past lives

Hmmm..that's almost hard to believe. But how do you "start" remembering them? I mean, did you fall into some deep sleep or something? I wish I could remember my past lives. For some reason, I feel that my soul is very young. If it is, I probably have a lot of reincornation to do.:)
How can you tell the difference between your memory of a pst life and your "imagination"? I know it's a weird question, but once I had this feeling like I was watching myself or someone else come out of a building with this coat on. It was a woman and I was feeling her feelings or something. I don't know, it's hard to explain.
how can you tell the difference between dreaming and your imagination? how can you tell the difference between normal lifetime memorts and immagination. They are just different and they feel different. Dont start talking like a closed minded person now, next youll have us convinced past lives are just mass hallucinations or symptoms of stress or something.
I'm not saying that past lives are just mass hallucinations or symptoms of stress and I'm certainly not trying to prove anything different or anything at all, I just asked for myself. Like if I have something, how would I know it's not my imagination. It's like dreams, when you have them, they feel real, but when you wake up, most of them, you have a different feeling about than reality. And I'm not trying to think like a closed minded person. But if a person has never had one before, how do they know what it is? I guess you're not really going to understand this, but say a person IS dreaming. If there is something like that person suddenly knowing over a 100 languages, than he will know it's not a dream. I can't explain, because then I only confuse myself:) .
Originally posted by SpyMoose
Really i dont know why i keep getting reincarnated, i dont have any memorys of doing anything particularly important.

Maybe that's why.
Maybe the ones that believe in pre-destination have it half right.
You keep coiming back until you do that thing you are supposed to do.
If you don't want it to end, just be a slacker :m: :p.
one_raven is right. I'm not saying I believe in predestiny, but maybe every sole has to "improve" itself before it goes onto a next world. Maybe you keep improving but very little or something.
Hey Vitamin A... I know you don't mean to sound skeptical, but when you say stuff like 'that's a little freaky' and 'that's almost hard to believe' it comes across that way and will have the opposite effect you desire. I love hearing stories about other people's "memories" too, but that's all you're probably going to get out of this. You can't MAKE yourself remember past lives and nobody is going to be able to tell you how to do it. I know that's what you're looking for, but you need to just sit back and enjoy the sharing experience.

And what you said about dates and people, you're looking for info to substantiate the validity of reincarnation, right? Well, you're not going to find it. I don't think it's provable. You either believe in it or you don't. It sounds like we all do, so far. Maybe you could try meditation. I think those "memories" are locked behind some kind of "door" in our mind. Maybe meditation is the key for someone actively searching for those memories.

And... just because you don't remember any past lives right now is no reason to assume that your soul is young. And... the thing about the woman coming out of the building, I think that was more of a psychic thing, like clairvoyancy maybe. One more thing... do you feel an affinity for any particular place and/or time period? eg, ancient greece, ancient rome, ancient egypt, the middle ages, 1920s chicago, 1960s california, the orient... do any major historical events completely fascinate you like WWI and WWII, the british civil war, the american civil and revolutionary wars, the napoleonic wars?
oh, I'm really sorry that it doesn't sound the right way. Id didn't mean to make it sound bad. Oh, and I don't mean that I need prove, I was just wondering about the dates, just interested, that's all. I don't want to make myself remember my past lives either, I just didn't understand how the process actually worked. I read more about it though. And that's not why I felt my sole was young, I just had that feeling. It's a long story about how I got it. Oh, about the woman, I didn't mean for it to sound that it was like my past life. That moment it just popped into my head so I thought I should write it. I wasn't trying to get any prove out of the stories at all! Really. The reason I said it's hard to believe is because I thought it was really interesting, not that I don't believe or anything, you know?:) Once again, sorry.:)
There's no need to apologize :) I was just giving you some feedback. (BTW, please don't be offended, but 'sole' is the bottom of your foot or your shoe, it's not the same as 'soul'.) May I ask if you're writing from outside the US? Sometimes things get lost in the translation from one language to another. That could explain any misunderstandings :) Here's another 'story' - I feel that I might have lived in ancient Greece in one of my past lives. One of the reasons, there are more, is because whenever I see a picture of the Parthenon the way it is now I just want to weep, I don't mean I feel like crying or I think it's sad, it just wrenches at my soul to see it looking like this. I can't explain it; it's like my soul is crying.
oh, thanks for the feedback.:) And I used to write soul, but lol, then I just kind of picked up "sole". I know it's weird, I'll try to change that. Thanks for that too!:) I'm in US. lol
Ok,I went to the library today and got this book by Dr.Bruce Goldberg :self-Hypnosis".Highly recommend to everyone!
As you probably guessed,through hypnosis or self-hypnosis one can remember his past AND even future even has many self-hypnosis exercices that you can practice.I'm going to start trying.
Starting from page 151 "new Age hypnosis" it talks about reincarnation.
Another interesting thing is about Angel Encounters on page 165.
Here is a little from the book:
Angels are neither gods nor ghosts.these beings were created separately from humans and were given free will.angels have consciousness and purpose.They may appear in dreams.Angels have no gender or physical body,they are pure spirit and were never a part of humankind.Angels do not interfere with free will;they merely offer advise and support.Motives must be pure for an angel contact to occur.
Exercises for OUT OF BODY experiences:
some people like to venture beyond their bodies to explore the universe.this method provides evidense for life after death and is the mechanism for reincarnation.

Here is about reincarnation:
THe soul always has free will.we can choose to do good or evil,right or wrong.We choose our future lives.By learning principles to better ourselves,we're bettering the future for all.If we purposely do something good or bad the universe will note this action and treat us accordingly.
The reincarnation process will end when you fulfill you karma.when you learn all the lessons u need to learn & show kindness and unselfish love to all those with whom u come into contact,the cycle will end.When it ends,you will go beyond the soul plane to the higher planes and reunite with God.
that sounds exciting. Thnks simple_art. I promise to try to do good and act nice to everyone I come in contact with.:)
Hey Simple Art - thanks for sharing that! The part at the end about reincarnation sounds like it's straight from my own personal philosophy. For anybody that wants to find the book - if your local library doesn't carry it, they can usually do what's called an Inter-Library Loan where they search for it at other libraries around the country and borrow it for you. I use that a lot. Thanks again, SA!
janeelsa,u're welcome! I've always thought almost the same things about reincarnation.Actually after I've read in this book about some people's experiences (when they are hypnotised) I believe in reincarnation more than ever now. Has anyone experienced hypnosis or self-hypnosis? I'd like to try one too to find out about my past lives.It's a way to help shape the future.By creating your own reality with the knowledge from the superconscious minds,you can positevely affect your present and future lives.
The author of the book I mentioned writes: "I have conducted more than 35,000 individual past life regressions on more than 12,000 individual patients.
Here's something interesting from Jerry Springer's (think of Jerry Springer's show on TV) one of the previous lifetimes:
As a knight in England during the 1600s,Jerry was severely wounded in a battle defending the honor of a noblewoman.He could no longer function as a knight,so the woman he saved employed him in the castle as a butler.this woman reincarnated as Jerry's current-life daughter.This is a case of karmic family values.
vitaminA :cool:;)
Past lives can best be viewed as a collection, succession or stream of the singular (that is each single life having been lived) - much like frames in a motion picture. Each frame, in and of themselves may not make sense, but seen together, one after another in succession, a pattern or story emerges.

The story that emerges is one of billions of stories – each different – each unique.

We, in this life that we now live, are but a part of the whole that is the higher self, our higher self.

Understanding that we have all lived other lives is really all about the further understanding of 'self', and all of the various facets or aspects of self.

We, for the most part, know very little of self, and the various aspects and facets that make up the 'self' as it exists for all of us.

Why is that?

Why has this information been kept from us?

After all, what can be more important than knowing self – when it comes right down to it, we are all we have in this life.

Why do so many of us actually fear the knowing of self, in all of its facets?
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Reincarnation is possible, and if its anything like a dream it would be difficult for most people to remember.