past lives


Registered Senior Member
Does anyone remember any of their past lives? Know someone who does or know anything about it in particular? I've read some stories about it and heard things, but it would still be great to hear more.:)
<i>Does anyone remember any of their past lives?</i>

No, I don't think anyone does.

Some people have good imaginations, though.

well, I read about a woman who past out at school when she was younger and woke up knowing 120 languages, some of which included the ones that died out. Scientistss are sure she knows at least 15 to 20 languages but since some of the languages are not spoken can do the math. There's this other story about this boy who remembered his past life since he was little, and started drinking at five. He started talking about his family there and how he killed a person becasue he was his lover's lover. His lover was still alive. That boy was from a wealthy family and knew a lot of personal information. They basicaly were very sure he was that man. It probably doesn't make any sence, but it's too long to explain everything about both stories.
What about that classic reincarnation story from India about the little girl who insisted she had lived before in another part of India and her (indulgent) parents took her there and to "her" house where she pointed out and spoke with her "husband" and other family members and spoke of things she had no way of knowing. I'm not saying it's true, it's just one of those 'classic' tales. The name/word Devi popped into my mind.
Here's another 'story.' A friend of mine said she was baby-sitting her little nephew, he was around 8 or something, and they were outside when a guy drove by on his motorcycle. My friend's 8-yr-old nephew said, "I died in a motorcycle accident." Just out of the blue. That's all I remember about the conversation.
yeah, that's interesting. I guess I kind of believe in reincornation. There are people who had these emazing stuff happen to them, and that kind of makes me wonder about past lives. I wish I could find out mine, because it's very interesting and I heard it influences the way your life is now, a little.
Originally posted by vitaminA
I wish I could find out mine
If reincarnation does exist, and I have to say 'if' because if I say I believe in it there are SOME people out there who seem to derive pleasure from ripping apart the beliefs of others whose views differ from theirs when all we want to do is exchange our thoughts and see if anybody feels the same way, or has thought the same things, in a free, non-judgemental place... Can you tell I'm sick and tired of all the 'verbal violence' that goes on here sometimes? :) Anyway, I've heard that one of the reasons we don't remember all our lives in all their gory detail is because we (most of us anyway) are already hounded by guilt (even if we supress it) for some of the 'bad things' we've done in this life (from little hurtful things we feel regret over to, who knows, murder) and if we had to try to bear all the guilt from our other lives also it would just be too much for us to handle psychologically. It's just something I heard once and thought I'd share it with you, so I'm not saying I believe in reincarnation ;) so please don't anybody jump on my back. Thank you. Peace
janeelsa, I like your message. lol. Trust me, I know what you're talking about, I have been to some forums, where it is just impossible to say whatever you believe. They jump on you like flies on poop.:) But anyway, I'm not really sure what you mean by the "guilt" thing. I'm a little confused. Can you explain a bit more specific? :) sorry for asking. I don't want you to be annoyed of telling me again, it's just that I don't quite get it.
No, I don't mind. Let's see... As human beings we are not perfect and we're going to make mistakes. Some of those mistakes will involve hurting the people we love. Now, I know we can't change what's been done, and all might be forgiven and forgotten, but we still feel regret/sadness at the pain we caused. Now suppose you've hurt just 3 people in your life. You feel bad about it. What if you've lived, say, 10 lives and hurt 3 people in each of those lives. That's 10 times the amount of remorse you would be feeling now if you could remember all the times you've hurt somebody; instances you would remember if you could remember what all your past lives were. And if you'd lived a hundred lives! (she shudders.) I just pulled those numbers out of a hat, and I'm not trying to lay down a theory, it's just something I heard once :) Does that make sense? Sometimes I'm not real good at expressing my ideas. Let me know, k?
Putting on my crazy cap

Yet speaking with utmost sincereity.

The reason we don't remember past lives is simple, we have never lived before! Our conciousness however, has been arround maybe for aeons and lived upon earth perhaps 1000s of times. What one learns during one's life is permanently imprinted in one's conciousness, though not in the physical brain, mind.

It's impossible for me to explain, as the conept of 'conciousness' is so profoundly deep that to try and make any logical sense of it would be utter folly!
You can for example view segments and experience moments from you past lives in your Akashic records in the astral (or rather the 'buffer zone' between the astral and the mental) plain.
The reason you are the way you are is greatly dictated by your past lives. Egos that dominate you today may have been built up in a past life and carried on by your conciousness, pride, shame, lust, sorrow, anger etc..

I for example am a very sexual person I must admit and have been so from a very young age, I attribute this to me probably having been a great lover in a past life!:D(or just a regular perv)
(luckily?) I am somewhat repulsive to women in this life, lol, so I might attribute this as Karma getting back at me for my indulgence, and perhaps a chance for me to change my fornicating ways. :p

It may seem like I am living in an intricately deluded world inside my head, but I concur that so is every one else!;)
maybe it's just me, but what youre saying (some of it) makes sense. *Where have I heard it before?*lol:D
im so glad this thread is here, ive been reincarnated like 200 times, you just arnt anyone unless you were somone, know what i mean?
SpyMoose, yeah, I'd like to hear about any past life that you remember. This is so interesting. I'm so interested in this stuff, I'm on the tips of my toes waiting for you to tell us about your experience! If you do decide to, you have my full itension.:)
i was a canibal in a tribe in central africa. We didnt eat human ALL the time, just, you know when we had wars with other tribes, and on holy days. Damn my modern body, i cant even preform the ritual peircings on it that we used to do, it just hurts so darn much. Maybe there was some kind of natural anastetic in something we used during the ritual or something because i do NOT remember it hurting so damn much. Ive got no idea when that was, we didnt have the julian calender hanging on the wall.
sorry if I'm spelling stuff wrong and then write about t, becasue I can be a very big perfectionist at times. Oh, and can I ask "how" you started remembering your past lives?
hmm...thats a little freaky, but hey, we all are at times. Do you remember any specific details? Like a specific day or maybe any people you might have been friend with? I don't know why I want to know so much, lol:D
Hey this is really weird, because I remember past lives too. I don't know how many times I've been reincarnated, but I know that I do have a very old soul. I get memories from the ancient days and even before that, prehistory, even pre-human, maybe even back before creation, when we were all beings of radient energy.
i remember odd details here and their. Mostly the quiet personal moments. I remember an evening a woman in my family compound woke up with bugs in her hair and she wouldnt sleep in her hut anymore so i had to switch with her. I remember how bad it fealt to be out in the sun harvesting yams during the day, and finding just little shrivled ones because there hadnt been any good rain for months. Really i dont know why i keep getting reincarnated, i dont have any memorys of doing anything particularly important.