Past civilization


Staff member
I was in Barnes & Noble browsing today. I came across a book on Chinese civilization. It talked about recorded history back to 8500 years BC. The same dates are found in India too.

What if man had a nice society one million years ago and that kept getting destroyed by meteors every so often, only to be rebuilt and so on....
I did a search for "8500 BC" and pulled from the wreckage:

Ancestors of red-Indians and how they got there

Prime-numbers on a bone

Edinburgh,Scotland stone tools

Earths Meteorology and Climatology history



the information kind of tallies to state the reason for man moving around the planet is and was due to climate changes, where somewhere would be fertile, it could be turned to a frozen wasteland or desert, so a tribe or people would have to move on or die, They then might find somewhere that use to be a frozen wasateland or desert and cultivate it for a while until another climatic change occurs where they move again.

This gives the reason why the whole planet become populated over so many thousands of years, and possibly why the differing tribes and peoples didn't map the whole world (afterall a people would be lost if a desert was between you and where you last saw them, and when you eventually get to where they are suppose to be and you find just dead carcasses of animals from a famine, you would think they too perished, but of course they could have moved on in another direction)

Thus civilizations lost each other.
There hasn't been a meteor strike which has had global effects of the kind needed to wipe out civilisation for 65 million years. The last one took out the dinosaurs.
hey all :)

maybe performance anxiety and egocentric fear deter acurate history?

armies create borders
explorers border creation

the jewel of true knolledge is sold by a fool to buy cheap wine and shallow friends.

are all friends fools or just wine merchants?

we seek to be anywhere except where we are!

yet most are not explorers!

and most lack a soldiers discipline.

the world turns in circles...must we?

groove on all :)
I don't think it will be a meteor that will exterminate us all...

Before my dad died, he would always talk about a nuclear holocaust, or global warming. People, our planet has been dying a slow death. There is over-population and too much pollution for one planet to take any longer.

So what happens? The Earth kills off what is killing her in the first place- the human race. Whether it be a major natural disaster or the polar axis shifting, remains unknown.

Who knows? Maybe it'll be nuclear war afterall...

God, I hope not.
after searching thoroughly on net,books etc,i found an interesting piece of info that may be addition to past civilizations;

Rama empire dates back to 6000 B.C..No civilization has officially ever existed prior to 4000 B.C.(according to western world).
now heres an interesting part;
several scriptures in sanskrit have been found to have given a complete description of following things:

1.)how to make a craft(they call it VIMANA)

2.)electric generator.

3.)power plant architecture.

4.)atomic warfare.

There's even a passage describing atomic wars on moon in the holy book of hindus called RAMAYANA

Even with Vedas, the oldest Indian records, the story only goes back about 10,000 BC. Either these people emigrated from another planet or there may be other civilization between that period and 250 million BC. Those may have been wiped out in those 5 major ELEs (Extinction Level Event). Even if there was an advanced society comparable to ours, 250 million years ago, there will be no trace of that today. No machinary will survive this long. Only glass may survive but will go flat and flow into a different shape. If they had nuclear power plants, the rods would have lost their radiactive property and turned Uranium Oxide. Even the continents have shifted.

Any thoughts for a civilization 250 million years ago?

even if you call me sticky,but i"ll say that i"ll still stick my computer theory,that is we are inside a computer.
as for time frame,well its just a rule.
i believe reaction of creation was evolution.i might sound slightly relegious,but it is not so.think about this KM.
FIRST civilization is a period where people live more than 300 years.its even in age is programmedly limited to say 400 yrs.civilization gets destroyed.catastrophe.or is it so?possibly some program failiure.

SECOND civilization is a period where people live upto 200 yrs.age limit.this period in vedas is mentioned as "dwapur"(i am sorry about spellings)

THIRD civilization is a period where people's age is limited to 100 yrs.(our own).

think about it.most solar systems are binary.ours couldnt be,Jupiter let us down by its mass,or is it really so?
interesting link.

to add fuel to fire,i"ve read an interesting article somewhere regarding ancient astronauts.

this one is from ISTANBUL 4000 B.C.
An object closely resembling a shape of our space shuttle probes today was found,that dates back to 4000 B.C. the boosters at the back are astoundingly similiar to several of our shuttles today.humanoid figure sitting seems to be wearing an ancient (stupid,i quote) space suit resembling that of ancient SOVIETS.
the meuseum refuses to put the object(statue rather)on display because they dont know how to label it.

A few other incidences might also shed some light;

in Europe about 20,000 B.C. some of cave paintings were found to have flying saucers drawn which were found to be showing arrows toward cattle which appear to be standing on field.

also since you did all the search on msn(i think so,KM,isnt it?)you might have also found a site explaining that there several excerpts regarding VIMANAS:
1.)about how make vimanas land without a sound.
2.)about how to make vimana type craft invisible!!!!
3.)about how to provide VTOL.(vertical take off and landing).
4.)in ramayana "ravana" the vilian or the devil seems to flying an aircraft which has glowing pulse of sun.
various other incidences say that technology on earth has existed for a long time.but we might just not know,perhaps a detailed study of our past could reveal long but forgotten civilization.
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As internet presence increases in India, we will find more stuff translated to English and have a better idea of what is going on. Even if Ramayana and Mahabharat are speculated to be science fiction, the ideas themselves are too far out and too close to real science for comfort.

In Mahabharat, they talk about weapons that is specific to a person (DNA Weapons), weapons that destroys only living things, etc. One of the interesting aspect of DNA weapon is that you need a sample of hair or saliva or skin to make one. While such technologies are lost, today they try to use black magic for the same pupose all over the world without the real technology.

Some of the books talk about advanced war between dark skinned people (Asur) and light skinned people (Devas) in two different planets with both pocessing weapons of mass destruction. Sometimes both groups get arms from a third party.

Long time ago, I read two interesting items: one is we all have within us a racial memory coded into our DNA. While it was in a story form that dates back to 6000 years (one of the sub plots in Mahabharat), today, we know that it is possible to have information in our DNA that has billions of bits that is not necessary for our survival (only 30,000 is needed for a human). The other one is that something about "Akashic Records". Every event is recorded. Apparently, Devas have the ability to play back any event for judgement or review. This technology is beyond our grasp at this time.
Originally posted by kmguru

The other one is that something about "Akashic Records". Every event is recorded. Apparently, Devas have the ability to play back any event for judgement or review. This technology is beyond our grasp at this time.
can give me some links about that KM?i wanna know.

You can do a google search on "akashic records" and find tons of material. The word Akash comes from Sanskrit and Buddhists use the same term too. Have fun. I received an email on this topic from Yogamojo as follows:

There is evidence in certain guarded archaeological discovery which points to the probability that civilization has existed before, and that in fact there are artifacts and vestiges which are quite permanant. The Great Sphinx, for example, is estimated to predate the Great Pyramid in Giza by about 5,000 years. How did our monolithic structures pop up all around the planet within the same 2,000 year constraint? They didn't. Would we build stone structures and document history on stone plates today: perhaps if we intended to leave a future civilization a message. An interesting investigation would include browsing documentation on ancient Chinas "Yellow Emporer", Huang Ti if you have not already investigated this, dating systems have likely changed immenseley since these times.

Hey Zion,

You're on the right track man, not many know about this business, what is most remarkable is that these accounts were not recorded as childrens' tales, they were recorded in a manner that seems to be a standard documentation format for that period, as if it were a common sight to see the local royalty zooming back and forth between heaven and Earth. This is not limited to ancient Indian text, there are similar indications related to China's Huang Ti and the dragon chariots, as well as in ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts such as the "Epic of Gilgamesh" which tells of terrestrial flight machines as well as the vehicles that the divines used for travel. The dissapointing aspect is that aside from a few drawings no archaeological evidence has been found to reinforce the stories, maybe everyone who had them used them to leave and have never since returned...maybe...
sorry james but their have been major meteor impacts since the one that got the dinosaurs. it doesnt necessarily have to blow up the planet or light the atmosphere on fire just kick up enough dust to block out the sun for a long period of time(8+months) to be able to do major damage to life on earth. their have been at least 5 major ones since the "big one" that got the dinos.
<i>...their have been at least 5 major ones since the "big one" that got the dinos.</i>

Really? When and how big, exactly?
Earliest one was about 250 million years ago. The way they find it is to check all the meteor stike area and carbon date the impact site that creates glass and carbon structures. I also read it in discover magazine. I think a google search might provide more details.

no archaeological evidence has been found to reinforce the stories, maybe everyone who had them used them to leave and have never since returned...maybe...

True...Tourists who visit Hawaii do not leave their body parts or anything that can be dug to find out if they came from Russia, Germany or UK
Re: Vimana...

Originally posted by Yogamojo
Hey Zion,

The dissapointing aspect is that aside from a few drawings no archaeological evidence has been found to reinforce the stories, maybe everyone who had them used them to leave and have never since returned...maybe...
Hi Yogamojo,

as i mentioned earlier that complete descriptions about VTOL landings,about how to make craft disappear,electric power generators etc are given in the text,which is to descriptive and apt to be ignored or falsified,so evidence is mountaineus,its just that people of india are not analysing them as they should have.scientifically.the other evidences are the places themselves in India.take for instance Aodhya(hope the spellings are correct),the place of rama's birth is still there,very much.The devil Ravana used to stay in his Lanka,(Sri Lanka)??.so there are bits and pieces enough for us to decipher.but there's right now not much attention given to the subject.
