Planet X- Disasters in 2003/2004

Will Planet X pass closer to Earth, bringing disasters???

  • Yes, it will happen around 2003-2012

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • No. It will happen in the far future.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • Planet X is just an internet legend.

    Votes: 41 70.7%

  • Total voters
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Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
Extra planet

Well alot of people seem to believe that there is an extra planet in our solar system, although I tend to think it's either a Rogue moon or the "DeathStar" with Darth and his minions coming to enslave us as stormtroopers...

Perhaps this is what can be seen through a telescope thats powerful enough

[Did have a picture of deathstar]
Argh... :eek:

Alright I'm being a little melodramatic, what are your thoughts on this supposed phenomona (First one to the Nasa site.... welll gets to see the Nasa site first.)
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A lot of people may believe it, but that doesn't make it true.

If there was an extra planet, we'd see the effects of it in the perturbations of the orbits of other planets in the solar system. We don't see those effects. Therefore, the "extra" planet doesn't exist.
I am an amateur in astronomy,but the tenth planet perhaps can explain the deviations in the predicted orbits of outer planets.

Originally posted by Xev

What deviations?
Well, if your sex life involves small furry animals, fish, unconmfortable leather clothing...
Well, if your sex life involves small furry animals, fish, unconmfortable leather clothing...

Ha ha ha! What sex life?

BTW, 'small furry animals' can be interpreted in more than one way.
Well, by "small furry animals" I of course meant things like gerbils, weasel, ferrets, rats, and so on. Nothing dirty or sick. Why, what were you thinking?
Well, by "small furry animals" I of course meant things like gerbils, weasel, ferrets, rats, and so on. Nothing dirty or sick.

Ya huh.

I was thinking of a nice, healthy euphamism. So nyah!
Deviations in the predicted Orbits of the outer planets of our Solar system.

I heard you the first time - have you got any evidence of such deviations? In four years of studying astronomy, one formally, I've never heard such a thing.
Xev is right. The thought of a 10th planet is an old one. The only reason astronomers thought there might be something out there is because there was a pull on Pluto that they thought might be a planet. It turned out to be Pluto's moon. They were wrong.
It's not a planet. It's a planetesimal. Same thing that Pluto was downgraded to when it was recently given a number in addition to its name. ;)
For ages people have wished/thought that there must be a tenth planet. From reports that Vulcan was spotted (inside the orbit of mercury) to beyond Pluto (because of the regularity of asteroid extinition events) to an out of plane orbit.

There have been studies that tried to analyze the "source" of whatever was thought to be disturbing ice balls and rocks in the Kupier region. Studies that looked for the eccentric orbit, for dark bodies, for Vulcan, for Nemesis, and a host of other names. So far there is no evidence that points to a tenth planet.

There have also been attempts to locate a brown drawf, black hole, or planet both dark and large. Orbits of the planets have been looked at for minor and minute changes that might indicate another body at a distance. So far, nothing.

It is extremely unlikely at this point that we have missed anything close to our system. Another thought in this vein is that there may be a black hole or some other object that is orbiting the galaxy that makes a pass by the solar system every revolution it makes.

It's not a planet. It's a planetesimal.

Last account I had the IAU, had decided that tradition would rule and Pluto would remain a planet.
Hi people.

"Planet X"- What is that?

You can find info here:

*** - Short exciting movie about Planet X

*** - The formal Planet X's site

Read this article:

<B>(Don't forget to vote in the poll, and tell me what u think!)</B>

IN 2003

by Mark Hazlewood </B>
Where Will You Be? </U></B>
Will You Be Ready
#1 Question -- Will you be in a safe area? Will you be ready,
Do you really care for you and your loved ones lives?
We live in a binary system. Our suns dark twin lies toward the Orion galaxy. Planet X is a rogue planet or brown dwarf star. X's orbit takes it back and forth between both suns. It takes approximately 3660 years for one orbit.
X being a brown dwarf is very dense compared to a normal planet its same size. It's gravitional and magnetic pull on the planets it passes is so strong it disrupts their surfaces.

The molten liquid mainly iron ore core of Earth aligns quickly to X as it passes. The crust or surface resists somewhat. Earths crust separates with its liquid core and causes a physical pole shift. The new poles end up in completely different areas of the globe.

Mega world wide earthquakes, hurricanes and tidal waves result in a changed world. Water is the most dangerous part of the situation. Known earthquake zones where the plates meet will let loose. Land masses will rise and fall.

The evidence of this happening on a regular basis to Earth coinciding to X's orbit is overwhelming. There are clear translations from several ancient cultures that give detailed references to Planet X and all of our planets in our immediate solar system.

The controllers of Earths economies and media are fully aware and not allowing this out through the major media. A collapse of the stock and financial markets along with panic would insue if they did.

You've no doubt read the intuitives that have delicately been trying to warn the masses. I give you all the facts and reasons behind the events in a very undelicate, open, honest straight forward manner.

The media boys have already cryed wolf with Y2k and a simple planetary alignment that never caused any disruptions prior. Now the wolf of Planet X is at our door and you are getting the silent treatment.

Are you ready to deal with the end of our culture and help build a new one? If not, forget what you've just read. Don't check out the endless reference material ( cited within this web page ) to your satisfaction. Turn your head away in disbelief and have a nice short life before you are BLINDSIDED!

Mark Hazlewood, Author

<B><U>Responsibility Warning!</U></B>
Warning, Stop right here! If you don't want your mind and lifestyle messed with then click on something safer to read because this book is not safe nor will your old way of thinking ever be the same again. Please have tissue and toilet paper ready. Have your minister or advisor's phone number handy for you may not be able to handle this alone.
The tragedy of terrorism that recently hit the United States in New York City is tough to deal with. What if events like this happened ( because of gravitational and magnetic influences ) all over the planet almost at the same time or at the very least spread out over several months to several years as Planet X approaches and then passes? Talk about a double whammy!

Whatever you do, be prepared to make radical changes in your life NOW if you want to be one of the estimated less than 10 % that will survive the times around May 2003. This book is just the tip of the iceberg in reality shifting. You have been lied to so much that we have provided volumes of additional research for your use so you can make up your own mind for once in your life without the controlled media telling you what to do and when to do it.

The purpose of this information is not to scare you but to educate you ( see disclaimer at bottom of page). Sometimes we need the shit scared out of us just to get us to change and entertain new and different thoughts and ways of living. While presenting the facts of what is taking place with Planet X's return we would be remiss if we did not offer solutions. Can Planet X 's return be survived? Yes, but you will have to get moving and move fast for time is running out. See solutions page, read Basic Preparedness etc. etc.

You are ultimately and totally responsible for your life - wake up and smell the lies and see through them. One of the best ways to overcome those who have been lying to us is to live past Planet X and out live all of them.

32 Other names for Planet X </U></B>

Ancient history, astronomy, folklore and prophecy records many names for Planet X. The Sumerians called it the "12 Planet" or "Nibiru" ( translates into: planet of passing ). between the Babylonians and Mesopotamians there were at least three names " Marduk", " The King of the Heavens" and The " Great Heavenly Body". The ancient Hebrews referred to it as the "Winged Globe" because of it's long orbit high among the stars. the Egyptians had two names " Apep" or " Seth" The Greeks called it " Typhon" after the feared leader and " Nemesis"( one of its most telling names). Other ancient peoples have given it labels such as; " The Celestial Lord Shiva" and " God of Destruction". To the ancient Chinese it was known as "Gung-gung", " The Great Black or Red Dragon". The Phoenicians said it was " The Great Phoenix". the Hebrews called it "Yahweh". The Mayans called it " Celestial Quetzalcoatl". The celestial body was known to the Latin's as "Lucifer". Revelation 8:10-12 the name of the star is "Wormwood".
From works of prophecy there are other names for X. "The Red or Blue Star" is of the Hopi Indian and Gordon Michael scallion designation. The " Fiery Messenger" is in the Ramala prophecy. The "Great Star" is from the book Revelation. " His Star" is how it is referred to Edgar Cayce Readings. The "Great Comet" and " The Comet of Doom" is right out of the Grail Message. From an early English prophet named " Mother Shipton", " The Fiery Dragon" was the name she gave as seen from her second sight. Our solar systems "10th Planet" is "X".

There's also "The Intruder" and "The Perturber" from astronomy. Apparently 25% of all observed comet orbits are being measurably perturbed by the magnetic or gravitational pull of this planet. Plus the largest of our planets orbits are being perturbed toward Orion.

No matter what the name used, it's the same object that has the same effects before and during it's passage of earth. The Sumerians also had a name for its approximate 3600 year orbit " A Shar". The ancient Hindu astronomers gave the name "Treta yuga" for its 3600 year orbit and the destruction it causes had the label "kali Yuga". Some of the names given by the ancients are a kin to names for god. These people viewed the power and destruction that this planet brings with it to be so significant as to believe it could only come from the hand of god. It's not that they worshipped the planet, rather they just had great respect for the sweeping changes it brought with each passing.

Additional References</I></B>
The Sumerian Descriptions of our solar system. </B></U>

We know today that beyond the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn lie more major planets, Uranus and Neptune, and a small planet, Pluto. But such knowledge is quiet recent. Uranus was discovered, through the use of improved telescopes, in 1781. Neptune was pinpointed by astronomers (guided by mathmatical calculations) in 1846. It became evident that Neptune was being subjected to unknown gravitational pull, and in 1930 Pluto (was located).
In 1841, John Couch Adams began investigating the by then quite large residuals in the motion of Uranus. In 1845, Urbain Le Verrier started to investigate them, too. Adams presented two different solutions to the problem, assuming that the deviations were caused by the gravitation from an unknown planet.
Sept 30, 1846 --- one week after the discovery of Neptune, Le Verrier declared that there may be still another unknown planet out there. On October 10, Neptune's large moon Triton was discovered, which yielded an easy way to accurately determine the mass of Neptune, which turned out to be 2% larger than expected from the perturbations upon Uranus.
Another attempt to find a trans-Neptunian planet was done in 1877 by David Todd. He used a "graphical method", and despite the inconclusivenesses of the residuals of Uranus, he derived elements for a trans-Neptunian planet: mean distance 52 a.u., period 375 years, magnitude fainter than 13.
In 1879, Camille Flammarion added another hint as to the existence of a planet beyond Neptune: the aphelia of periodic comets tend to cluster around the orbits of major planets. Jupiter has the greatest share of such comets, and Saturn, Uranus and Neptune also have a few each.
Percival Lowell, most well known as a proponent for canals on Mars, built a private observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. Lowell called his hypothetical planet Planet X, and performed several searches for it, without success. Lowell's first search for Planet X came to an end in 1909, but in 1913 he started a second search, with a new prediction of Planet X: epoch 1850-01-01, mean long 11.67 deg, perih. long 186, eccentricity 0.228, mean dist 47.5 a.u. long arc node 110.99 deg, inclination 7.30 deg, mass 1/21000 solar masses. Lowell and others searched in vain for this Planet X in 1913-1915. In 1915, Lowell published his theoretical results of Planet X. It is ironical that this very same year, 1915, two faint images of Pluto was recorded at Lowell observatory, although they were never recognized as such until after the discovery of Pluto (1930).
Recent calculations by the United States Naval Observatory have confirmed the orbital perturbation exhibited by Uranus and Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C Van Flandern, an astronomer at the observatory, says could be explained by "a single undiscovered planet". He and a colleague, Dr. Richard Harrington, calculate that the 10th planet should be two to five times more massive than Earth and have a highly elliptical orbit that takes it some 5 billion miles beyond that of Pluto
New York Times
June 19, 1982 :</I></B>

Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long- sought Planet X. The last time a serious search of the skies was made it led to the discovery in 1930 of Pluto, the ninth planet. But the story begins more than a century before that, after the discovery of Uranus in 1781 by the English astronomer and musician William Herschel. Until then, the planetary system seemed to end with Saturn.Today, scientists accept theories concerning plate tectonics. There are articles and studies showing that, at one time, all of Earth continents were on one side of the planet. What the stories don't explore is the question, if all the continents were on one side, what was on the other? The other side has been described as a tremendous gap, matching the Sumerian story of how the Earth came about. The Sumerians said Earth was really half a planet called Tiamat, which broke up in a collision with Nibiru, [or Planet X].
The discovery of new planets has, in the last two hundred years, owed more to the science of mathematics than it has to the design of bigger and better telescopes. The unaccounted-for mathematical irregularities in the orbits of the outer planets have prompted astronomers to speculate upon the existence of a further, undiscovered planet. Astronomers are so certain of this planet's existence that they have already named it 'Planet X' - the Tenth Planet.

In 1982, NASA themselves officially recognised the possibility of Planet X, with an announcement that 'some kind of mystery object is really there - far beyond the outermost planets'. One year later, the newly launched IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) spotted a large mysterious object in the depths of space. The Washington Post summarised an interview with the chief IRAS scientist from JPL, California, as follows:

"A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope... 'All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is', said Gerry Neugebauer, chief IRAS scientist.

The 6,000 year old Sumerian descriptions of our solar system include one more planet they called "Nibiru", which means "Planet of the crossing".The descriptions of this planet by the Sumerians match precisely the specifications of "Planet X" (the Tenth Planet), which is currently being sought by astronomers in the depths of our own Solar System. Why has Planet X not been seen in recent times? Views from modern and ancient astronomy, which both suggest a highly elliptical, comet-like orbit, takes Planet X into the depths of space, well beyond the orbit of Pluto. We discovered Pluto with our telescopes just recently in 1930. Is it not possible that there are other forces at work on our solar system besides the nine planets we know of? YES!!!! The Sumerian descriptions of Our Solar System are being confirmed with modern advances in science. This article will show actual diagrams from the Sumerian times and how the accuracy for describing the planets is overwhelming!

Groove on :)
Did not we discussed this before...? or was it Dejavu....

Lord Shiva was never a planet nor will it be....

Since Hindu purans go back to 23000 BC, there is no mention of that either... (the declination of Vega)

So....nice try....

BTW: the very first question and sentence LLoyd Pye asks:

why we humans use only about 10% of our massively supercharged brains?

Looks like he uses 10% of his brain.......
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"We live in a binary system. Our suns dark twin lies toward the Orion galaxy."

There is Orion Constellation, Orion Arm, and Orion Nebular. Orion galaxy? Wtf is that?
"We live in a binary system. Our suns dark twin lies toward the Orion galaxy."

That kinda means it CAN'T be a binary system!
List of binary stars:

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