Personal experience as a basis for god belief

Jan Ardena

Can you please explain. Do you mean question in the sense in which we use it today or as it was used in biblical times?
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Myles said:
What I gained from reading the sources I listed was a clear and distinct notion that there were no experts. They we all pushing their own views.

How is it that the "views" describe God in the same way?
It is reasonable to assume that "different views" mean different descriptions, lifestyles, ideaologies, beliefs, etc, yet they are the same, thousands of years and miles apart.

How are cars a product of "atheistic science" (whatever that means)?

Myles said:
If god wants to demonstrate the dominion of men in this way, I want none of it.

How exactly have you implicated "god" in the acts of these men?



Atheistic science is an expression I heard repeatedly durin a short stay in the BIBLE BELT. It seems to mean that scientists are godless .My point is that people who talk such nonsense are not averse to making use of by-products of science. As we say over here " they want the penny AND the bun. "They claim they are devout Christians.

Now to Judges. THe host appeared to have understood what the visitors wanted because he said " do no such VILE thing unto this man. So what you say about standards then and now falls down unless you want to claim that VILE meant something different in those days, as you did for ABUSE

How do I implicate god? Simple. If the Bible is the revealed word of god, then he failed to criticize those men. He is implicated by default.

I feel we have nothing left to say to each other.