' or something? I know because I'm part of minority (from Pakistan)- me and my sister went there for Chemistry exam answers.... And there is no reason for me to make this up, knowing that there are other examples of exclusivity to minority groups. Some scholarships are based on minority status I'm sure you know about those?

Peace be unto you ;)

apologies - I get so used to reading righty propaganda about this sort of thing that turns out to be bullshit, that it catches me out on the rare occasion that it turns out to be true :)
It sounds like the law would force churches to hire gays and transexuals. While I'm all for the rights of GLBT people in secular society, churches are not secular, and should be allowed to hire whomever they wish. The church's position on gays is open to debate, but who am I to dictate to them what they should believe?

Not exactly true, senior positions within the the church would still be decided upon internally, so it's unlikely a gay, female or transexual would be voted in as Pope.
But the RCC employ lots of people in many different areas (they are a big business afterall), so this law would ensure they cannot discriminate against hiring or indeed fire someone based on gender or sexual orientation.

Catholics can believe in whatever they like, same as the rest of us. What they can't do is discriminate against people and harm their chances of making a living.
Something to work with?

786 said:

At UW (University of Washington) there is a study center called I.C.E- you have to be a minority to get in it and these people are given Old Exam answers that professors post online (general classes)- but the professor doesn't give class the answers- but I.C.E center gets a copy of the answers and anyone who attends this place has access to those Exam answers- what the hell is this?

Interesting. We hear so little about this up here. As various Google searches come up with polar and climate study issues, or else hockey, it seems a fairly obscure issue. I'd take a try at answering your question, but I've got nothing to work with. Perhaps you might be so kind as to offer us some sort of link or reference as a starting point?
churches are not secular, and should be allowed to hire whomever they wish.

No. They exist in society, and must obey the rules of that society.

Churches are just businesses peddling mystic bullshit. They have no right to have differing employment law because of the bullshit they peddle.
No. They exist in society, and must obey the rules of that society.

Churches are just businesses peddling mystic bullshit. They have no right to have differing employment law because of the bullshit they peddle.

I think they do have that right. Should the Democratic party be forced to hire Republicans? Should PETA be forced to hire former Japanese dolphin fishermen?
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No. They exist in society, and must obey the rules of that society.

Churches are just businesses peddling mystic bullshit. They have no right to have differing employment law because of the bullshit they peddle.

Does Hooters have to hire ugly chicks? (Or ugly men for that matter)?
Does Hooters have to hire ugly chicks? (Or ugly men for that matter)?

I smell red herring.

I supect Hooters have a policy of choosing who they employ in a similar fashion to a group of male strippers hiring a new guy for their group. They have to employ someone whom they believe will appeal to their customers. In that sense your appearance is fundamental to your ability to do that job.

A secretary can be any age, gender, sexuality or 'ugly' and still perfrom that job. What the RCC want to do is deny people job opportunities based on sexuality, not based on ability.

Wouldn't it be just as inappropriate for a church to hire gays or atheists as it would be for a strip club to hire ugly people? There is a difference between discrimination and just not being right for the job.
Wouldn't it be just as inappropriate for a church to hire gays or atheists as it would be for a strip club to hire ugly people? There is a difference between discrimination and just not being right for the job.

Yes there is a difference, which is why these laws are so important.

Strip clubs can hire ugly people, maybe not as strippers but perhaps as bar staff, DJ's, bouncers, accountants, managers, decorators, cleaners, etc.
No. They exist in society, and must obey the rules of that society.

Churches are just businesses peddling mystic bullshit. They have no right to have differing employment law because of the bullshit they peddle.

I wonder what units of measurement mystic bullshit is sold in.

If none exist I suggest the following.

Loaf - the equivalent to reading 10 magic-book verses, or 1 hymn, chant, or mantra.

10 Loafs = 1 Bucket

10 Buckets = 1 Heap