Pibot Vs Turing (act I)

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Rick Geniale said:
Why you are so convinced of our unreliability? If you are simply a skeptic, there are no problems.

I generally have a skeptical attitude towards people claiming they have done something truly brilliant, yet refuse to give any proof of it. So, indeed, I'm simply a skeptic.

For your information, in the history there has always been someone that has made something for the first time.

Yes, but with a project of this magnitude usually the work load is shared by a team of experts. You said it yourself:

For your information, a very deep knowledge is required to understand General Artificial Intelligence: knowledge about mathematics, logic, linguistics, psychology, cognitive psychology, computer science, etc.

To me, that implies you need experts from all those fields to make PIBOT work. Yet, you claim to be a one-man company? Or, are you very deeply knowledgeable in all those areas?

But, why you insist to make insinuations about our work?

I do not insist. I, and others, posted questions, all of which you have not answered concretely. From there on I speculated about the true status of your project.

What do you want we publish?

Patent numbers and some proof of results.

Our secrets?


The software codes of PIBOT?


Please, tell us who you are.

What good would that do? How does it relate to the issues raised in this thread?

Do you work for a company? Which company? Who pays you?

It suffices to say that the organisation I work for has no ambitions in the field you are active in.

Are you an AI researcher?


Are you an AI expert?

I wouldn't call myself an expert, no. Yet, I do think that my background enables me to detect, on a broad scale, what's truly revolutionary in AI and what is not. You can find an English description dealing with the MSc program I've completed covering aspects of AI here.

Having said that, I'm not sure why you ask for my credentials since they are not at stake here. Yours obviously are. Do you have any recent published papers in scientific journals? I've Googled on your name (and a few variations like "R. Geniale", etc) and was unable to find anything related to AI, except for a reference to another forum where you have started a similar thread. For those interested in the comments on that forum, you can read them here.

Are you a futurologist?


Or, more banally, you are envy.

If you succeed, I'll metaphorically drown in my own envy, yes.

If you are truly interested in our work/products/technology, then contact us privately by e-mail telling us who you are and what do you want from us.

There is no need to contact you privately. You made a public statement on a public forum. I posted public comments on that statement. It only seems natural that if you have something to add other than what you have written above, that you should do it in the same public arena.

Otherwise, I will not reply anymore to your posts.

As you wish.
Claims, claims, claims, secrets and some misconceptions. A typical pattern for one of the few groups of AI beginners/pseudoscientists. Read this and try to get real. FYI, I'm an AI researcher/developer. You would not believe how many people like you crossed my path in the last several years. Most of them had pretty naive AI ideas. It just took them some time to see it. I recommend you to not make big claims publicly if you do not have anything testable to show.

Many thanks for your opinion/warning.

Claims, claims, claims, secrets

You're right.

and some misconceptions.

You're wrong.

You would not believe how many people like you crossed my path in the last several years.

I totally believe you: I can imagine this (and why).

Most of them had pretty naive AI ideas.

It's not our case.

I recommend you to not make big claims publicly if you do not have anything testable to show.

I agree. You're right.
But, as I have said in a previous post, history will judge us (and market, too).
And, as you may have read, during our Conference PIBOT should verbally interact with all the participants.
So, if and when PIBOT will fail during its LIVE Conference, then our credibility will be close to zero. Don't you think so?
Surely, we don't want to fail in our efforts: where our success/gain would be in doing so?
We are not stupid! (Nor crazy!!)
None of the 4790 US patents relating to artificial intelligence are for Pibot. Mr Geniale you do not appear to have a patent. That, at least for me, is the source of the suspicion. You have made a claim - that Pibot is covered by a patent (or patents) - yet you refuse to provide the patent number. Your claim that this is a 'legal matter' is spurious nonsense [and please don't call that an opinion: it is a provable fact.]
You note that you were seeking discussion on AI in general and Pibot in particular: what better way than to discuss the concept through the details contained within the patents. Do they exist? I cannot find them. Tell me I am mistaken and prove it by giving those patent numbers.
[By the way, if Pibot could deliver 1/10th of what you are claiming then I and my company would definitiely be potential customers - so all you are doing at the moment is pissing off a customer by your illogical intransigence on this matter of patent numbers.]
Ophiolite said:
None of the 4790 US patents relating to artificial intelligence are for Pibot. Mr Geniale you do not appear to have a patent. That, at least for me, is the source of the suspicion. You have made a claim - that Pibot is covered by a patent (or patents) - yet you refuse to provide the patent number. Your claim that this is a 'legal matter' is spurious nonsense [and please don't call that an opinion: it is a provable fact.]
You note that you were seeking discussion on AI in general and Pibot in particular: what better way than to discuss the concept through the details contained within the patents. Do they exist? I cannot find them. Tell me I am mistaken and prove it by giving those patent numbers.
[By the way, if Pibot could deliver 1/10th of what you are claiming then I and my company would definitiely be potential customers - so all you are doing at the moment is pissing off a customer by your illogical intransigence on this matter of patent numbers.]

If you are truly interested in our work/products/technology, then contact us privately by e-mail telling us who you are and what do you want from us.
Mr. Rick Geniale,
You are not registered as an inventor of any US patent..
FYI, anyone can run the full search here.

Why are you repeating the same thing again and again in your posts? I began reading this thread when got interested in the first post....now after reading the whole thing, i have a nagging feeling that "Something's rotten in Denmark".

You haven't given a single frank response to any of the questions in this thread. The famous AI projects like ALICE and ANNA are either freely downloadable or there is a working program hosted on the web. Even commercial products such as UltraHal has a free online implementation. I wonder why you dont have anything like that. If your project is so secretive, why post threads in a public domain. Are you thinking that we are dunderheads out here, willing to gulp down anything you say?
G71 said:
Mr. Rick Geniale,
You are not registered as an inventor of any US patent..
FYI, anyone can run the full search here.

Mr. G71,
This is a sly post!
And you well know the reasons.
Please, stop this behavior!!!
Indian said:

Why are you repeating the same thing again and again in your posts? I began reading this thread when got interested in the first post....now after reading the whole thing, i have a nagging feeling that "Something's rotten in Denmark".

You haven't given a single frank response to any of the questions in this thread. The famous AI projects like ALICE and ANNA are either freely downloadable or there is a working program hosted on the web. Even commercial products such as UltraHal has a free online implementation. I wonder why you dont have anything like that. If your project is so secretive, why post threads in a public domain. Are you thinking that we are dunderheads out here, willing to gulp down anything you say?


We have posted our article PIBOT VS TURING (ACT I) on this forum only for information purposes. Do you wanted to prevent that?
We have explained all that we can explain in a public forum: therefore, all your deductions are completely wrong.
Skepticism (legitimate) plays a big role in what we do.
FYI, we have just created a FAQ page on our site (http://www.pibot.com/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=PIBOT+FAQ).
Rick, you are the one who should stop. Stop plaguing AI forums with hype-only presentations please. Show some evidence, discuss AI challenges, theories, algorithms - that may have some value. If you cannot do that then this may not be the right place for your posts at this point.
Rick, your earlier posts raised questions about your AI initiative. Your FAQ page demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt, at least to this observer, that your grasp of business principles, economics and company formation is at best fragile. My knowledge of AI stands at an amateur level. My knowledge of business does not. Yours clearly does. I wish you well with your fantasy.
Rick, enough is enough... spill the beans... come clean!

What is your academic background?
Ophiolite said:
Rick, your earlier posts raised questions about your AI initiative. Your FAQ page demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt, at least to this observer, that your grasp of business principles, economics and company formation is at best fragile. My knowledge of AI stands at an amateur level. My knowledge of business does not. Yours clearly does. I wish you well with your fantasy.


you are wrong.
We have a very great international business (and LEGAL!!!) experience: for what concerns the FAQ on our site, you only need to "think outside-the-box" (IF YOU IS ABLE TO DO IT!!!)
For the third time: "if you have so much interest in our company/activities, then contact us privately by e-mail telling us who you are and what do you want from us (ie, WHAT IS YOUR COMPANY???). It's easy to say things and to make critics using an obscure nickname - PLEASE, PUT YOUR TRUE NAME ON YOUR POSTINGS!!! OR PUBLICLY TELL US FOR WHAT COMPANY YOU WORK!!!).
But, as G71 says in his last post, "this is not the right place to talk about these arguments".
G71 says also that this forum should discuss about AI challenges.
OK, but, what we have done opening this thread?
Saying that "PIBOT will pass the Turing Test by 2007", we have launched one major challenge to the Artificial Intelligence. Or not?
And what we have received in change?
Mainly insinuations, provocations and insults. MANY THANKS!!!
Only if and when PIBOT will fail the Turing Test by 2007, then everyone will be able to say: 'YOU HAVE LOST YOUR FACE!!!'. Not now.
Therefore, we have decided that we will not waste anymore time in replying to the insinuations, provocations and insults coming from this forum.
From now, everyone truly interested in our activities can visit our site (waiting for the updates) and reach us via e-mail.

Our best regards to all serious people on this forum.
Rick Geniale Enterprises Corp.
Rick Geniale said:
For the third time: "if you have so much interest in our company/activities, then contact us privately by e-mail telling us who you are and what do you want from us (ie, WHAT IS YOUR COMPANY???). It's easy to say things and to make critics using an obscure nickname - PLEASE, PUT YOUR TRUE NAME ON YOUR POSTINGS!!! OR PUBLICLY TELL US FOR WHAT COMPANY YOU WORK!!!).
There is no need to shout.
I post here as a private individual. I have no intention of involving the company I work for in any form of contact with another party, when said party has behaved in such an unconvincing and secretive fashion. Had you offered some form of evidence for your AI breakthrough (and a single patent would have provided this) I would have been happy to contact you with my identity, my organisation and an outline of what aspect of your AI interested me. If the initial exchange had looked promising I would have passed it to the appropriate department.
I repeat again the factors that leave me wholly suspicious about your claims. I do this for two reasons - if my suspicions are valid, this may prevent others being mislead by you. If I am totally wrong then these pointers may help you identify those parts of your PR approach you need to work on.

You provided a lengthy list of linguistic terminology in an earlier post, noting that skills in all these areas were required to implement AI. However, your language in this thread and on your web-site is replete with examples of incorrect grammar, awkward sentence structure and poor style.
Patents are in the public domain. Let me shout that. Patents are in the public domain. There is no good reason for not telling an interested public what patents relate to Pibot. Your obfuscation of 'legal reasons' is pure nonsense.
Company Size
Many corporations and science institutes have been working on AI for decades with large teams. They have not solved the problems involved. You are a one man company, yet you have succeeded. It seems unlikely.
Recently this 'one man show' has metamorphosed into 'many patents filed by shareholders'. That in itself is suspicious.
Business Appreciation
Your remarks in the FAQ section of your websight display a bumbling understanding of the fundamentals of business.

Other posters have raised other, equally valid points. I await 2007 in anticipation . I hope I have to eat my words, but I doubt it.
Rick, thousands of non-developers keep (re)writting such summaries. This is IMO a waste of time for a real AI/AGI developer you claim to be. I could argue with you about a number of things you wrote there, but I won't. And I recommend you to not spend much time arguing with others about this. Do some real work instead. Use the time and try to contribute to the field so the others have more of the real stuff to summarize.
G71 said:
Rick, thousands of non-developers keep (re)writting such summaries.

I know it, but this is not our case.

This is IMO a waste of time for a real AI/AGI developer

My opinion is radically different from your opinion.

you claim to be.

If you don't want to hear .....

And I recommend you to not spend much time arguing with others about this.

I agree 100% with you: there are so many "dead brains" everywhere.
But only for curiosity, which "others" you talk about?

Do some real work instead.

PIBOT already exists, and can demonstrate a fully functional solution in the AI/AGI field (differently form any other initiative/project that has been under intense government-sponsored research for more than 5 decades). I hope it's clear what I'm saying!

Use the time and try to contribute to the field so the others have more of the real stuff to summarize.

Rick Geniale Enterprises Corp. is a privately helded company, not funded by public funds. We don't want contributions. We don't need contributions. So, we aren't obliged to contribute to any field. Our mission is to make money for our shareholders, so we don't waste our time. We are focused on our long-term strategy. We will decide if/when/where/how/why put more stuff, and this stuff will be visible only to selected partners.
Again, only for curiosity, which "others" you talk about?

Therefore, what type of game are you playing here?
From the business point of view, the hiding IMO does not make sense at this point. How difficult would it be for PIBOT to master the Go game?
Rick Geniale said:
Not much difficult.

In other words, it wouldn't be difficult for you to make a history, just like the Deep Blue team in 1997, but.. Why to bother, right? A few million dollars here, a few million dollars there.. Who cares? Right? BTW do you know that it takes just a few $ per month to save a human life? A child which would otherwise die of hunger or hunger-related problems.. Anyway, how do you want to use PIBOT in order to "make money for your shareholders"? No details needed. Just generally.. You said you already have a functional AGI so what are you waiting for? Assuming you are not a liar, it seems to me that you are rather losing money.
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