Planet X Declaration

I'm claiming are the same thing?...
Is that what is says?
I just thought it would be interesting to see what yall think of it all.
Heh I barely have any idea of all of this .. ONly thing I recognize is the adam and eve part !!! LOL!
Where you get all that from the bible?
heh Havent read it. So when was the bible first written? Was it before the timelines I posted?

Only thing I know is that I've met Inanna/Ishtar
And shes over 3700 years old!! LOL!
You can think me crazy or whatever but its all good.
Where did I get my info?...

The Anakim are mentioned many places in the bible - also look for the term "the children of anak".
From the Hebrew Lexicon : The name Arba = Fourth, He was the father of anak, the greatest of the giants (post flood), The Anakim ('anna -'keem)-
"The Anakim" are mentioned ten times, Duet 1:28, 2:10, 2:11, 2:21, 9:2, Jos. 11:21, 11:22, 14:12, 14:15, and Joshua 47:5.

They were however, not the only race of giants that existed after the flood. Besides the Anakim there were the Nephilim, the Horims, the Emims, the Zamzummims, the Avims and others.
There were nearly a dozen different races of giants during the time of Israels captivity in Egypt, but by the time they left wandering the wilderness and aproached crossing the river Jordan, only a few remained, one of which was the Anakim.
The rest had already been destroyed by Israel's distant cousins - the children of Esau.

This is only a partial record of the races of giants existing after the flood. They were a throwback, decending from the giants that existed before the flood through a resessive gene, that existed in one of Noah's three sons - Ham.

The O.T.(Old Testement) says of the pre-flood earth - "And there where giants in the earth in those days", if Noah and his three sons and their wives were the only ones saved , how did giants reappear after the flood. - Ham was the one who showed no respect for family or traditions when he told his brothers of his fathers nakedness.(read the story).
Cain showed wrath and even anger towards God to his face, "Am I my brothers Keeper?" Lied to his face. Look at these scriptures as clues - "Cain was of his father the wicked one", "Ye generation of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come"(John the Baptist), "As the serpent beguiled Eve, I fear the church will be led astray"(Paul), "The way of an adulterous woman is this, she eateth, and wipeth her mouth and saith "I have done nothing"(Solomon)...Here you can see that eating (forbidden friut) is tied to adultry,...

There are many mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, which Jesus said are" hidden from the eyes of the wise and prudent , but revealed to babes such as are willing to learn....One of these which is crucial to understanding God, and his purpose with mankind is the mystery of "The Serpents Seed"

The closest race of animal to "Man" was the "Serpent". The "Serpent" was a large creature, ten feet tall, walked upright, and talked. Called in the bible "more subtile than any beast of the field. First of all, the Serpent was not always a snake. It walked, talked to Eve, and was very inteligent.

After the fall, look at how God chose to curse them...Adam for his good the ground was cursed, that he would have to work by the sweat of his brow, Eve was cursed were she sinned, in childbearing, not in her mouth as if she'd eaten an apple, as some say. And the Serpent,every bone in his body was changed, and was told "on your belly you shall go"...thats why there's a missing link between man and ape today, it was the serpent.

The serpent was with Eve in the afternoon, and Eve was with Adam that happens today if there are two furtile eggs present. There were twins Cain, of the serpent, and Abel of Adam...
To see the nature of the beast, look back to see the twins at work through-out history....Cain and Abel, Moses and Balaam, Jesus and Judas - The Son of God and the Son of Perdition.

The beast in the beginning, is the beast in the end.
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LOl tenth planet? LOl I thought this is about the 12 th planet!
So what does looking up on Nibiru and the bible suppose to you?

In Sumerian texts and diagrams they counted the sun and the moon as this last one would make twelve.....

If you check history, it's posible the number twelve is also the number of fingers the inhabitants of the land at that time had, and thats the reason for ancient mathematical systems based on twelve.

They seemed to be very attached to that number....
Everything on earth at one time was numbered by twelves.,
Months, hours, inches, blocks, dozen, the Zodiac, ect..

That people and culture were entirely wiped out by an army of God, led by Joshua 3600 years ago which involved the stoping of the sun and moon for 24 hours (perhaps the earths rotation stoped)......It was so important to them to wipe out every trace of their existance. Every man, woman and child were to be anialated.

We humans today have ten fingers, but look at this:

2 Samuel 21:20 - And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant.
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That the man's unusual features were the result of a genetic misfire.

:m: Peace.
This thread is edited.

Its purpose is to see whether the notorious Planet X actually will show up in May 2003. Info on this can be posted in this thread.

Posts without content and solely consisting of chit chat and the like are deleted. As are the last posts about Sitchin.

Talk on Sitchin and other thought provoking posts in which the story of Enki and his peoples will be discussed, can be made in this thread.:

I hear there are supposed to be siesimic activity, and drought.

Does anyone have this kind of info.

As for the drought take into consideration we are currently at/near the peak of the 22 year Solar flare/sunspot activity cycle.

This does make the sun hoter. Peak years were 1936 (dust bowl), 1958, 1980 (most days above 100 F.) and 2002.
That is not my website but the results from an amateur posting to sci.astro. And yes, people have looked, a lot recently. Nothing has been found where PX is claimed to be.

I've posted links to several sites providing clear evidence, like photographs and CCD images, further back in the thread. Have a look and see.

The 'believers' in this whole "Planet-X is going to destroy us in May 2003" thing even resulted to, shall we say hoaxes, to con people. They pointed to noise in raw data as Planet-X, they pointed to a ghost image of M31 as evidence and then claimed NASA disinfo specialists done it.

For the gory details, more than you could possibly know, read it yourself or search the usenet archives.
I've only been following this PX thing for about a year now but I have come to a conclusion on the subject. There is no Planet X and in my opinion Nancy L. is a liar.
If PX were going to cause a pole shift and wipe out most of the population why on earth would Nancy L. be renting out a property she owns for summer oucupation? Why was May 15th the drop dead date and now as late as 4/24/03 nancy stated that it is now between May 15th and June 1st?
Nancy L. stated that by mid to late April PX would be visable in the day time. She made this statement not as a "maybe or could be" but stated it with all certainty that it would be visable during the day. You can hear her say this herself by going to and going to the archived show for 2/28/03.
She has denied making this statement even though the archive exsists.
Lastly...Why can't I see it? I know where to look for PX if it were coming...I have been in both the northern and southern hemispheres in the last week and have not seen it in the day or the night sky. According to her I should be able to.
The thing I'm really looking foward to now is how she will continue to perpetuate this hoax when PX never comes.
:p I'm hoping that maybe she'll just shut up and sort of dissapear and live out the rest of her wreched little life in silence. Hopefully other wackjobs will take the same course of action. . . or hell, maybe they'll even start to think before they open their mouths and spout crackpot prophecys of doom. . . but then that IS asking a lot, isn't it?

May 13 is fast approaching.

Is Planet X also fast approaching?
Well here I am, it's well into the 13th, now, and no planet X, no pole shift, who would have guessed, right?

*snicker* oh well, I guess now we can finally say that people claiming to channel aliens aren't a credable source of information, and are indeed candidates for severe mental illness. . . as if we couldn't tell that at any other point of history when at least one rational thinker existed anywhere in all the world.

Well Banshee, it looks like the prophesiers were wrong again, which should come as no surprise. Here it is the Day of Judgment and all appears normal – that is, if you can consider the state of world normal.

Perhaps they might want to choose another day for Armageddon instead? You may keep this declaration active if you wish, I’ll continue to abide to its contents.

I wonder what the proponents of Planet X have to say?

Hello? Are you still there?

Haha, wait, maybe we're looking at it wrong, Q, maybe planet X is like a metaphoric thing you know? And the whole pole shift is just symbolic, I'm sure, don't you feel that somehow on this day your world has been turned upside down by some mysterious body?

Hehe, in all seriousness, I think it'd be fun to hear some backpeddeling right about now, come on planet X people, where are you!
try the sarcasm, it is delicious.

Im sure the answer lies in the fact that Lieder was having trouble converting the calender dates the aliens were channeling over to her into our primitive flawed error prone calander, which was probably developed by some astronomer or scientist or something, and you KNOW what they are good for, they cant even see planet X despite the fact that its got to be out there... otherwise WHERE ARE THE ALIEN MESSAGES IN THAT LADYS BRAIN COMING FROM?

anyone want to run with this?
Hey! I'm still alive! The world hasn't ended, yet again!

Perhaps I shouldn't speak too soon...still three hours left to the day....