

Relatively Hairless Ape
Registered Senior Member
Has anyone else noticed that many religious people profess belief in god and live like they don't believe on any deep level. When the Pope was elected I heard many catholics express concern about him being a conservative. If you REALLY believed that the pope was elected via a divine spirit of some kind. Why would you care about his political standing? I have difficulty understanding how one suspends their rationality in such a big way. Many of these people are successful and well educated. I just don't understand. Any Thoughts?
I agree, also doesn't the Pope have lots of protection and guards and things like that....if he was truly religious, he wouldn't fear death, knowing that his death would take him to a greater life than he is living now.
Exactly. Why all the doctrine? If god really wanted something to be interpreted by the masses in a certain way it would be interpreted that way reguardless right?
Has anyone else noticed that many religious people profess belief in god and live like they don't believe on any deep level. When the Pope was elected I heard many catholics express concern about him being a conservative. If you REALLY believed that the pope was elected via a divine spirit of some kind. Why would you care about his political standing? I have difficulty understanding how one suspends their rationality in such a big way. Many of these people are successful and well educated. I just don't understand. Any Thoughts?
yeah, religious, Christians mainly, people seem to only take what they want from religion. if some rule or idea is contrary to their own personal beliefs, they tend to just ignore it, like when jesus tells the pharmacies that they were unjustified in stopping the execution of people who dishonor their parents. I mean come on people, be consistent, if you say the bible is the word of god, then follow it.
I agree, also doesn't the Pope have lots of protection and guards and things like that....if he was truly religious, he wouldn't fear death, knowing that his death would take him to a greater life than he is living now.
yeah, why does he have a pope-mobile with bulletproof glass? if god existed, I think he would be able to stop the pope from being killed if he wanted.
Russ723 said:
Has anyone else noticed that many religious people profess belief in god and live like they don't believe on any deep level. When the Pope was elected I heard many catholics express concern about him being a conservative. If you REALLY believed that the pope was elected via a divine spirit of some kind. Why would you care about his political standing? I have difficulty understanding how one suspends their rationality in such a big way. Many of these people are successful and well educated. I just don't understand. Any Thoughts?

If you REALLY believed that the pope was elected via a divine spirit of some kind. Why would you care about his political standing?

I don't believe that the pope was elected via God will.

"divine spirit of some kind"? Probably yes, but not all spirits are of God.

1 John 4
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Russ723 said:
Exactly. Why all the doctrine? If god really wanted something to be interpreted by the masses in a certain way it would be interpreted that way reguardless right?
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Russ. I agree. In the greater scheme of things, all that pomp and ceremony doesn't amount to a hill of beans. It's all for show. I was part of that show more than 20 years ago, until I allowed myself to question it. Christians are afraid to question their religion for fear of eternal death. But, there is no eternal life except for the replication of our DNA in our progeny, and that's good enough for me.

I visited The Vatican on the day JPII was inaugurated, and I was in his first audience. I had the privilege of shaking his hand. I believe he was a good man. But, if one goes into depth to study catholicism, it becomes quite obvious that it is a false religion. The Reformation didn't offer anything better. Christianity is doomed, and all the believers are doomed by their own beliefs.

The only truth will come from within. We don't need an old man sitting in a chair dictating what will get us to some false location after death or what will prevent us from going to this false location if we're bad. Christianity is bad. Very bad.
Are you Catholic Adstar? I thought that holy spirit and the Pope was part of the package.
Thanks Medicine woman. I think the suspension of rationality is dangerous in many ways.
Russ723 said:
Are you Catholic Adstar? I thought that holy spirit and the Pope was part of the package.

No i am not a catholic. I am a Christian.

The Holy Spirit is a part of the "package" for sure :)

The pope???? Well i will have to pray for the pope that he will come to believe in Jesus and be saved.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Has anyone else noticed that many religious people profess belief in god and live like they don't believe on any deep level. When the Pope was elected I heard many catholics express concern about him being a conservative. If you REALLY believed that the pope was elected via a divine spirit of some kind. Why would you care about his political standing?
Rus, the Holy Spirit may choose a Pope who has negative qualities(to some, being conservative is negative). Those adimiting these negative qualities aren't irrational. Overall, however, we can only speculate that the Pope chosen by the Holy Spirit fulfills God's destiny in someway. Nothing much more can be said. We can't even say whether the chosen Pope is more holy than the other possibilities.

yeah, religious, Christians mainly, people seem to only take what they want from religion. if some rule or idea is contrary to their own personal beliefs, they tend to just ignore it, like when jesus tells the pharmacies that they were unjustified in stopping the execution of people who dishonor their parents. I mean come on people, be consistent, if you say the bible is the word of god, then follow it.
Cato,in this passage, Jesus is clearly speaking about the Jews before his resurrection, in which case they were still under the OT law.

I agree, also doesn't the Pope have lots of protection and guards and things like that....if he was truly religious, he wouldn't fear death, knowing that his death would take him to a greater life than he is living now.
Well, if he didn't ride around in bullet proof glass, would this be recklessness? If so, then the Pope wouldn't be prudent. So, ignoring one virtue only to prove another, faith, can't be either beneficial or right.
according to the election of the pope God does not believe in democracy, we are truely of the same image. No wrong doing here.(laughs)
Who gives a rat's ass about the Pope? He's a figure head of a dead organization that apparently attempts to take the place of Jesus Christ Himself.

Personally I find that the more I live "in faith", the more insane people think I am. It's funny and sad at the same time.
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Jesus was not European and He was not African. He was an olive skined middle eastern Jew. Well His body was anyway. ;)

Hey Lori i have detected a change in you since i have been away. Your more ummm direct in your posts. Not saying that's bad ;) and to be concidered mad in an insane world it's bad at all.

1 Peter 2
9But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
No i am not a catholic. I am a Christian.

The Holy Spirit is a part of the "package" for sure :)

The pope???? Well i will have to pray for the pope that he will come to believe in Jesus and be saved.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: It's christians like you who make me sick. A catholic is a christian, numnuts. What difference does it make if the pope is saved or not. He's no different than you in that respect. Neither of you will ever see a place you call heaven. Goddamn, I hate christianity with a passion, but I hate ignorance worse, and you're one ignorant fuck.
devils_reject said:
I'll tell you one thing many people wouldn't have embraced christianity for so long if Jesus were black
M*W: Statistics now show that christianity is predominantly a black religion. Africa is swarming in christians and gaining in numbers by the minute. It's that old slave mentality that reels them in. They can have it.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: It's christians like you who make me sick. A catholic is a christian, numnuts. What difference does it make if the pope is saved or not. He's no different than you in that respect. Neither of you will ever see a place you call heaven. Goddamn, I hate christianity with a passion, but I hate ignorance worse, and you're one ignorant fuck.

No MW, a christian is someone who is born again in Christ. YOU WERE DUPED!!!! Who's the ignorant fuck again MW? Bitter bitch...
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Statistics now show that christianity is predominantly a black religion. Africa is swarming in christians and gaining in numbers by the minute. It's that old slave mentality that reels them in. They can have it.

Wow, I can't believe that you just said that. You are one fucked up piece of shit you know that?
Lori_7 said:
No MW, a christian is someone who is born again in Christ. YOU WERE DUPED!!!! Who's the ignorant fuck again MW? Bitter bitch...
M*W: Read the statistics, ho.