Political Cartoons Vol. 2


Yes, this is a PERFECT representation of the State and it's property.

You're just like your Owner's/Farmer's other animals he uses. His dogs he uses to herd his Sheep. His Cat he uses to catch his mice.His chooks to provide him with meat and eggs. You're his Chattel, to give him milk and meat.

How pathetic Amoorikkkan's have become. Simple, sad, pathetic animals unable to recognize it is THEY that provide the food, clothing or shelter for both them AND their Owner - The State. But, nope, Amoorikkkans see themselves as totally dependent upon their Owner. No different from the way I own a Dog or a Cat. Or the way a Farmer owns his Chattel. He provides them with a nice safe paddock within which they will live and die. His Tax-Chattel provide him with the meat and milk he uses and sells on the open market.

Just keep producing your Owner milk and meat. Like good little Amooorikkkan Pets: Tax Chattel on your Farmer's paddock. Do a good job and you might even get a nice little pat on the head when you're good by your Farmer. Or beaten with a newspaper when you're not doing what your Farmer likes. Particularly if you attempt to leave your paddock. Nope. Can't do that. You have a nice little Branding burnt into you that says Property OF/Citizen OF the USA. Of course, your Farmers are also sociopaths who like to arse f*ck there Chattel. But, hey, you don't mind. I mean, it's all just part of doing your part on the Tax Farm as Property / Pets of your Tax Farmers.


Yes, this is a PERFECT representation of the State and it's property.

You're just like your Owner's/Farmer's other animals he uses. His dogs he uses to herd his Sheep. His Cat he uses to catch his mice.His chooks to provide him with meat and eggs. You're his Chattel, to give him milk and meat.

How pathetic Amoorikkkan's have become. Simple, sad, pathetic animals unable to recognize it is THEY that provide the food, clothing or shelter for both them AND their Owner - The State. But, nope, Amoorikkkans see themselves as totally dependent upon their Owner. No different from the way I own a Dog or a Cat. Or the way a Farmer owns his Chattel. He provides them with a nice safe paddock within which they will live and die. His Tax-Chattel provide him with the meat and milk he uses and sells on the open market.

Just keep producing your Owner milk and meat. Like good little Amooorikkkan Pets: Tax Chattel on your Farmer's paddock. Do a good job and you might even get a nice little pat on the head when you're good by your Farmer. Or beaten with a newspaper when you're not doing what your Farmer likes. Particularly if you attempt to leave your paddock. Nope. Can't do that. You have a nice little Branding burnt into you that says Property OF/Citizen OF the USA. Of course, your Farmers are also sociopaths who like to arse f*ck there Chattel. But, hey, you don't mind. I mean, it's all just part of doing your part on the Tax Farm as Property / Pets of your Tax Farmers.


that's what i love about you. you masterful ability of self reflection
that's what i love about you. you masterful ability of self reflection
You posted a comic of animals sitting on their owners laps where the animal (property) represents the citizen and the owner (Master) represents the State. AND you have the gall to lecture me on self reflection?!

The FACT is in the real world, the pet's owners do not provide the house - the pets do. They have to (at the point of a gun) provide housing for their Masters AND, if they have a little left over - for themselves.

Americans are 'free' to LEAVE the USA and go to some other country where they're allowed to *gasp* buy beer from a vending machine (Japan) or ride a bike without a helmet (Netherlands) or buy a snag off the side of the road (Mexico) but do those things in the USSA? Nope. Our Farmer's have deemed those activities to be 'unsafe' for ADULT *so called* free American "Citizens". Hell, we're so pathetic the size of our soda cups will be regulated. The ability to sell arranged flowers is regulated. The ability to fix a computer is regulated.

Sure, you can leave the USSA and then you're free to buy unregulated sausages from an unregulated a vendor. But do that in the USSA? Nope. No, we're so 'civilized' that if you did that - you get to live in a rape cage, or shot, or strangled for resisting arrest. Oh, you may not be able to 'sell' a hot dog - but do a cook up for your extended family? Many of whom you never met? Ask for a kick-in for the snags and soda, sure, that's legal (for now). Cook those snags for a 6 month old? Sure, that's legal. No State licences needed - yet. But, for an adult and charge a buck? No f*cking way. But once you buy the State's licence, then you get to legally sell pink food colored, hot ammonia washed pink slime made mostly of bone and cardboard with a few shekels worth of grade D meat not fit for a dog that an "food inspector' visits one a decade - yes, that's legal. See, it has nothing to do with 'food safety' it has to do with taxation. The ONLY reason you're allowed to legally buy untaxed food outside of your tax pen in another country is because the State hasn't figured out a way to tax your arse in other Farmer's tax pens. But, make no mistake, the day they do, is the day you pay (for your "safety" of course). People think it's sad that North Koreans are never allowed to leave their tax pen, but seem pretty OK with only being allowed 3 month exit visas from their own. Try leaving for 5 months - watch how free you are. Try leaving without your papers. You'll find yourself in a cell no different from any other.

The difference between you and I, is you want to BE the pet.
Whereas, I don't.

The State is the tax pan, It's government is a poorly run redistribution machine, you are It's property. It doesn't provide you with a house, it provides you with a pen. You are your Farmer's Tax Chattel. That's all we've ever been, and all we'll ever be to the State. Republic, Democracy, Aristocracy, Theocracy or otherwise.
Replacing a few words with the house pets symbolizing the American Rebels and the humans representing King George / English Aristocracy.


Yea, how dare they question their Masters - the English. Given ALL that the English had given them. What gall! Accept your place as a Pet. And here we are, a couple hundred years later with Americans whining about how much they hate civil liberty, personal freedom, property rights, self ownership. We now have the largest government in history with the most laws and regulations ruling over any people - ever. It's no surprise we've returned to the trend of living under an oligarchy. That's exactly what people want. Americans WANT to be chattel. They HATE liberty. Amoorikkkans waddling around their tax pen under the watchful eye of their Farmer's field hands over in the NSA. That makes Amooooorikkkans happy.