Pick a Religion


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
If you absolutely positively HAD to pick a DIFFERENT theology from what you have now, what would it be?

I think I'd be a Jew. But I'm open to other ones I don't know about yet. And looking at this there are a LOT I've never heard of. Any ones that meditate, I can't do. And any where I can't eat meat, I won't do.
Aw CRAP!!! Jews don't eat pork do they.
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Religion of "Self" - Your Body Is A Temple - and requires regular offerings of chocolate and alcohol - not necessarily in that order! :D
If you absolutely positively HAD to pick a DIFFERENT theology from what you have now, what would it be?

I think I'd be a Jew. But I'm open to other ones I don't know about yet. And looking at this there are a LOT I've never heard of. Any ones that meditate, I can't do. And any where I can't eat meat, I won't do.
Aw CRAP!!! Jews don't eat pork do they.

I'd be a reformed Judaic Muslim. Oops I already am.:p
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Do Buddhists meditate?

Is that a rhetoric question?

In case not this is the typical representation of Buddha:

A rheorical question? No
I don't know the difference between Buddhist, Hindu, Tenrikyo, Seicho-no-ie, Soka Gakkai, etc. If it involves meditation, I don't know it.
A rheorical question? No
I don't know the difference between Buddhist, Hindu, Tenrikyo, Seicho-no-ie, Soka Gakkai, etc. If it involves meditation, I don't know it.

They all meditate, but they have egos as well, therefore they separate the dogmas because they have different interpretations of the same thing. Just like Catholics and other Christians, they consider themselves different, but they all believe in Jesus, is the interpretation of his teachings what differs between them.

Meditation is a very common factor ammong Oriental Beliefs. And Buddha meditated for 5 years straight to obtain enlightment, this is something Buddhists tend to follow. Even Jesus meditated for 40 days, I don´t know why meditation is not common in Christianity.
all women?

All enlightened men, in touch with their feminine side.

Like Jesus taught:

"Yeshua says to them: When you make the two one, and you make the inside as the outside and the outside as the inside and the above as the below, and if you establish the male with the female as a single unity so that the man will not be masculine and the woman not be feminine...then shall you enter the Kingdom of God" Vs. 22, Gospel of Thomas

See how the women and male are almost the same in Hindu tradition:

This is Shakti (female):

This is Krishna (male):