Photon in an acceleration field

Hmmm... I just picture string theorists scrawling stuff in their underwear. That's weird.

Are you attracted to this image, or is more of a fearful thing? I mean, it is obviously an image concocted in your imagination, and probably has some kind of emotional effect on you. Some kind of emotional charge. For instance, I doubt anyone else on these boards has any general imagined stereotype of a String Theorist. Maybe some imagine pocket protectors, glasses or chalk marked jackets, but I doubt any imagine them without their clothes on. We learn more and more about you each post. Maybe you should hold back a little to avoid embarrassment.
You know Mazulu you are the only one that sounds mean and hateful. You are clearly just trying to antagonize talented people just because we are not all amazed by your goofy conjectures. You rant and whine about sitting around making up useless stuff - and you don't even see the irony? Let me give you a hint gibberish REALLY is useless!
Are you attracted to this image, or is more of a fearful thing? I mean, it is obviously an image concocted in your imagination, and probably has some kind of emotional effect on you. Some kind of emotional charge. For instance, I doubt anyone else on these boards has any general imagined stereotype of a String Theorist. Maybe some imagine pocket protectors, glasses or chalk marked jackets, but I doubt any imagine them without their clothes on. We learn more and more about you each post. Maybe you should hold back a little to avoid embarrassment.
Maybe I should try an inkblot test, professor cheezle? Here's one. What does it look like to you? It looks like a group of string theorists wearing dresses to me.
What? You really don't.

If you think theoretical physics has not contributed anything, then I guess you can throw out pretty much every electronic device you have (transistors were designed based on quantum mechanics; if you have a CD or DVD or Blu-Ray drive, those use lasers which also use quantum physics). I guess you can also ask society to do away with atomic clocks (their functioning is based on Ramsey fringes - a quantum phenomenon), the GPS system (uses atomic clocks and incorporates corrections based on special and general relativity), various kinds of scanning devices including electron microscopes (more quantum mechanics) and atomic force microscopes (based on quantum tunneling), nuclear power, and medical accelerators used for cancer therapy (based on accelerator/high energy physics; at CERN a couple of years ago I learned they were investigating cancer therapy using positrons and finding them to be more effective than electrons).

Also, while I wouldn't say the technology is exactly very mature, there are already companies (like this one) which offer quantum cryptographic systems and quantum random number generators.

If we extend this to stuff that's been invented or discovered on the side in the process of fundamental research, then please do us all a great favour and log out of here forever: the world wide web was developed by a computer scientist at CERN, initially for the purpose of facilitating communication between researchers.
What? You really don't.

If you think theoretical physics has not contributed anything, then I guess you can throw out pretty much every electronic device you have (transistors were designed based on quantum mechanics; if you have a CD or DVD or Blu-Ray drive, those use lasers which also use quantum physics). I guess you can also ask society to do away with atomic clocks (their functioning is based on Ramsey fringes - a quantum phenomenon), the GPS system (uses atomic clocks and incorporates corrections based on special and general relativity), various kinds of scanning devices including electron microscopes (more quantum mechanics) and atomic force microscopes (based on quantum tunneling), nuclear power, and medical accelerators used for cancer therapy (based on accelerator/high energy physics; at CERN a couple of years ago I learned they were investigating cancer therapy using positrons and finding them to be more effective than electrons).

Also, while I wouldn't say the technology is exactly very mature, there are already companies (like this one) which offer quantum cryptographic systems and quantum random number generators.

If we extend this to stuff that's been invented or discovered on the side in the process of fundamental research, then please do us all a great favour and log out of here forever: the world wide web was developed by a computer scientist at CERN, initially for the purpose of facilitating communication between researchers.

You're getting confused. I'm not bashing useful kinds of physics. There is an interplay between theoretical and experimental physics. When it leads to new and valuable products or services, it is good. But when theoretical physicists get all high and mighty with their big bang models and black holes mathematics, while putting down the little guy like me, well, they need their egos tempered. Don't you think? Sure, atomic clocks and GPS are useful. But so are alternative theories that describe gravity drives. They lead to experiments. Gravity drives have enormous potential and value. But gravity drive theories are routinely scoffed at by close-minded morons like yourself.
Ungrateful? :p Heck, Alphanumeric said I stole some physics equations. Whatever that means. :shrug: Hey, I'm just using stuff I find useful to create something that is also useful. ...and I got the designs from aliens.

I think what he means is that you ridicule the math of theoretical physics but then you turn around and use it (in your odd and illogical space alien ways). And so far, you have created nothing. And I think that is going to continue for the rest of your life if you continue to listen to space aliens.
I think what he means is that you ridicule the math of theoretical physics but then you turn around and use it (in your odd and illogical space alien ways).
The first cave man to discover the stick was stoned to death for being odd and illogical.
But gravity drive theories are routinely scoffed at by close-minded morons like yourself.

Wrong. Apparently you've never heard of the Alcubierre drive.

As that example shows, we will look at a proposal for a gravity drive if the theory behind it is sound. You can't accuse us of automatically scoffing at ideas like this, because we demonstrably don't. So you're in the rather unenviable position of having to explain why you got scoffed at while Alcubierre was not.
Wrong. Apparently you've never heard of the Alcubierre drive.

As that example shows, we will look at a proposal for a gravity drive if the theory behind it is sound. You can't accuse us of automatically scoffing at ideas like this, because we demonstrably don't. So you're in the rather unenviable position of having to explain why you got scoffed at while Alcubierre was not.

Mazulu has talked about this Alcubierre drive, but because it was not invented by space aliens it is not as important as drives that are. Of course when I say space alien I mean figment of his imagination.
he must have known full well that was a lie.
Yup, he is known for that. He seems to think that rhetoric is what makes truth. And so he stretches the truth at every opportunity. Unfortunately for him, he sucks at rhetoric.
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