Parental Rights v Parental Responsibilities

no orleander, there are VERY strong limits on next of kin. Actually its just a formality which can be gone around at any time. The doctrin of nessacity rember?

what are the strong 'next of kin' limits? From what I'm reading, I can have any doctor approved procedure done to my child.
im not sure which section this is in but somewhere in this act, im assured by my lecturer are two provisons. One which stops a parent from witholding blood products based on there religious views. The other relates to sterilisation forbiding the parents from authorising sterlisation on there child without the concent of the board which will ONLY be given if its a medical nessacity

Further more i invite you to read this:

12—Administration of medical treatment to a child

A medical practitioner may administer medical treatment to a child if—

(a) the parent or guardian consents; or

(b) the child consents and—

(i) the medical practitioner who is to administer the treatment is of the opinion that the child is capable of understanding the nature, consequences and risks of the treatment and that the treatment is in the best interest of the child's health and well-being; and

(ii) that opinion is supported by the written opinion of at least one other medical practitioner who personally examines the child before the treatment is commenced.

Mr. Hamtastic
again i am left wondering what you are talking about my friend
If my wife and my father go the courthouse, they can have a warrant served against me for being a danger to myself. Then the cops come, using non-lethal methods to subdue me, hem me up, take me to ye olds psych ward. Not kidding. I'm all in favor of that when I'm lucid. When I'm not, I plot how I'm going to bring down the government once and for all. Thus, your question about whether I support such a thing as them having power to put me away if I am not in my right mind and incapable of making a healthy decision.

I guess that's what it comes down to. If my kid is making a healthy, wise, rational decision, I'll support it, if not I'll overrule it.
the problem is what is rational?
is it rational to be forced to give up what is concidered by the formers of the guardianship act to be a "fundermental human right" (ie the ability to have sex and reproduce) when you would rather die if thats the choice?

is it rational to WANT to die when your going to spend the rest of your life in imence pain?

what about having a brain tumor removed when there is a 50% risk it will leave you in a PVS?

what about if you have a mental illness there is no way to cure?
CutsieMarie-are you sick or something?

Yes... :bawl:
One of the aforementioned disagreements I had with my mother. Doctor wanted to remove my ovaries and my mother agreed with them, but I said no. So now I'm just trying to see if I can get pregnant before I can't take the pain anymore and have them removed. A slice of my medical history :D
CutsieMarie-Don't forget, they can harvest your eggs, if you want, and put them on ice. If that fails, there's adoption/foster care. That unconditional love doesn't come from being blood kin.

Asguard-What is rational? If an otherwise healthy 17 year old is faced with a choice of death or no reproduction, and they choose to die, with no other options available, their parent should step in and say no death for you. You want to die, you wait a year.

Pain is manageable, 50/50 shots are better than no hope at all, mental illness-if you really wanted to, they couldn't stop you.

Is it rational to leave loved ones thinking-if only we had tried...?
Mr. Hamtastic

im not sure i agree with you, say that a 15 year old was faced with a choice, NEVER have sex or risk death which would YOU chose? (BTW at 17 there IS nothing you can do, 16 is the apsolute limit for medical majority, after that parents have no say except as next of kin)

as for the PVS, im sorry i disagree with you. 50% chance of being a veg? no way i would chose death
orelander what if they concider quality of life to be more inportant than QUANITIY of life?

i know thats the decision i would make, its oviously what Cutsie and challanger would pick to. Its the reason we have a palitive care act in ever juristiction
whoa. You're right! 1 week of QUALITY time is worth far more than 20 years of QUANTITY time. I mean, if your girlfriend was unconscious from a head injury and they found a brain tumor, gave her 6 weeks to live, or a 50/50 shot at living another 60 years, I'm sure that you would choose not to tell her anything was wrong and stock up on excedrin migraine, right?
God, what's the name of that movie? Denzel Washington is in it, his kid needs a transplant, their insurance won't cover it... the Hospital Admin and Lawyer tell him and his wife,"It's time to stop thinking about quantity time with him, think quality time..." They teach you that stuff at uni? Terrifying. If my kid needs something, and I can't afford it, I'm going to the hospital armed.
If you don't mind me asking, how come? O.O

How come they wanted to remove my ovaries or why my mother agreed with them? Severe Endometriosis runs in my family, my mother had it and it caused her a lot problems, her cousin's got so bad they had to remove all of her reproductive organs and removed part of her lung. The longer you wait the more likely it is that endometriosis will return. They found early signs of it in me and said that if they removed my ovaries then I could probably prevent it from spreading to my other organs. I gave it some serious thought and decided to wait, because I want to have children. So I'm going to see how long I can take it before I go and have the surgery. I admit I would have been quite upset if my mother had forced me to have the surgery when I was younger (if they were able to diagnose it then). So maybe I'll be able to have a child before hand if I'm lucky.
God, what's the name of that movie? Denzel Washington is in it, his kid needs a transplant, their insurance won't cover it... the Hospital Admin and Lawyer tell him and his wife,"It's time to stop thinking about quantity time with him, think quality time..." They teach you that stuff at uni? Terrifying. If my kid needs something, and I can't afford it, I'm going to the hospital armed.

John Q. And he wasn't actually armed.
How come they wanted to remove my ovaries or why my mother agreed with them? Severe Endometriosis runs in my family, my mother had it and it caused her a lot problems, her cousin's got so bad they had to remove all of her reproductive organs and removed part of her lung. The longer you wait the more likely it is that endometriosis will return. They found early signs of it in me and said that if they removed my ovaries then I could probably prevent it from spreading to my other organs. I gave it some serious thought and decided to wait, because I want to have children. So I'm going to see how long I can take it before I go and have the surgery. I admit I would have been quite upset if my mother had forced me to have the surgery when I was younger (if they were able to diagnose it then). So maybe I'll be able to have a child before hand if I'm lucky.

Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that.

Does it give you a lot of pain?

I hope you will manage to get pregnant soon.
Mr. Hamtastic
im not talking about not seeking treatment because of cost. The way your health system works is evil in the extreem. Im talking about doing it because YOU have made a decision that you would rather spend your remaining time in a way you chose

I asked my law lecturer yesterday about the case i posted above and he asked me was it here because he had a similar case. he then said that these situations happen EVERY DAY at the w&c and that they usually side with the child if they are satisfided they understand the conquences.
Sorry to hear about that. My ex had the same problem. Here is something we found out that the male doctors didn't tell us.

You don't have to have the period at the end of a cycle of birth control pills. You just skip the last week and go straight to the next first week of pills. You have little or no period which means little or no endometriosis spread that month.

The female gynecologist who clued us in had one light period in the last year. She said as long as you aren't having a baby at the moment the period flow is purely cosmetic, however the pill manufacturers found it was too difficult to market the pill that way.

When you are ready for a baby just go off for a month to get back in the flow.

some more info -

something they didn't have back then -

Best wishes!
Sorry to hear about that. My ex had the same problem. Here is something we found out that the male doctors didn't tell us.

You don't have to have the period at the end of a cycle of birth control pills. You just skip the last week and go straight to the next first week of pills. You have little or no period which means little or no endometriosis spread that month.

The female gynecologist who clued us in had one light period in the last year. She said as long as you aren't having a baby at the moment the period flow is purely cosmetic, however the pill manufacturers found it was too difficult to market the pill that way.

When you are ready for a baby just go off for a month to get back in the flow.

some more info -

something they didn't have back then -

Best wishes!

Thank you. I already take birth control to keep it from bleeding and thus spreading itself. I just skip the 4 days of iron pills and go straight to the next pack. It's not so great for maintaining hormonal levels, but it works.