past lives

why does it seem like all the reincarnations happen in India?
coincidence? or nonsense?

I think its nonsense because like in christian relgions there are talks of seeing god in India people talk of being reincarnaded.

I am not bashing your beliefs in anyways just simply stating the abvious truth.

I think that people are simply who they are through their life time of memories that their brain collects. What would be the point of reincarnation? and who picks and chooses the body? What would be the point of birth and mating with others too create a "UNIQUE" other when its really somebody . And with reincarnation belief means you have too believe in some sort of soul(example) that passes from one too the next no? Cause abviously the brain just simply decomposes.
Well, it could not be re-incarnation, but it certainly is a wonder isn't it?. May be she is a child of an alien, and I feel unlike many IT Proffessionals coming from India, it is appropriate that one with superior math abilities come from there as well :)
that is interesting why it happens alot in India

maybe because they believe in it so much.

my personal theory on that is that it has to do with the "ghosts"or the spirits that had died not going into the next phase so they choose a "victim"or someone who is susceptible to their take over. Then they develop the same feelings as the person who had died before.

i've heard so many ribbing jokes about Shirley mclaines past lives but never went out to read any of her books.

..."how can you tell the difference between dreaming and your imagination?"

I think that dreaming and imagination can be linked together. It is often that when i dream, i remember afterwards that i can come up with ideas that work well.
cool, i personally believe in reincarnation, but i don't really give a damn about my past lives. No ffense you guys but what has been done is done and knowing about past lives won't really help you in the present unless you had this psychological problem or something like you are totally mistrusting of men because you were raped in a past life. There are infinte possibilities.

There might be reincarnation...

You keep coming back as something else until Christ of the Jesusness comes and takes you to heaven.

How can you tell if your in heaven?

Go to the nearest Wal*Mart and look for corned beef:D

"Man fears what he does not understand."

:confused: (I dunno)

"But if he does understand the smart thing to do is make corned beef out of it.":D

The rebirth found in Buddhism is nothing at all like what most people think of, when they think of reincarnation. Buddhist rebirth is very subtle, and isn't something neccesarily reliant on mysticism.

When a Buddhist says you have been reborn over and over, he means you are part of a chain of existances which are connected by cause and effect. You exist as you do, only because a being proceeded you, making the conditions ripe for you emergence.
The description of reincarnation is probably closest to what TheEnd has said.
Truth being(yes I know that this truth is debateable) reincarnation does not mean that you have been reborn into this world several times, infact you have been reborn but into unimaginably different realities. The concept of the reality you now live in is also simply fleeting, and the next one will be completely different. Don't be fooled, your world is wholely different from my world, the only reality that exists is what you see right infront of you at this very moment.

However your description seems to disclude the possibility of the rebirth of your own entity/spirit into physical reality though I may have been mistaken in assuming this.
After all the Dalai Lama is reborn life after life, the young boy is picked when he can identify parafernailia that belonged to him in a past life. And the Buddha teaches that we reach enlightenment through the elimination of suffering, the cycle of birth and death ends, this also means the actual birt and death of your spirit in the physical.
I heard a story about a woman who went to a hypnotist for some boring reason, like her back hurt or somthing. once under, she started talking with a sourthern accent, and discussing events of the underground railroad. she pinpointed one hiding space in Central Maryland which she had used numerous times while running slaves north.
The problem was, that plantation didn't have any ties to the Underground railroad. That is, until they started digging right where she said the hiding room was, and what do you know? they found an underground room about 30'x30' which no one knew exsisted.


my next door neightbor says she can remember her past lives. She says it sort of like turning around, and seeing the world the way it was. really being there in all respects, then turning around again, and being back in the now. She sometimes has conversations with herself, and then tells me things like "an old chinese guy says you're not listening to him. do you know why he would tell me to do this?" she then makes a southern Shoalin monk salute. "Um, that's a kung fu salute. have you seen that before?" "No, he just told me that I should do that when addressing him." :\ maybe she saw it in a movie. maybe not, they usually don't use the southern fist in movies.
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Originally posted by exsto_human
The description of reincarnation is probably closest to what TheEnd has said.
Truth being(yes I know that this truth is debateable) reincarnation does not mean that you have been reborn into this world several times, infact you have been reborn but into unimaginably different realities. The concept of the reality you now live in is also simply fleeting, and the next one will be completely different. Don't be fooled, your world is wholely different from my world, the only reality that exists is what you see right infront of you at this very moment.

absolutely. reincarnation is when a boddhisattva chooses the place, time, etc. to come into the world and help out people. rebirth is what we are all subject to, until we reach enlightenment- we are free. and yes, one could be reborn in other worlds.
I believe in God, maybe even the fact that he represents something, and I certainly believe in reincornation. Some people say that if you believe in God you cannot believe in erincornation, or that you're not supposed to, or vice versa, but I disagree. I think reincornation is extremely possible.