Photon in an acceleration field

My God did better than that. My god gave me access to an AWG7K, an arbitrary waveform generator. Now I can perform the experiment. I don't need to derive anything.

Blessing or curse? That all depends on the outcome of your experiment. If your experiment fails then where does that leave your faith.
Blessing or curse? That all depends on the outcome of your experiment. If your experiment fails then where does that leave your faith.
Comments about faith belong in the religion thread.

In any event, if no acceleration field is measured, there are a number of possible reasons. I'll need an instrument that can measure the antenna emissions. I have to make sure the antenna is oriented properly. Beyond that, I can try a more sensitive scale, increase power, play around with sampling rate and sweep rates.
I downloaded the arbitrary waveform softward from the Tektronix website. I didn't realize that a frequency sweep form 1G to 2GHz, every millisecond, would cross the time axis almost a million times. I'm pondering the significance of that, but I suspect it is an unproductive concern.
You mistake the mathematical description of nature for nature itself. Mathematics is just an accounting system, an information system to describe nature; mathematics is not nature. Let me show you why.

Science was invented tens of thousands of years ago by cavemen. They had a naming and classification system. They called things "ugh" and "ugh ugh". The first scientistic was called "String-ugh" and was revered by his tribe. String-ugh invented the first experimental test and the first mathematical description of it. The experiment was called the "rock bashing test". The mathematical description was a one bit description. It was a scientific system that worked like this. If you wanted to understand the universe around you, or something specific, you would pick up a rock and bash it against what you were trying to understand. It was a one bit description: 1 = still moving; 0 = not still moving. Science was actually inspired by men trying to understand women. Today, bashing women with rocks would be called domestic abuse. Incidentally, we still don't understand women.

Anyway, String-ugh refined his technique by using big rocks and little rocks; making his scientific system a 2 bit system. His greatest acheivement was to add a third bit: 1 = 1 rock, 2 = more than one rock. After his death, others built upon his achievents. Besides the 1 bit (still moving, not still moving) result, they added characteristics like crumbly and squishy.

In what would later be revered as a paradigm shift, there was another caveman named "Gravity-ugh" who discovered the stick. Excited by his discovery, he went into the "Science-cave" with his stick. He wanted to show "String-ugh" and the other scientists. But the other cavemen could not appreciate or understand the importance of the stick. After all, it didn't matter how many times Gravity-ugh hit String-ugh with the stick, String-ugh didn't stop moving! The stick was perceived as stupid, and Gravity-ugh was called a crackpot, ridiculed, and of course stoned to death. String-ugh lived for many years until his discovery of the number "3" which ended his life.
You mistake the mathematical description of nature for nature itself. Mathematics is just an accounting system, an information system to describe nature; mathematics is not nature. Let me show you why.

People with big egos and little skill often downplay the need for skill.
People with big egos and little skill often downplay the need for skill.
I truly admire the skill of engineers at Tektronix and other high tech companies. These people truly understand the connection between mathematics and reality. They are wizards of reality who can push the laws of physics to the very limits. They are curious about new ideas and are exceptionally helpful and positive about new experimental applications, like mine. I am proud to work along side them.

In contrast, string theorists are not wizards of anything. They are just symbol pushers with inflated egos. They sit around all day in their underwear scrawling useless mathematics; even nature has no idea what it means. They are hateful and negative; they despise new experimental applications that don't conform to their symbols, and secretly hope it fails. They are lost in a sea of epistemology; they have no power, no joy, no creativity.
AlphaNumeric said:
Your random nonsense, stolen from various sources you don't understand, predicts, neigh, proves, you need to do something more constructive with your life Reiku. For god sake, why do you bother? Is your existence so empty you have nothing more constructive to do than always return here?
They live off the enthusiasm of others, not by fueling it, instead, they feed off it, devour it and destroy it. It is a habit that should be cast off and burned in the fire.
In contrast, string theorists are not wizards of anything. They are just symbol pushers with inflated egos. They sit around all day in their underwear scrawling useless mathematics; even nature has no idea what it means. They are hateful and negative; they despise new experimental applications that don't conform to their symbols, and secretly hope it fails. They are lost in a sea of epistemology; they have no power, no joy, no creativity.

They live off the enthusiasm of others, not by fueling it, instead, they feed off it, devour it and destroy it. It is a habit that should be cast off and burned in the fire.

Wow, that was an interesting post. I had no idea that String Theorists in general were such "hateful and negative" people. And that they have "no power, no joy and no creativity." It sound like someone is a tad upset about something, and I don't think it is String Theorists. You are a fan of Wikipedia. Check out the entry on Psychological Projection:
Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.

Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.

An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object.
Wow, that was an interesting post. I had no idea that String Theorists in general were such "hateful and negative" people. And that they have "no power, no joy and no creativity." It sound like someone is a tad upset about something, and I don't think it is String Theorists. You are a fan of Wikipedia. Check out the entry on Psychological Projection:
Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.

Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.

An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object.

Psychology is a waste paper. For you, it is a waste of intellectual capacity (something you can't afford to waste)!

Besides, what do theoretical physicists actually produce? They came up with the big bang. In the bible, God said, "Let there be light!" It's the same thing, only the bible said it 2000 years ago, and says it more elegantly. Theories by theoretical physicists are not actually worth anything nor do they have any value. No material value. No spiritual value.

I can think of lots of things that are more valuable than another physics theory. A bag of potato chips comes to mind.
Psychology is a waste paper. For you, it is a waste of intellectual capacity (something you can't afford to waste)!

I was just pointing out that you seem to have some kind of irrational problem with String Theory. I am sure that most of them are not as you describe. And you can't even assign those qualities to AlphaNumeric since you know hardly anything about him. You also seem to have a problem with mathematics in general. Every major discovery in the last 100 years has been by mathematical physicists. Even Newtonian Physics was a result of cutting edge (an understatement) maths at the time. Imagine if the LHC particle physicists sat in a lawn chair in an open field and asked space aliens for help deciding what what experiments to do. Probably not very productive. I think that their mathematics is a much better way to advance the science. I know you and your space alien friends disagree. And I think that is because you lack the skills needed to do the math. Same with String Theory. You lack the skill so you devalue its use by others.

It was that one line about "no power, no joy and no creativity" that really seemed to be projective. After all you supposedly have a physics degree but can't get a job doing anything but clock calibration. I know a couple of people with physics degrees that work as engineers. But you can't even qualify for that. It would seem to be you that has "no power, no joy and no creativity" and not String Theorists. Hence the projection. I bet String Theorists and physicists in general, have lots of power, joy and especially creativity. Technician work, umm not so much.

Besides, what do theoretical physicists actually produce? They came up with the big bang. In the bible, God said, "Let there be light!" It's the same thing, only the bible said it 2000 years ago, and says it more elegantly.

You are doing it again. Keep that crap in the religion forum.
They sit around all day in their underwear

However you found that out, we don't want to know.

They are hateful and negative
they have no power, no joy, no creativity.

Anecdote time: in the last year of my degree in physics, there was a course offered on string theory that I followed. Being a busy stressed student, I naturally crammed the whole course just a few days before the exam and there were a lot of even basic things I didn't grasp well. Needless to say, it reflected in my perfomance during the exam (it was an oral exam, he was questioning me directly). At the end of the exam, he asked me what I thought of his course, and I somehow had no problem just being honest with this "hateful and negative" string theorist and telling him that I found the course reasonably interesting but had trouble with the way he dived too quickly into abstract mathematics in some places.

Then he went and died suddenly a matter of months later. He was in his early forties. I would be the last student who passed his exam. I never knew him particularly well (I'd just followed that one course he taught), but still felt I should attend his funeral. Some fellow students gave me a lift there. Since this was a couple of years ago my recollection of everything is a bit hazy, but I remember one of his best friends reminiscing about a road trip they'd taken together (I think it was through Mexico) and ended lamenting that he'd left them too soon. His widow described how, when they'd first met, she was so smitten that she didn't dare speak to him. For her, he was the most amazing man she'd ever seen. He had infant children, attending their own father's funeral. His former PhD advisor (none other than François Englert, by the way) was present, remembering lively discussions with his former student and lamenting the sheer injustice of this man's early passing.

Basically, for such a "hateful and negative" person, he seemed to have an awful lot of friends and family and colleagues grieving over his early death.

I just thought you should know something about the people you're badmouthing out of your own bitterness.
Has the LHC actually come up with anything useful or marketable? Are there any new products made from the latest new particle discovery? Higgs or no Higgs, will it lead to any new products or services. In contrast, there are millions of people who play World of Warcraft. They develop high level characters that can sell for $600 or more. Their efforts have measurable worth, and it's fun.. How much is a new big bang model worth? I couldn't find any for sale on Their not worth anything. I am sure that one copy of the movie "Jackass" is worth more than a stack of new physics theory models. It will certainly be enjoyed by more people than a new physics theory. Now I have nothing against mathematics. After-all, the products I work on can sell for $90K each; they rely on mathematics that is implemented by electronics components, not super-strings. All I'm saying is that God and the aliens are helping me move forward with an experiment that, if it works, would be far more useful and marketable than anything the theoretical physicists have come out with. I don't see any physicists trying to come out with anything that would revolutionize technology and create wealth. I also don't see any physicists projecting power or joy on this forum..
Has the LHC actually come up with anything useful or marketable? Are there any new products made from the latest new particle discovery? Higgs or no Higgs, will it lead to any new products or services. In contrast, there are millions of people who play World of Warcraft. They develop high level characters that can sell for $600 or more. That's value. How much is a new big bang model worth? Not so much. I am sure that one copy of the movie "Jackass" is worth more than a new physics theory. It will certainly be enjoyed by more people than a new physics theory. Now I have nothing against mathematics. After-all, the products I work on can sell for $90K each; they rely on mathematics that is implemented by electronics components, not super-strings. All I'm saying is that God and the aliens are helping me move forward with an experiment that, if it works, would be far more useful than anything the theoretical physicists have come out with. As for power, joy and creativity, I don't see any here on this forum.

Every bit of technology you own or work on is a result of theoretical physics. It does take a while for practical applications to filter down to us consumers. But it happens.
Every bit of technology you own or work on is a result of theoretical physics. It does take a while for practical applications to filter down to us consumers. But it happens.

Sorry but no. What we do is based on experimental physics.
Sorry but no. What we do is based on experimental physics.

Well, some of it is. For instance electric motors are a result of Michael Faraday who was an experimental physicist. But all that electronics you work on is more of a result of James Clerk Maxwell, who was a theoretical physicist. Quantum Mechanics is also responsible and that is mostly a result of theory. At some point all technology has to be experimented with. But transistors were theorized long before they were invented. Modern technology seems to mainly start with theory and progress through experiment. All of the physics you have tried to tie into your wave aether is from theoretical physicists. You seem rather ungrateful.
Well, some of it is. For instance electric motors are a result of Michael Faraday who was an experimental physicist. But all that electronics you work on is more of a result of James Clerk Maxwell, who was a theoretical physicist. Quantum Mechanics is also responsible and that is mostly a result of theory. At some point all technology has to be experimented with. But transistors were theorized long before they were invented. Modern technology seems to mainly start with theory and progress through experiment. All of the physics you have tried to tie into your wave aether is from theoretical physicists. You seem rather ungrateful.

Ungrateful? :p Heck, Alphanumeric said I stole some physics equations. Whatever that means. :shrug: Hey, I'm just using stuff I find useful to create something that is also useful. ...and I got the designs from aliens.