Pibot Vs Turing (act I)

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G71 said:
In other words, it wouldn't be difficult for you to make a history, just like the Deep Blue team in 1997, but.. Why to bother, right? A few million dollars here, a few million dollars there.. Who cares? Right? BTW do you know that it takes just a few $ per month to save a human life? A child which would otherwise die of hunger or hunger-related problems.. Anyway, how do you want to use PIBOT in order to "make money for your shareholders"? No details needed. Just generally.. You said you already have a functional AGI so what are you waiting for? Assuming you are not a liar, it seems to me that you are rather losing money.

OK, I have understood.
You are not serious.
You are playing a dirty game.
But I think that your game is over.
From http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A80614

The Turing Test

A test for artificial intelligence suggested by the mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing. The gist of it is that a computer can be considered intelligent when it can hold a sustained conversation with a computer scientist without him being able to distinguish that he is talking with a computer rather than a human being.

Some critics suggest this is unreasonably difficult since most human beings are incapable of holding a sustained conversation with a computer scientist.

After a moments thought they usually add that most computer scientists aren't capable of distinguishing humans from computers anyway.
Ok, Call me the conspiracy theorist, but:
Has anyone noticed that our friend is getting rather repetitive. Not only that, but the grammer he/it uses is awkward. Did a google search for the company name and found it interesting that the last name translates to brilliant in german. Anyone else think that the possibility exists that if this thing exists, they are testing it now, and that is why he/it isn't very forthcoming with details. Add to this the post time. True, he/it could be composing them in advance, but then why not make one post addressing multiple users as opposed to posts addressed to each. He/it has had some long posts for the one minute that passes inbetween.
This whole thing is a nonsense. Skilled people in this field don't do/say things Rick does/says. There are patterns in his behavior which strongly suggest he did not have an easy childhood and now just desperately longs for attention/recognition. It took him some time to realize that people at various AI forums typically aren't naive enough to buy big claims without any evidence. Hopefully, it will force him to do some real work. There are folks with similar background who eventually did big things, but this guy still seems to have a very long way to go. I wish him luck anyway. The more people think about AI the better.
A bit of groundwork reveals "Enrico Bertini and Riccardo Melonaro" as Chairman ans Co-Chairman (found here) of "Rick Geniale Enterprises Inc." There are even links to PIBOT, so this is without question the people behind the PIBOT, and the "Rick Geniale" moniker.

Riccardo Melonaro yields nothing on Google or Google Scholar.

This is the homepage of an Enrico Bertini involved with CS, but not only is the science not AI-focused, the quality of the english is far better than Rick Geniale's. Hence I don't believe these Enrico Bertinis to be the same, since he surely would not let his company have such awfully poor english on its website.

There are also no AI-related US patents with "bertini" as the inventor, and none at all for "melonaro" as inventor. There are 213 patents worldwide with "Bertini" as inventor and zero for "Melonaro". There are seven with Geniale as inventor (though that would be fraud, since a proper name must be used). There are absolutely none with "Rick Geniale Enterprises Inc." as applicant. Worldwide.

I have but the slightest grasp of italian, but none of these patents seem remotely related to AI. This is not an exhaustive search, but on this basis I find it fair to assume that Rick Geniale Enterprises Inc. in fact holds no patents, worldwide, AI or otherwise. To the sceptic, a couple of interesting questions present themselves:

Why did "Rick Geniale" present the company as one-man when it is clear that there are at least two involved?

Why does the company have a proper name as a name, when no such person exists?

Why did "Rick Geniale" lie about the patent issue?

All this, on top of the fact that all Rick Geniale has presented seems to be hot air, leads me to conclude that he/she/it, the company, and the PIBOT, are in fact, an elaborate (but inelegant) fraud. If a look at the website wasn't enought to scare you away, this should.
Rick Geniale said:
Not much difficult.
I sincerely hope that PIBOT speaks italian, and not english, since you (Enrico? Riccardo?) seem to have difficulties with forming correct sentences with just three words!

Clearly he is trying to attract visitors to his site for the micropayments he generates from banner advertisments.

Regardless of the AAI (artificial artifical inteligence), he claims to represent a company that is serious about giving conferences and obtaining other positive publicity. However.. No genuine company trying to get serious attention from investors and technologists would be so self-degrading as to put Amazon and Google ads (let alone a lame book by Pinker) all over their site.

Don't even go to this link. It's clearly BS. (And what's with the obnoxious background image that prevents you from being able to actually read the content?)
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