Pepper spray students.. what the @#%^


Valued Senior Member

im sorry but this REALLY fucking pisses me off bigtime there was absolutly NO reason to do this and who gives a fuck what happend before this did.. if something bad happened they should have pepersprayed then not lined them up execution style and sprayed them in there face

im sorry but this REALLY fucking pisses me off bigtime there was absolutly NO reason to do this and who gives a fuck what happend before this did.. if something bad happened they should have pepersprayed then not lined them up execution style and sprayed them in there face

It's obvious to me the article was written to piss people off. The students were warned what was going to happen and they chose to remain and get pepper sprayed. They did it, because they knew they were going to get the publicity they wanted. I don't have any sympathy for them at all.

But, then the administers should have been a little more aware of what was going to happen, so they aren't getting much sympathy from me either.
Yeah, the faculty wrote a letter demanding the resignation of the chancellor and the students demonstrated by keeping totally silent when the chancellor did her "walk of shame"

The kids were just sitting


what a douche

Open Letter to Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi

Walk of Shame:

How about this?
Tampa Police Roll Out A TANK To Deal With A Few Dozen Protesters

Read more:

Seems rather odd that it only takes a few protesters to call out the SWAT teams but when banks screw everyone nothing ever is said about them ripping everyone off and none are ever arrested.:shrug:
Oh right! Now I get it, I saw the photos on the net and thought the guy was feeding them aerosol cheese.
It's obvious to me the article was written to piss people off.

could you elaborate? how would you have worded it? are there any events that could possibly "piss people off"? if a news report on the event also piss people off, what do you recommend be done? refrain from reporting? distort the account of events?

The students were warned what was going to happen and they chose to remain and get pepper sprayed.

no. they chose to exercise their rights to assemble and protest. what kind of a bullshit premise is that? could you cite the warning? that would be real easy would it not? the cops only have to promise violence and you only have yourself to blame if you do choose to protest

They did it, because they knew they were going to get the publicity they wanted. I don't have any sympathy for them at all.

stop lying. these kids are taking the time out from their lives, camping out in horrendous conditions, enduring brutal assaults, making sacrifices and all you have is "publicity stunts"? what a spiteful and vindictive take. you disgust me

But, then the administers should have been a little more aware of what was going to happen, so they aren't getting much sympathy from me either.

at this point, no one should give a shit about your fascist sentiments
Yeah, the faculty wrote a letter demanding the resignation of the chancellor and the students demonstrated by keeping totally silent when the chancellor did her "walk of shame"

The kids were just sitting

Yeah, they were illegally blocking the path which is what they were being arrested for.
After being repeatedly warned that they would be arrested if they didn't move.

And then were warned they would be sprayed, before they were in fact sprayed (from a reasonable distance).

what a douche

Not at all.
When arresting people in a group like that you don't know who you are dealing with and pepper spray tends to make the arrest go easier and much less likely that someone can mount an effective counter attack, you know, with a knife or gun.


You think the police should presume that the people are all going to be peaceful?


160 police officers were killed in 2010, and 59 of them were in shootouts.

In five of the past 10 years, the number of police officer deaths in the US has topped 160.

So no, police arrests are handled in a way to minimize the risk to the officers even if that means some discomfort to the protestors.

frakking uc davis students
i have never been so moved in my life
their courage and resolve, actions and words
some powerful, iconic, transcendent shit right there

then i come to sci
and see adoucette
i vomit in disgust

The bankers were doing all sorts of illegal things from making loans to those couldn't ever afford them

And who is breaking the law when a so called "liar loan" is taken out?
The mortgage broker who oks it or the home buyer who lies about their income/assets/ability to pay?

to selling toxic mortgages overseas plus many other things as well. :(

Nope, they were SUB-PRIME loans.

They were Sub-Prime for a reason, they had higher risk then prime loans.
Institutions bought them because they had been buying them for years and enjoying the higher returns these Sub-Prime mortgage securities paid.

But Institutions under estimated the Systemic risk and didn't see that the bubble was going to collapse.

could you elaborate? how would you have worded it? are there any events that could possibly "piss people off"? if a news report on the event also piss people off, what do you recommend be done? refrain from reporting? distort the account of events?

no. they chose to exercise their rights to assemble and protest. what kind of a bullshit premise is that? could you cite the warning? that would be real easy would it not? the cops only have to promise violence and you only have yourself to blame if you do choose to protest

stop lying. these kids are taking the time out from their lives, camping out in horrendous conditions, enduring brutal assaults, making sacrifices and all you have is "publicity stunts"? what a spiteful and vindictive take. you disgust me

at this point, no one should give a shit about your fascist sentiments

Dress a few people up, call them students, then make sure to get the real juicy shots of the action for the 6pm news. Good plan, works every time. Sorry but if your going to be a protester, and you don't know the score, you are a fool, and if you do know the score, don't expect me to feel sorry for you when you get a little pepper spray in the face.

By the way, have you ever been pepper sprayed in the face? If so, you won't be very eager to repeat that experience. Very good non-lethal deterrent.:D

Also, I'm not really against protesting, but a tame protest is not worth a damn, and I'm just not willing to be emotionally manipulated by whoever is pulling the strings and that goes double for the upcoming elections.
@KilljoyKlown --

Yeah, all those women who dress up real slutty were warned about what would happen, so it's their fault that they were raped.
Dress a few people up, call them students, then make sure to get the real juicy shots of the action for the 6pm news. Good plan, works every time. Sorry but if your going to be a protester, and you don't know the score, you are a fool, and if you do know the score, don't expect me to feel sorry for you when you get a little pepper spray in the face.

By the way, have you ever been pepper sprayed in the face? If so, you won't be very eager to repeat that experience. Very good non-lethal deterrent.:D

Also, I'm not really against protesting, but a tame protest is not worth a damn, and I'm just not willing to be emotionally manipulated by whoever is pulling the strings and that goes double for the upcoming elections.

Totally agree
@KilljoyKlown --

Yeah, all those women who dress up real slutty were warned about what would happen, so it's their fault that they were raped.

I wouldn't say that, I'm not in favor of anything that causes harm to others. Rape is never acceptable for any reason and should be punished to the full extent of the law. I think a woman should be able to wear slutty clothes with out fear of rape. But we all live in the real world and if I was married and had a daughter I wouldn't want my wife or daughter wearing provocative clothes. No one wants to worry about loved ones needlessly. Have you ever noticed serial killers seem to pick on whores more than any other group of people?
It is good to observe the incompetent administrators of police orders (college admins, town council) attacking the next generation they should be preparing for leadership (That is because the lame superwealthy are no longer considering the training of a new generation. The new game is tyrants and slaves).
The LAST U.S. crackdown (1960s) disenchanted a whole generation, and we know the cultural manipulation (commercial-interests brainwashing) did not take. It is good to see the "fresh intellectual youth's" revulsion to the ignorant powers that be.
The police are unconsciously feeding the demise of their "newly-ordered police state".
Smooth move, dumbunnies.
how are some of u standing up for the police?. since when is it legal to line students up in a row and walk down the line and peperspray them??? NEVER is the correct answer who gives a flying fuck about a warning.. first they ask them to move then they warn them if you dont move you will be arrested if they dont arrest them.. ONLY time police should use peper spray is if the person is resisting.. the fact all the students were on there knees is proof they were infact doing what they were told. all the police would have had to say is turn around put ur hands behind your backs..

again thoes of you sticking up for the officers disgust me.. there is absolutely NO reason what so ever to do this since when can cops line people up to inflict pain?
Dress a few people up, call them students, ...................................................................... I'm just not willing to be emotionally manipulated by whoever is pulling the strings and that goes double for the upcoming elections.

Totally agree

whats that smell?
oh. its just that the game changer has these fundy fanatics shitting in their pants as evinced by the wild eyed and frantic allegations

Very good non-lethal deterrent.:D

putting aside your glee.......the davis incident easily shows that your alleged deterrent was anything but. facts do not seem to bother you now does it? delusions are eminently more preferable
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Yeah, they were illegally blocking the path which is what they were being arrested for.
After being repeatedly warned that they would be arrested if they didn't move.

And then were warned they would be sprayed, before they were in fact sprayed (from a reasonable distance).
Oh Arthur...

I would so say "FUCK YOU" if I didn't know you were kidding here. No one has been that insensitive since May 4th, 1970. Too bad you didn't matriculate at Kent State...

I mean, this is really a new low - even for your sorry a**....
