Political Cartoons Vol. 2

You posted a comic of animals sitting on their owners laps where the animal (property) represents the citizen and the owner (Master) represents the State. AND you have the gall to lecture me on self reflection?!
what gall? you completely missed the point do to your complete lack of introspection.
what gall? you completely missed the point do to your complete lack of introspection.
You posted a comic about a dog (property) sitting in it's Master's (owner's) lap in an inane attempt to whine about Libertarians - again. Libertarians, who make up less than 0.3% of the voting public. Whom you seem to want to blame for the 80 years of failed Progressive Socialism. Libertarians understand that the State doesn't build and provide the house, the dogs themselves do. Libertarians are the type of people who WANT to help one another and do not need a gun shoved in their face to do so. Which is why you probably don't 'get' Libertarianism. Because you're probably not the type of person who goes out of their way to help the downtrodden - voluntarily. And, so you can't begin to imagine what the world would look like without the local Mafia/The State 'redistributing'/stealing from one party and giving to another. You make the mistake of thinking most everyone thinks the way you do.

You're the one in need of some introspection.
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IF Hillary runs, she will not win & she probably knows it. Maybe she'll do it as a practice run for 8 years later when it will be the Democrats turn again.
Running itself is a big money making scam. Books to sell. Hundreds of thousands of $$$ in 'conference' fees talking about made up nonsensical bullshit while rich financiers pretend to care ....pay-offs for the ... just in case. Media events. Being pandered to as if you're worthless ideas are actually important - and by extension you.

Politics is Hollywood for ugly people. They get just as much of a dopamine hit as any other crack addict or head shaven starlet grasping for one last tug of the media's glass c*ck.