POLL Which is correct? 666 or 616?

Which is correct? 666 or 616?

  • 666

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • 616

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The most powerful nation on earth today is the usa. This nation pushes democracy down everyone’s throats. It backs the UN with its forces that closes countries not allowing them to buy nor sell on the open global markets with out being demoncratic. The capitol of this most powerful nation is Washington DC. The address is 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Used to be 16 Pennsylvania Ave. D = 500, + C = 100, = 600 and the addy gives you the 616. End of story. I will let this thread drop now.
Well it seems the oldest manuscript with the 616 wording has hit the news.
It could be that most of the people on the board recognize that 'God'
simply doesn't exist and don't care about searching for nonsensical relations
to 3 digit numbers.
VICARIUS FILII DEI these are the letters on the popes mitre which is latin for
"Vicar of the Son of God" if done in roman numerals the count would be 666
V=5 v and u have same number count, look in encyclopedia under alphabet



total = 666, but this is only numerology, but revelation clearly out lines the church that is the mother of harlots, and their colors are scarlet and purple, they are rich with gold and pearls, a mother church who has spawned other sunday churches, who changed GODS law and times (dan 7:25) and the beast she sits on is rome REV 17:1-4

notice revelation 13:18 says a man, not the number of man kind, but of a particular man

B=101, etc



Now, obviously this can't be as hitler's dead, but this is what happens when people try to assign numberical values to particular people. It happens all the time, but is never (yet) right
Sleep-no-more if you use the Strongs Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries on the verse Rev. 13-18, particularly "his 848", lends itself to plural, their,them, they.
i said that was just numerology, not saying it was correct in that form, but i did give other evidence, im not to in tune with numerology anyways but that kinda caught me, i seen the hitler one and i think ther was one for bill gates,
Whence come the values for the Hitler consideration?

I mean, the values assigned are obvious, but I've never encountered such a simple alphanumerical value assignation in my tour of theology and the occult.
you know, I don't know where the numbers are from...I read it somewhere. I'll see if i can find it, but I doubt it.
There is an ironmaden in this picture LOL


Isn't it a funny thing? a picture of 6 people and look behind the flags. Its the 60th anniversary of the united nations. Now why did they have to put it up 3 times? :p Oh and this is a offical government picture ;)

They don't even try to hide it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
maybe it was covering the entire wall and photographs have limited perspective! GASP!
Just want to make an input though I don't know a lot about the bible:

1. We all know that jesus is hitler (so hitler can't be antichrist!)

2. 616 or 666? I'd say 666, 616 doesn't make sense. Remember that the bible was probably written by some writer... And writers always likes number such as 666... 616 is too random!
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616 is the oldest found source, 666 was probably made up because it looked more unrandom.
But then.. we all known that the answer to Life the Universe and Everything is 42,
but what if someone else in 100 years or so thinks that 45 looks cooler?!
It's the end of the truth I tell you!! :mad:
Victor E said:
2. 616 or 666? I'd say 666, 616 doesn't make sense. Remember that the bible was probably written by some writer... And writers always likes number such as 666... 616 is too random!

the bible was written by a number of different writers over a long course of time. (i have no reason to believe that the authors are fictional characters.) this is one of the reasons it's so terribly inaccurate. the revelation of john (in which the passage in question is located) specifically was written by John, but that's not important.

the Hebrew people are deeply into numerology, etc. the number wasn't chosen arbitrarily. i believe it likely refers to Nero, and most of the elements contained in Revelation can very easily point back to Rome. Rome is a city on seven hills, so is Babylon the Great in this book. i read somewhere (could someone confirm this?) that Babylon was a name used to refer to Rome. it calls Babylon the Great the great prostitute; Christianity has always viewed Rome as decadent and otherwise evil. the great battle refers to some battle that already happened, i believe--i will need to further research this. but suffice it to say the church had enough reason to hate old Nero (so did everyone else, of course) that they'd be glad to write a holy book about his atrocities.
Why are there no books about 616? :rolleyes:

Why not address the issue that 600 is DC, the capitol of the most powerful nation on earth today.

Also that 16oo is the address of the white house?

That the oldest scrap of manuscript of that part of Revelations has 616 in it! :eek:

It is Monarchy against democracy (demonocracy). :D
42 is the really important number

craterchains (Norval said:
Look at your bibles footnotes and judge for yourselves, which is correct. It is a prophecy for the “end times”. Not something back in history. What modern scenario would fit?
I agree with cosmictraveler
42 is the most important number in the universe!