Pepper spray students.. what the @#%^

Yeah, they were illegally blocking the path which is what they were being arrested for.
Which is fine. And police across the US have managed to do this with linked protesters on thousands of occasions with spraying pepper spray in their eyes.

After being repeatedly warned that they would be arrested if they didn't move.

And then were warned they would be sprayed, before they were in fact sprayed (from a reasonable distance).
If they'd been warned they would be shot, would that have then be OK, because not moving is tacit approval? No. It was misuse of the spray and it is part of a pattern where police use more force and more devices.

Not at all.
When arresting people in a group like that you don't know who you are dealing with and pepper spray tends to make the arrest go easier and much less likely that someone can mount an effective counter attack, you know, with a knife or gun.
These protesters are linked on the ground. There is no reason to assume violent response and good indications to expect passive resistence. Again, police manage this in many situations. If you are speeding and the police think you are drunk, they don't get to spray you before asking you to step out of the car, even though, yes, you might have a gun or knife. They are big boys who are armed and standing over college students. If they couldn't handle this situation without the pepparspray then they need training from those police who have managed the exact same type of situation without it.

You think the police should presume that the people are all going to be peaceful?
No, but they should not raise the level of violence. If the real goal is to reduce the liklihood of violence raising the level is not smart. The ones who had the knives and guns would just use them before they got sprayed, and feel more entitled to.

160 police officers were killed in 2010, and 59 of them were in shootouts.
Yeah, and how many in the history of the US were killed arresting college students, llinked on the ground with their heads down? None, I'll bet.

So no, police arrests are handled in a way to minimize the risk to the officers even if that means some discomfort to the protestors.
They could minimize it even more with a machine gun. They don't get to be violent preemtively. That is part of their jobs. I've seen active criminals arrested with much less violence: purse snatchers, gate crashers, car theives, etc.
If the police action was as justified as some of you believe, why is there so much outrage, why was the chancellor on the block?

It's fine to hawk law from the ivory tower, but put yourself in some situation where you've decided to exercise your option to make a public message out of the issue. Now what? When the shoe is on the other foot, every principle reverses with no basis other than individual conscience.

Who cares if they were blocking a few square yards of pavement? Go around them. This insistence, in our country, to drill the law down to the most trivial of matters, and apply paramilitary tactics to crush opposition to the trivial, is exactly the Brave New World we were warned about.

I say every cop in that incident should be placed on leave, given something relaxing to do to chill out, and not return to work until cleared by a psych.

The youngsters...who knows. Who knows what can be done for them. Maybe they'll seek asylum somewhere, or run for President.

I hate police assaults on civilian demonstrations that are peaceful. In the name of the four dead in Kent State, shame on you, shame on us, leave these people alone.
whats that smell?
oh. its just that the game changer has these fundy fanatics shitting in their pants as evinced by the wild eyed and frantic allegations

putting aside your glee.......the davis incident easily shows that your alleged deterrent was anything but. facts do not seem to bother you now does it? delusions are eminently more preferable

No one can say you weren't emotionally manipulated. Do you have any idea who is directing the protest? I would guess it's someone with some experience in these things. Isn't it strange how the guy behind the protest never gets his name in the news?

Also I don't think the police handled the situation very well. Anytime they get suckered into looking like the bad guys on the news should at the very least get someone fired over it. Also, as nasty as pepper spray is, it's far ahead of people getting shot to death.
Also I don't think the police handled the situation very well. Anytime they get suckered into looking like the bad guys on the news should at the very least get someone fired over it. Also, as nasty as pepper spray is, it's far ahead of people getting shot to death.
This argument has never worked for me.

Then we have a situation where the police shoot them.

Well, that was far ahead of raping them first and also shooting their loved ones.

It's like we are supposed to be grateful they don't do something even worse.

Weird onus placement.
Anyone who thinks that deciding to use pepper spray is not deciding to be violent in a situation where all parties, up til then are being non-violent should

1)try out getting sprayed
and then perform this

2) thought experiment...someone walks up to the police and pepper sprays them. What is the reaction going to be? It will be violent. And will the charge once the person in front of a judge be for a violent crime? Yup.
11 unm students had bayonets stuck into them by the guard
the hard hat riots take the cake tho. govt shills attack students while cops turn a blind eye
Yes, but you're missing my favorite part, Gus. I mean, this could be the beginning of a great manifesto:
You think the police should presume that the people are all going to be innocent peaceful?

No, Arthur. Of course not. After all, fascists and all. Heil!...
By the way, while we are on the subject of pepper spray. Does anybody know what's the best pepper spray buy. I looked at the site below and see a lot of products at all different prices. I think for around the house , bigger cans are better and one of the pocket sized for when you are out and about. I did notice that the bear spray is also good for stopping vicious dogs.

Never mind I found the best brand.
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a tactical retreat that is sordid, callous and utterly depraved
whats next? asking jews to recommend a flavor of zyklon b?


kindly step into the path of a speeding bus
The University of California, Davis has placed its police chief on administrative leave after campus police deployed pepper-spray at close range on students during a protest on Friday. UC Davis said early on Monday that it was necessary to place police chief Annette Spicuzza on administrative leave to restore trust and calm tensions.

The school refused to identify two other officers who were also put on leave, but one was a veteran of many years on the force and the other "fairly new" to the department, Spicuzza earlier told the Associated Press. She would not elaborate further because of the pending investigation.

The news came as the president of the University of California system said he was "appalled" at the images, and vowed to assess law enforcement procedures on all 10 university campuses. "Free speech is part of the DNA of this university, and non-violent protest has long been central to our history," UC president Mark Yudof said in a statement in response to the spraying of students sitting passively at UC Davis.

"On its face, this is an outrageous action for police to methodically pepper spray passive demonstrators who were exercising their right to peacefully protest at UC Davis," Senate president pro tem Darrell Steinberg said in a statement Sunday. "Chancellor Katehi needs to immediately investigate, publicly explain how this could happen, and ensure that those responsible are held accountable."​
UC Davis police chief put on leave after pepper-spray incident
Occupy Democracy: The Fascists Speak​

yeah, they were illegally blocking the path which is what they were being arrested for.
After being repeatedly warned that they would be arrested if they didn't move.

And then were warned they would be sprayed, before they were in fact sprayed (from a reasonable distance).

Not at all.
When arresting people in a group like that you don't know who you are dealing with and pepper spray tends to make the arrest go easier and much less likely that someone can mount an effective counter attack, you know, with a knife or gun.


You think the police should presume that the people are all going to be peaceful?


160 police officers were killed in 2010, and 59 of them were in shootouts.

In five of the past 10 years, the number of police officer deaths in the us has topped 160.

So no, police arrests are handled in a way to minimize the risk to the officers even if that means some discomfort to the protestors.


dress a few people up, call them students, then make sure to get the real juicy shots of the action for the 6pm news. Good plan, works every time. Sorry but if your going to be a protester, and you don't know the score, you are a fool, and if you do know the score, don't expect me to feel sorry for you when you get a little pepper spray in the face.

By the way, have you ever been pepper sprayed in the face? If so, you won't be very eager to repeat that experience. Very good non-lethal deterrent.:d

also, i'm not really against protesting, but a tame protest is not worth a damn, and i'm just not willing to be emotionally manipulated by whoever is pulling the strings and that goes double for the upcoming elections.
And police across the US have managed to do this with linked protesters on thousands of occasions with spraying pepper spray in their eyes.

Right, the main worries with the passive resisters is hurting your back when you pick them up, after they are restrained.
Best to have at least two carriers and use lift belts, preferably four carriers, as this minimizes the possibility you're going to get hurt or hurt the arrestee.
Actually, hosing them with pepper spray would seem to then make it harder to arrest them...having sprayed them down, you then have to first provide first aid and then make sure you don't get any stray spray on yourself when hauling them off.
And add to the fun paperwork aspect and liability aspect of the whole thing...I wouldn't do that $hit.
So, both retarded and a total dick move all around.

Edited to add, I think the college should have just had them sign release-of-liability forms and then ignored them.
No, Arthur. Of course not. After all, fascists and all. Heil!...:rolleyes:

Yeah, and I'm sure you would just wade in there mano-a-mano.


The point of pepper spray is to make the people less able to resist.
As you can tell from the video, even so they indeed did resist quite a bit.

And yes, up close like that the police are vulnerable.

Little known fact, Kevlar will stop a bullet but won't stop a knife.

So no, I'm not against the police using pepper spray before they have to go into a crowd like that to arrest people.

And if you were a police officer, or were related to one, you wouldn't be against it either.

Of course it's easy to sit back and tell the police to enforce the laws, just don't protect yourself while doing so.

I mean heck, only 160 police got killed on the job last year.

That's not so bad.


ps, Police are sprayed with Pepper Spray during their training so they are aware of what they are doing and what it feels like, and sure it stings like crazy and sure it makes you cry and cough and it makes it real hard to concentrate and aim a weapon, but then that's the point.
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Yeah, you restrain people, then you search them for weapons. Ideally, you have enough people so you can do that safely.
If you can't do that safely, and have the luxury of time, you wait until you have enough people so you can do that safely.
I mean, the whole point was that the protesters were not leaving, right? it's not like the police had to rush things.
Yeah, you restrain people, then you search them for weapons. Ideally, you have enough people so you can do that safely.
If you can't do that safely, and have the luxury of time, you wait until you have enough people so you can do that safely.
I mean, the whole point was that the protesters were not leaving, right? it's not like the police had to rush things.

No Chimkin, the only way to arrest them was to go into the crowd, in close contact with strangers, didn't matter how many police there were, you would still end up with police in close quarters with people who hadn't been searched for weapons.

Not really a safe place to be when you don't know if the people are a threat.

Everyone who is putting down the police for using a relatively safe crowd control method is simply assuming they weren't a threat though.

Based on WHAT?

Well, based on nothing.

Last edited: students, trained to be administrators, hired students, trained to be law enforcement, to ...adjust the thinking, of college students in training, having a sit-in on campus.
Where's the compassion, understanding, leadership, and camaraderie.
Are administrators and police that disconnected from the campus?
What a bunch of dumbunnies. They should demand a return of their diploma fees, for the wasted time in class learning how to properly run a civilization.

One does not spank college students and send them to bed without their supper!!!
Occupy Democracy: The Fascists Speak​

As long as the protesters have people like Gustav in the audience, they will be getting their moneys worth. In this day and age, everything you do will be on video and the police need to be aware that they were being an easy target.

By using the inflammatory language you are, you are trying to control peoples emotional response the same as the protest planners.:shrug: