Phallic symbols at Denver International Airport

so what. god made the penis, right?

When I see men like this I always wonder what their wives are like
This is one reason I always wondered if God was homosexual OR a woman? I mean, if you're going to create a sentient being, with a functional penis, and no woman to use it with, well.... you're obviously interested in what that penis can do :p
And these are the sorts of people that are busy accusing everyone else of being obsessed with sex.
While I support the principle of freedom of speech, I appreciate that one has the freedom of choice in listening/reading.........or not. :bugeye:
OMG! A penis!!!!! I will never be the same again!!!

I think this guy needs to come out of the closet. His obsession with the penis is an obvious red flag of his homosexuality.

P.S. And I think he's crazy.
Quite frankly, you can find sexual symbols anywhere, if you're trying to find them. The guy obviously knows what he likes to find.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
"And you look me in the eye and tell me that the Pentagon doesn't look like an anus!"

it IS filled with assholes..

hmm, planes as phallic symbols, pentagon as anal symbol..what does that say for the terrorist who tried to put the plane into the pentagon?
Christians, do you agree with this guy?

i don't know what to say...

He seems to think he is a prophet one of the last two mentioned in the book of revelation. I doubt it. There are many video's about the murals in Denver air port. This guy seems to be obsessed with the phallus symbols. Yes it is true that many do worship the phallus the masons being one group that does this. And yes the murals do depict the end times slaughter of Christians and the deceiver who brings false peace. The little boy with the hammer is not the Messiah but the lawless one/ anti-christ doing a Messiah impersonation.

Masons have put their symbols all over the place in the usa england and other nations they are screaming out their plans from the roof tops and all who know the symbolic language they communicate know what the message is. Of course most don't want to know so they never will know until their plans come to pass.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Seeing symbolism doesn't mean it's true or that it was the intent of the designer. It just means you see something that you want to have significance.