
Raithere said:
I have to say that I was unsure of what MW meant by "It's that old slave mentality that reels them in". I can certainly see how it can be interpreted as racist. Rephrased as it was by superluminal that was obviously not the intent. But I can understand how Lori would make the mistake.

M*W: A couple of years ago there was a commercial on TV (it could have been a national ad, but it may have only been in the State) about Blacks and their new slavery to drugs. Texas historically has a Black prison population of 95%, predominantly for drug and alcohol-related crimes. (DISCLAIMER: This is NOT to be taken as a racist comment). The ad was shocking to say the least, but it addressed a widespread problem that we have in Texas. I must say I was at first offended by the racial overtones of the ad, but the ad was specifically directed toward the Black population. It makes sense to me now. Each ethnicity may have its own social stigma, so pointing fingers at any one group will also experience fingers pointing back at everyone of us. That reminds me of an ethnic joke. No offense intended:

Q - How many drunks were at the Scotsman's wake?

A - One less than at the last wake.
Aye, I dinna take offense at that. I ken it's the truth lass. Aye, 'tis the truth... (my ancestry is actually Welsh. Eh. Close enough.)
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: It's christians like you who make me sick. A catholic is a christian, numnuts. What difference does it make if the pope is saved or not. He's no different than you in that respect. Neither of you will ever see a place you call heaven. Goddamn, I hate christianity with a passion, but I hate ignorance worse, and you're one ignorant fuck.

Ha Ha Ha Ha You know MW your debating level has degenerated to the level of a 3 year old brat. You may as well stick your tongue out at me :p Your only effect is to give me more confidence in The Messiah Jesus and to reveal to all reasonable readers just what a nasty piece of gear you are.

What a pathetic existence to spend ones life as an obsessed hate filled anti.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Ha Ha Ha Ha You know MW your debating level has degenerated to the level of a 3 year old brat. You may as well stick your tongue out at me :p Your only effect is to give me more confidence in The Messiah Jesus and to reveal to all reasonable readers just what a nasty piece of gear you are.

What a pathetic existence to spend ones life as an obsessed hate filled anti.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: What's there to debate? You believe in fairy tales. There is no "Messiah Jesus," you pathetic trump. I love it when xians hate me! It makes my day, because you FEAR the truth!

You don't know how my life is filled. All you know is that I am anti-xian. You don't know me at all, you just know what I stand for. I'm not alone, either, and one day we will destroy you.