Pick a Religion

Is that written somewhere or just interpretation?

The images you see, are not the real people who they are reffering to. Hindu tradition have this particularity, they portrait their figures according to their teachings and not their physical appearence.

So yes, the images you see are all about interpretation and not physical appearence. Shiva didn´t really have 4 arms you know ;)
I'm not quite sure if it made it as an official religion or not. I remember a big thing about the UK census a few years back whereby if over a thousand people put Jedi as their official religion it would become recognized.
i think, i would be just like what i am now..

LAME!!! :D
If you're Christian, stay Christian. Just pick a different one (Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran) Don't worry, we won't tell and God knows this is just pretend. ;)
I'm not quite sure if it made it as an official religion or not. I remember a big thing about the UK census a few years back whereby if over a thousand people put Jedi as their official religion it would become recognized.
Yeah - never happened. Lots of people put Jedi - but it all just fell under "Other".
Unfortunately using the census has never been a way for the UK to officially recognise religions.
I couldn't imagine believing anything else, but if I had to pick, I'd become a Catholic...

I'm an atheist now, but something about Catholicism fascinates me.
Leprechaunist. Lenny is the boss.

Out of interest, those people in those pictures are all pig f****** ugly.
It would be one of three for me:
-Jedi (who wouldn't want to be one?)